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  1. #46
    Good High School Starter Mach_3's Avatar
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Honestly i generally troll a little in real life because most people don't watch basketball or have the knowledge that most on here have. and besides it's way funnier to hear ppl's reactions and how heated ppl get trying to protect their favorite players

  2. #47
    Samurai Swoosh
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by Breezy
    I'm surrounded by Mexicans at work and on the street who's patent reaction to end any and all detailed basketball discussion is to say "KOBE!" Or.... "81 points, that's all I got to say"
    You just described the VAST majority of "Laker Fans" ... stick to soccer fellas, oh and cutting lawns.

  3. #48
    College star
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by Money 23
    You just described the VAST majority of "Laker Fans" ... stick to soccer fellas, oh and cutting lawns.
    There are also too many Asian "Laker Fans".
    It's bizarre. Kobe ended Yao Ming's career and flagrant fouled minorities including latino players like Manu (the true 2nd GOAT SG). Yet Asians and Mexicans root for this bastard and the shit team.
    They should be ashamed of themselves.

  4. #49
    Decent college freshman Calabis's Avatar
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by 9erempiree
    I'm more "politically correct" in public.

    I was telling someone at the bar how Kobe is better than MJ and he went on this incoherent rambling about how MJ has 6 rings and the most popular athlete in the world. I just basically agreed with his so he can stfu!

    It's like how you explain one player is better than the other and "Mr. Politically Correct" brings up MJ as the greatest player ever. I think they do it, so they avoid fights. It's like the common thing to say about MJ even though you don't agree with it.
    Or it could be that he doesn't spend his entire life at a alter, worshiping his favorite player, like you and the other Kobe zealots. Most people with general knowledge of the game and seen both guys play usually say MJ. Its amazing how young guys like you, who only have watched highlight reels or you tube videos come the the conclusion that Kobe is better, yet the guys who have seen both guys 99% of the time say Jordan.

    I'm going to laugh my ass off 10 to 15 years from now when people are saying Abdul Zahir from IRAQ, is the best player ever and you and the Kobeville Council are trying to explain Kobe's prime

  5. #50
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by Calabis
    Or it could be that he doesn't spend his entire life at a alter, worshiping his favorite player, like you and the other Kobe zealots. Most people with general knowledge of the game and seen both guys play usually say MJ. Its amazing how young guys like you, who only have watched highlight reels or you tube videos come the the conclusion that Kobe is better, yet the guys who have seen both guys 99% of the time say Jordan.

    I'm going to laugh my ass off 10 to 15 years from now when people are saying Abdul Zahir from IRAQ, is the best player ever and you and the Kobeville Council are trying to explain Kobe's prime
    They are only saying MJ is better to be "politically correct" to avoid confrontations that come with following sports. These are society's sheep. They don't want to form their own opinion nor do they even go out of their way to put a little research.

  6. #51
    Decent college freshman Calabis's Avatar
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by 9erempiree
    They are only saying MJ is better to be "politically correct" to avoid confrontations that come with following sports. These are society's sheep. They don't want to form their own opinion nor do they even go out of their way to put a little research.
    LMAO!! No they are no saying it because its not that hard to see. I have seen both play and Kobe is in no shape or form better than Jordan(its not this huge gap like some morons make it seem, but Jordan was just better). My old ass dad states Wilt is the best he has seen, thinks Jordan was close, but not as dominant(If you want to bring up Wilt, Kareem, Russell, fine). Also, I guess most guys that have played at that level and played with/against both guys who constantly say MJ are also being politically correct? No its just since they are not saying your hero, you guys come up with another excuse.

  7. #52
    Decent college freshman Calabis's Avatar
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Also the biggest difference for me is that I'm not surrounded by Kobe alter boyz, so I actually enjoy watching him play. Hopefully I still make my trip on the 18th to watch him live, since he won't be around much longer.

  8. #53
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by Calabis
    LMAO!! No they are no saying it because its not that hard to see. I have seen both play and Kobe is in no shape or form better than Jordan(its not this huge gap like some morons make it seem, but Jordan was just better). My old ass dad states Wilt is the best he has seen, thinks Jordan was close, but not as dominant(If you want to bring up Wilt, Kareem, Russell, fine). Also, I guess most guys that have played at that level and played with/against both guys who constantly say MJ are also being politically correct? No its just since they are not saying your hero, you guys come up with another excuse.
    Yes, they are being politically correct. Someone like Wilt who was very dominant during his time is not considered the GOAT but people have no problem saying MJ is.

    Like I said, it's an easy way to avoid arguments. The old cliche, MJ is the greatest and there is no debate.

  9. #54
    Bringer of Rain AlphaWolf24's Avatar
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by Calabis
    Also the biggest difference for me is that I'm not surrounded by Kobe alter boyz, so I actually enjoy watching him play. Hopefully I still make my trip on the 18th to watch him live, since he won't be around much longer.

    - why U gotta say that??....

    - FU man!....FU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS: March 18h??...vs PHX....

    That will be the 10 year anniversary of the "changing of the guard game"...otherwise known as the "Kobe shits so bad on MJ he made MJ cry"....aka" Kobe scores 42 points in 1 half"

    you lucky b@stard!

  10. #55
    Decent college freshman Calabis's Avatar
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by 9erempiree
    Yes, they are being politically correct. Someone like Wilt who was very dominant during his time is not considered the GOAT but people have no problem saying MJ is.

    Like I said, it's an easy way to avoid arguments. The old cliche, MJ is the greatest and there is no debate.
    Uhh where have you been? I have heard plenty of people say Wilt is the best they have seen, problem is that your whole debate realm is many old ass dudes do you actually think post on here that witnessed Wilt play? I'll say 1 if that. Try finding some old dude that seems to be an fan of the game and ask him who he best he has seen. Oscar Robertson/Wilt Chamberlin/Baylor is usually what I have heard. Some think they were every bit as good as MJ, some think they where better....Jordan himself doesn't consider himself GOAT because he didn't get to play against those past greats.

    And its funny, because when people do post a thread pro Wilt, the Kobe gang, retorts that Wilt couldn't play into today's NBA, because all he played against was short white guys....todays NBA is weak with bigs, yet the most freakish and one of the biggest/strongest to ever play, would struggle yeah ok...just like MJ, one of the strongest most athletic freaks of nature at the 2 guard position ever to play, would be lucky to start against the likes of todays great wing players..yeah ok

  11. #56
    Samurai Swoosh
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Look, Kobe is close to MJ. He at times presents the image of being the same caliber of player. But he's ultimately NOT as good. Anyone who has watched both play can see that clear as day. In fact, I've never heard anyone OFF ISH flat out make even a case that Kobe is better.

    Just LA native mexican, asians, canadian, psycho Laker / Kobe stans. That little run he had at his peak, when defense was at their weakest in '06 and '07 and league rules were soft as hell put a spell on some people, as well as some very high scoring games against meager opponents. Myself included for a VERY brief period of time. Was this guy as great as Mike? Ultimately he proved over the next several years he wasn't.

    And even at Kobe's absolute peak, he still wasn't as great as Jordan. Anyone arguing otherwise is blinded by the very comparable SKILLS they both share, many of which Kobe directly copied Jordan's move arsenal, specifically in the post with footwork, the jumper, the fadeaway, etc.

    Kobe at times over the course of his career has tried to compare himself to the Jordan standard. Trying to APPEAR to play full bore defense the way MJ did at all times. But really, he's a show pony in that regards. Yes, there is times he will be a lock down defender, but he usually conserves his energy on that end in order to appear like a dominant offensive weapon akin to Jordan. And when he does dominant offensively, it seems he has to do it in a different manner than MJ. Jordan could be DESTRUCTIVE with his offense within a team setting. Kobe has to go off on what seem like solo endeavors ignoring all teammates, and alienating himself just to get his. MJ did his damage a lot more within the natural flow of the game. Thus making him BETTER.

    I mean for mexican Kobe kids who use the 81 point game to prop up Kobe's career (his most enduring memory being a regular season game v.s. a lowly Raptor team) ... do you honestly believe that MJ at his absolute peak (1990, 1991, or 1992) going out every night on a team not competing for a championship, and asked to just score (sacrificing energy on defense) wouldn't have been able to put up some down right FRIGHTENING numbers?

    Not a lot of players can score 50+, 60+, or even 70 / 80+ ... but a lot of the games ELITE all-time could given the right circumstance. See David Thompson, George Gervin, David Robinson.

    81 points ... It's not as impressive as I was lead to believe at first. To me a more impressive player is someone who dominates the best competition, when pressure is at it's highest. Usually that's the playoffs. When everyone is trying their absolute hardest. Otherwise, you become a glorified blow fish. Making yourself seem bigger and badder against inferior competition.

    Yes, Kobe kids, their games resemble one another. Only difference is Kobe favors low percentage hero shots (3 balls) that create higher VOLUME scoring. MJ was a man of equal skill, greater athleticism, greater competitive tenacity, better bball IQ, and favored highlight reel and electric fearless drives to the basket over shots that bail out a defense like 3 pointers.

    Kobe's close, but he simply is NOT Jordan. MJ dominated his peers at a higher level than Kobe has done to his contemporaries.

  12. #57
    Decent college freshman Calabis's Avatar
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaWolf24
    - why U gotta say that??....

    - FU man!....FU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS: March 18h??...vs PHX....

    That will be the 10 year anniversary of the "changing of the guard game"...otherwise known as the "Kobe shits so bad on MJ he made MJ cry"....aka" Kobe scores 42 points in 1 half"

    you lucky b@stard!
    My boy has season tickets, I missed last years games...I usually get in one Lakers game and the Bulls of course

  13. #58
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by Money 23
    Look, Kobe is close to MJ. He at times presents the image of being the same caliber of player. But he's ultimately NOT as good. Anyone who has watched both play can see that clear as day. In fact, I've never heard anyone OFF ISH flat out make even a case that Kobe is better.

    Just LA native mexican, asians, canadian, psycho Laker / Kobe stans. That little run he had at his peak, when defense was at their weakest in '06 and '07 and league rules were soft as hell put a spell on some people, as well as some very high scoring games against meager opponents. Myself included for a VERY brief period of time. Was this guy as great as Mike? Ultimately he proved over the next several years he wasn't.

    And even at Kobe's absolute peak, he still wasn't as great as Jordan. Anyone arguing otherwise is blinded by the very comparable SKILLS they both share, many of which Kobe directly copied Jordan's move arsenal, specifically in the post with footwork, the jumper, the fadeaway, etc.

    Kobe at times over the course of his career has tried to compare himself to the Jordan standard. Trying to APPEAR to play full bore defense the way MJ did at all times. But really, he's a show pony in that regards. Yes, there is times he will be a lock down defender, but he usually conserves his energy on that end in order to appear like a dominant offensive weapon akin to Jordan. And when he does dominant offensively, it seems he has to do it in a different manner than MJ. Jordan could be DESTRUCTIVE with his offense within a team setting. Kobe has to go off on what seem like solo endeavors ignoring all teammates, and alienating himself just to get his. MJ did his damage a lot more within the natural flow of the game. Thus making him BETTER.

    I mean for mexican Kobe kids who use the 81 point game to prop up Kobe's career (his most enduring memory being a regular season game v.s. a lowly Raptor team) ... do you honestly believe that MJ at his absolute peak (1990, 1991, or 1992) going out every night on a team not competing for a championship, and asked to just score (sacrificing energy on defense) wouldn't have been able to put up some down right FRIGHTENING numbers?

    Not a lot of players can score 50+, 60+, or even 70 / 80+ ... but a lot of the games ELITE all-time could given the right circumstance. See David Thompson, George Gervin, David Robinson.

    81 points ... It's not as impressive as I was lead to believe at first. To me a more impressive player is someone who dominates the best competition, when pressure is at it's highest. Usually that's the playoffs. When everyone is trying their absolute hardest. Otherwise, you become a glorified blow fish. Making yourself seem bigger and badder against inferior competition.

    Yes, Kobe kids, their games resemble one another. Only difference is Kobe favors low percentage hero shots (3 balls) that create higher VOLUME scoring. MJ was a man of equal skill, greater athleticism, greater competitive tenacity, better bball IQ, and favored highlight reel and electric fearless drives to the basket over shots that bail out a defense like 3 pointers.

    Kobe's close, but he simply is NOT Jordan. MJ dominated his peers at a higher level than Kobe has done to his contemporaries.
    all opinions and I have heard this before amongst the drunks at the bar.

    To counter these drunks, I use statistics and the eye test. I would have basketball reference on my phone and point out the MJ's era was more running and gunning and no defense was played.

    If you made one great defensive play in a game, you were considered a lockdown defender for the next 2 games.

    With that said, imagine if Player A played in an era when running and gunning was he norm.

  14. #59
    Decent college freshman Calabis's Avatar
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by Money 23
    Look, Kobe is close to MJ. He at times presents the image of being the same caliber of player. But he's ultimately NOT as good. Anyone who has watched both play can see that clear as day. In fact, I've never heard anyone OFF ISH flat out make even a case that Kobe is better.

    Just LA native mexican, asians, canadian, psycho Laker / Kobe stans. That little run he had at his peak, when defense was at their weakest in '06 and '07 and league rules were soft as hell put a spell on some people, as well as some very high scoring games against meager opponents. Myself included for a VERY brief period of time. Was this guy as great as Mike? Ultimately he proved over the next several years he wasn't.

    And even at Kobe's absolute peak, he still wasn't as great as Jordan. Anyone arguing otherwise is blinded by the very comparable SKILLS they both share, many of which Kobe directly copied Jordan's move arsenal, specifically in the post with footwork, the jumper, the fadeaway, etc.

    Kobe at times over the course of his career has tried to compare himself to the Jordan standard. Trying to APPEAR to play full bore defense the way MJ did at all times. But really, he's a show pony in that regards. Yes, there is times he will be a lock down defender, but he usually conserves his energy on that end in order to appear like a dominant offensive weapon akin to Jordan. And when he does dominant offensively, it seems he has to do it in a different manner than MJ. Jordan could be DESTRUCTIVE with his offense within a team setting. Kobe has to go off on what seem like solo endeavors ignoring all teammates, and alienating himself just to get his. MJ did his damage a lot more within the natural flow of the game. Thus making him BETTER.

    I mean for mexican Kobe kids who use the 81 point game to prop up Kobe's career (his most enduring memory being a regular season game v.s. a lowly Raptor team) ... do you honestly believe that MJ at his absolute peak (1990, 1991, or 1992) going out every night on a team not competing for a championship, and asked to just score (sacrificing energy on defense) wouldn't have been able to put up some down right FRIGHTENING numbers?

    Not a lot of players can score 50+, 60+, or even 70 / 80+ ... but a lot of the games ELITE all-time could given the right circumstance. See David Thompson, George Gervin, David Robinson.

    81 points ... It's not as impressive as I was lead to believe at first. To me a more impressive player is someone who dominates the best competition, when pressure is at it's highest. Usually that's the playoffs. When everyone is trying their absolute hardest. Otherwise, you become a glorified blow fish. Making yourself seem bigger and badder against inferior competition.

    Yes, Kobe kids, their games resemble one another. Only difference is Kobe favors low percentage hero shots (3 balls) that create higher VOLUME scoring. MJ was a man of equal skill, greater athleticism, greater competitive tenacity, better bball IQ, and favored highlight reel and electric fearless drives to the basket over shots that bail out a defense like 3 pointers.

    Kobe's close, but he simply is NOT Jordan. MJ dominated his peers at a higher level than Kobe has done to his contemporaries.
    this may be the best comparison post I have seen

  15. #60
    Local High School Star wakencdukest's Avatar
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    Default Re: does how you talk about bball on this forum reflect how u discuss ball in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigHomo
    There are also too many Asian "Laker Fans".
    It's bizarre. Kobe ended Yao Ming's career and flagrant fouled minorities including latino players like Manu (the true 2nd GOAT SG). Yet Asians and Mexicans root for this bastard and the shit team.
    They should be ashamed of themselves.

    Hey genius, the reason they have so many Asian and Mexican fans is because LA has the biggest Mexican and probably the biggest Asian population in the country. Do you ever say anything remotely smart or interesting? By the way, who do you root for? Because I've never seen you post anything except anti-Laker bullshit. What happened to you? When did you become so obsessed with hating the Lakers? Did Kobe rape you when you were young or something?

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