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  1. #151
    (◣_◢) CoLa Loneshot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by sundizz
    So let's get this straight...where is tipping accepted and at what rates?

    Bar ~ $1 dollar on a $4-8 dollar drink
    Restaurant ~ 15-20%
    Delivery Drivers ~ Round up method, i.e 18.25 would be a $20

    I can honestly say, having done all three jobs, that they don't deserve a tip anymore than the person working at the local CVS or Walgreens or Walmart.

    Now, those are shitty jobs for little pay. You have to stand all day, you move boxes, you gotta check out person after ungrateful person, you gotta help people make decisions about products you know or don't care about, and you have to deal with RETURNS.

    When I worked as a bartender/catering company I got paid $15 an hour (3 hour events) to pour wine and a choice of 5 easy as hell to make beverages. The actual bartending part lasted maybe 1.5 hours. Got tipped about $1 from everyone, made $50-150 in tips usually. Equated usually to $145 for 4 hours for doing such easy work.

    To do this day, I don't think I deserved any sort of tip for doing that. It's a good gig and I should be doing it with a smile on my face. On the other hand, when I worked at Longs Drugs I walked old ladies bags to their car maybe 500 times, and at most got offered something (gum, or $1) a few times. And I lived in Silicon Valley so it's not like people didn't have money.

    Edit: If you work at clothing store, offer opinions etc I understand you get rewarded with sales commission sometimes. In the same respect, unless you work at a fancy restaurant and are some guru of grub offering recommendations you shouldn't be getting a tip. The chick that works at Denny's that says whatchya want? Stack of pancakes, aight. That's not tip worthy to me. Doesn't mean she works any less hard, just that she is lower on the totem pole. If she wants to stack bread, she should get a different job at a real restaurant. If she can't move up..i sympathize but i don't want to pay 50% taxes, and i don't want to have to tip to subsidize other people's lives.
    All valid points. People who've worked in retail know the hell it can be to work in retail, yet no one complaining about those people not getting tips. And please no one bring in the under minimum wage excuse, not for places like California.

    I'm confident the time will come when tipping is less frequent. The white population is on the decline, and with their decline also goes their customs. This place is about to become the United Asians of Mexico

  2. #152
    NBA Legend RoseCity07's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by ALBballer
    Thats horshit. Many of these waiters get paid under the table and at any decent place they are making over triple the minimum wage. I made more as a waiter then i do in my current job at an hourly rate.
    This is a logical fallacy. Many waiters? So not all. I'd say most don't get paid triple minimum wage. So your point is completely invalid.

  3. #153
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    I love when the jealous bitter angle is used.

    "This job doesn't get tips, so why should this one?"


    You fools wouldn't want to tip those people either, so don't front like you care about them.

  4. #154
    (◣_◢) CoLa Loneshot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Macho Man
    It's just the way it is, waiters get tipped, retail people don't. Who cares.
    Apparently you and a lot of people.

    Like i said, every tipping topic leads to the pro-tipping people not having anything logical to say and resort silly statements about how waiters deserve tips above other service workers or threats of what happens if you don't tip. Its this sentiment that will ultimately hurt service workers in the long run that are used to getting tips.

  5. #155
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    If tipping was eliminated then prices will go up. FACT! The market would eventually even itself out to where you would be spending about the same amount of money as you were when tipping. Now your forced to pay regardless of the kind of service you get, with no option to not tip. It's pretty freaking simple.

  6. #156
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Retailers do get screwed. At least at some of those places they make up for it in bonuses, but at the end of the day they are just another group who corporate America screws over daily. I feel for them, but that doesn't mean we should strip servers of what little cushiness they have with their job.

  7. #157
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by Norcaliblunt
    If tipping was eliminated then prices will go up. FACT! The market would eventually even itself out to where you would be spending about the same amount of money as you were when tipping. Now your forced to pay regardless of the kind of service you get, with no option to not tip. It's pretty freaking simple.
    Explain your "Fact" with the bartending industry where they are already having 1000% markup on a drink.

  8. #158
    Local High School Star PHX_Phan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by ALBballer
    Thats horshit. Many of these waiters get paid under the table and at any decent place they are making over triple the minimum wage. I made more as a waiter then i do in my current job at an hourly rate.
    Same here, I made pretty good money delivering pizzas and serving. I was paid over minimum wage doing both and was able to get by on all tip money and put all my checks into savings. The jobs are not that bad, shifts are short and you can easily clear two to three times your wage. I could average $25-30 an hour on a typical night when I worked for pizza joints. That's a lot to drive around in your car and listen to music for 90% of your shift.

  9. #159
    Decent college freshman InfiniteBaskets's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    I have no problem tipping, and ever since I've started working full-time after college I've tried to tip 20% unless the service was bad. I like the idea of tipping for service, but I've never worked as a waiter so I'm not sure how tips are usually split between the chefs / waiters / person at the front. But I do know that I take into consideration all of these things when I think about how much to tip.

    The 20% tip thing does get a little skewed when you start going to higher end restaurants and an entree comes out to be $50 compared to like $12 or something at applebees. I'm sure it's harder to be a waiter or cook at a steak house, but is it 3 times as hard?

  10. #160
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by BMOGEFan
    Explain your "Fact" with the bartending industry where they are already having 1000% markup on a drink.

    They would mark it up even more to pay the person serving it a livable wage.

  11. #161
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by Norcaliblunt
    They would mark it up even more to pay the person serving it a livable wage.
    You do know bartenders usually show off claiming they pull in over $1000 on a good night.

    Thats more than what a normal person makes in a week.

  12. #162
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by BMOGEFan
    You do know bartenders usually show off claiming they pull in over $1000 on a good night.

    Thats more than what a normal person makes in a week.

    So go become a bartender. No one is stopping you. A basketball player makes millions for playing a children's game. Life ain't fair.

  13. #163
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by Norcaliblunt
    So go become a bartender. No one is stopping you. A basketball player makes millions for playing a children's game. Life ain't fair.
    You're i'm not going to tip them. Life isn't fair...tough.

  14. #164
    An uglier Lamar Doom boozehound's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by red1
    btw tips are often split between staff so the cook might be getting some of your tip too
    rarely. Generally the tips are split to busboys, bartenders, and other front of house staff. It is not very common for the cook or dishwasher to get a cut.

  15. #165
    College superstar
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    Default Re: Tipping at restaurants?

    Quote Originally Posted by BMOGEFan
    You're i'm not going to tip them. Life isn't fair...tough.

    YAY! We've made progress. That's the beauty of the system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You don't want to tip? Don't!

    Just remember the day everyone starts doing that is the day prices go up though.

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