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  1. #61
    "The One" Budadiiii's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzuki
    lol who said you were? granted i did have a budaas account back in the day...think that was my original ezboard acct.
    These two clowns GreatGreg and Millwad

  2. #62
    Retired Bloggissist 2LeTTeRS's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by Real Men Wear Green
    There are a lot of lawyers that would have told him to come clean. The issues with Armstrong aren't just about him being a cheater (and the fact that one of his main defenses is that everyone else did it shows how indefensible he truly is). It's also about the massive amount of covering up he's done, lying to protect one lie after another. This could be the biggest web of deceit sports has ever seen. No lawyer worth his degree would have told Armstrong to lie under oath. Depending on what he says in this interview he's looking at an avalanche of lawsuits. I'm not sure where all of this will lead, we've got over a decade of falsehood to wade through but this could even lead to criminal court for all we know. Perjury is a serious thing and we are just seeing the beginning of what he may be about to get hit with.
    So now we're going to use revisionist history and pretend the lawyers 5-10 years ago knew what we all know now?

    A good lawyer would not knowingly allow a person to lie on stand, but it's the lawyers job to give his client the representation he would give to himself if he had the education, not to verify the statements that his client is saying is true. Since the facts suggest that Armstrong never revealed to this lawyer the fact that he used PEDs his lawyer did nothing wrong.
    Last edited by 2LeTTeRS; 01-16-2013 at 02:59 PM.

  3. #63
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by Budadiiii
    These two clowns GreatGreg and Millwad
    oh lol they hate me so i'm not surprised they're all paranoid and pressed

  4. #64
    Please clap. Real Men Wear Green's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by 2LeTTeRS
    So now we're going to use revisionist history and pretend the lawyers 5-10 years ago knew what we all know now?

    A good lawyer would not knowingly allow a person to lie on stand, but its not the lawyers job to give his client the representation he would give to himself if he had the education, not to verify the statements that his client is saying is true. Since the facts suggest that Armstrong never revealed to this lawyer the fact that he used PEDs his lawyer did nothing wrong.
    A good lawyer also gets accurate info from his client so he can give the best advice possible. If Armstrong decides to lie to his lawyer as well then there's nothing anyone can do so this convo is pointless but if the lawyer knows how dirty Armstrong is he isn't letting him lie on the stand. That's not me revising history that's reality...something Armstrong and his defenders have been avoiding for a long time now.

  5. #65
    There will be plaster kNIOKAS's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by daily

    Why because I'm not going to wrap myself in the cape of faux moral outrage over an athlete caught doping then lying to cover it up in a sport that since 1995 36 of the 45 podium finishers in the tour de france have been caught doping? Since 1996 there's been close to 300 riders in the tour alone that have been caught with some form of illegal performance enhancement, that's just one event and those are only the ones they caught how many like Armstrong slipped through the cracks yet you think I'm not credible because I'm not getting worked up over one rider? piss on that shit.

    Grow up, Armstrong got caught cheating in a sport that's rampant with cheaters. get mad about the sport itself and it's culture of corruption from the top down.

    Did he throw people under the bus, you bet and who cares really. The people he screwed over were for the most part every bit as guilty as him, most having already been caught and were just whistle blowing to save their own careers.

    Sorry if my cynical outlook bothers you but like I said, I refuse to pretend Armstrong performed some evil deed in a pristine environment, He was a snake in a pit full of snakes.
    That's actually a great point.

    I can play along your lines and put it this way: he's the kig pin in that ball of snakes, the most corrupted and the most vile, and he must the chairman representing what is wrong with the sport.

    Do we, as society, applaud the most cunning criminal who survived because of such traits? Thinking: well, he's best at something, right?

    Now, actually pop culture loves the villains, you have nassy titling himself after Pablo Escobar (who shot down the civilian plane), you have multiple people admiring the character of Al Capone, the Godfather series is the cultural phenomenon in US and so on. Yet, you have to admit those guys were scum of the earth and just didn't have the compassion that stops a decent human being from killing and torturing others.

  6. #66
    cereal killah daily's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzuki
    but has every rider tested positive? you all can't use that defense for Armstrong, and then once he is definitively guilty jump to "well the whole sport is full of cheaters".

    you see how hypocritical that is, right?
    You're asking me to speak for other people, but I will defend a persons right to change their mind as new evidence come forward.

    From day 1 on Armstrong alone my stance was, he's innocent until proven guilty and if he is found guilty oh well, it's not like a surprise or anything when you consider the sport he competes in is known as a sport rampant with cheating among the athletes and corruption among the organizers. the numbers of people involved with doping in cycling is staggering.

    Think of the fact you have since 1996 alone nearly 300 riders have been caught doping. Then think of the number of team managers, support persons, doctors, sponsors, family members had to know about it. You're into 1000's of people from one event alone involved in the worst kept secret in sports.

    That's why I refuse to act like I'm shocked by Armstrong's revelations.

    On the flip side I have to applaud the man who used his notoriety no matter how gained to build a foundation that's raised close to half a billion dollars for cancer research and support of those fighting the horrible disease because it's a topic much closer to home in reality.

    When you think about it in the grand scheme of things. You, I or anyone here posting on ISH has a better chance of having our lives effected by Lance Armstrong through the Live Strong foundation than we do through his participating in cycle racing.

  7. #67
    cereal killah daily's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by kNIOKAS
    That's actually a great point.

    I can play along your lines and put it this way: he's the king pin in that ball of snakes, the most corrupted and the most vile, and he must the chairman representing what is wrong with the sport.
    You could say he's the perfect storm of cheating.

    Smart, clearly very business savvy, obviously athletically fit enough to maximize the effects of doping and a born leader.

  8. #68
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    Anyway, I'm just glad he had the ball to finally confess.

    Jeez you guys are humorless.

  9. #69
    Retired Bloggissist 2LeTTeRS's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by Real Men Wear Green
    A good lawyer also gets accurate info from his client so he can give the best advice possible. If Armstrong decides to lie to his lawyer as well then there's nothing anyone can do so this convo is pointless but if the lawyer knows how dirty Armstrong is he isn't letting him lie on the stand. That's not me revising history that's reality...something Armstrong and his defenders have been avoiding for a long time now.
    The lawyer's job is to provide legal representation in exchange for money, period. He's not going to waste time trying to have a come to Jesus meeting with Armstrong to get him to confess something that makes his case worse and lessens the amount of money that will be lining the attorney's pocket.

    As a law school grad I can tell you students are taught to not ask certain questions, because knowing certain damming facts can alter the type of case you can present. Not trying to be a d[COLOR="Black"]ic[/COLOR]k but you are off here.

  10. #70
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul

    Jeez you guys are humorless.
    No. We just appreciate originality.

  11. #71
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by Balla_Status
    No. We just appreciate originality.

  12. #72
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul know I'm just giving you s[COLOR="Black"]h[/COLOR]it right?

  13. #73
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by Balla_Status know I'm just giving you s[COLOR=black]h[/COLOR]it right?

    If I had thin skin I would've retired years ago.

  14. #74
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    I knew people would try and find a way to excuse Armstrong for all his lies and deception... I knew it..

    I saw it coming back when the his buddy (Dont know his name because I dont follow any of these cycling clowns) got busted for doping and mentioned Armstrong's name.

    Armstrong has a hissy and everyone came done on the guy for for dropping dime on armstrong...

    I said this muthf*cker is guilty as sh*t....

    All that self righteous denial? and now it turns out that he was lying the whole time and half the people are trying to find ways to rationalize it.

    man, this guy should be thrown waaay under the bus for this stunt..

  15. #75
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN Spin On Lance Armstrong Cheating - "He's like Robin Hood".

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    If I had thin skin I would've retired years ago.
    Cool. This one and the battleship post were just too easy.

    As I said in the other Lance thread, he inspired me in my triathlon training. It sucks knowing he went out like this. I'm not knowledgeable in the "life killing" aspect of his life so I can't comment on that but he does deserve to get sued back by the people he did sue in court.

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