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  1. #61
    cereal killah daily's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackass18
    What do you need an assault rifle for?
    Because he's a horrible shot. Can't hit the broadside of a barn so he needs 30 rounds to do what any competent gunman can do with 3 or 4

  2. #62
    Retired Bloggissist 2LeTTeRS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by bmulls
    What? You didn't address my point and you didn't make any point yourself.

    We don't outlaw things in this country simply because you don't think other people "need" them.

    For example:

    I don't think you need alcohol. It serves no purpose other than intoxication. You personally may not drive drunk, but some people do and they end up killing thousands of innocent people every year. Therefore I think alcohol should be banned for everybody, including responsible users.

    ^^ that is your logic.
    Maybe you don't know how the law works in this country, but we do in fact outlaw things in this country all the time because we think other people "don't need them" -- especially when a large enough portion of the population sees 1) no beneficial usage for the item in question and 2) the item can be used to cause a great deal of damage.

    That's the reason why we have outlawed drugs, certain types of weapons (i.e. sawed off shotguns), explosive equipment, etc. Why should assault weapons be any different?

  3. #63
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Assault weapon ban being included is a political move. Dems and Repubs will argue about it for a while, it eventually gets dropped, Repubs get to feel like they got a W by getting rid of the ban in the legislation, and eventually the bill is passed with the more important/effective policies in tact.

  4. #64
    Good college starter Charlie Sheen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by bmulls

    For example:

    I don't think you need alcohol. It serves no purpose other than intoxication. You personally may not drive drunk, but some people do and they end up killing thousands of innocent people every year. Therefore I think alcohol should be banned for everybody, including responsible users.
    And, guess what. In areas of public safety like sports event the amount of alcohol i can buy and when i can buy it is controlled. cant buy 3 bottles of beer in one trip or after the 7th inning. who gives a shit that majority of the other 20 thousand people there arent enjoying my profanity. im over 21 and theres a goddamned constitutional amendment repealing prohibition.

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Sheen
    And, guess what. In areas of public safety like sports event the amount of alcohol i can buy and when i can buy it is controlled. cant buy 3 bottles of beer in one trip or after the 7th inning. who gives a shit that majority of the other 20 thousand people there arent enjoying my profanity. im over 21 and theres a goddamned constitutional amendment repealing prohibition.
    I have never said I'm against regulations, I am arguing against an assault weapons ban and a ban on magazine size.

  6. #66
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by bmulls
    I have never said I'm against regulations, I am arguing against an assault weapons ban and a ban on magazine size.
    Would you be cool with 100+ ammunition clips? I do have an opinion on this, but I'm not asking to argue, just curious.

  7. #67
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by 2LeTTeRS
    Maybe you don't know how the law works in this country, but we do in fact outlaw things in this country all the time because we think other people "don't need them" -- especially when a large enough portion of the population sees 1) no beneficial usage for the item in question and 2) the item can be used to cause a great deal of damage.

    That's the reason why we have outlawed drugs, certain types of weapons (i.e. sawed off shotguns), explosive equipment, etc. Why should assault weapons be any different?
    Because there is no such thing as an "assault weapon". It's a bullshit term that was made up in recent years to describe black plastic weapons.

    Tell me what this ranch rifle does differently than the assault weapon in these pictures:

    I'll go ahead and tell you the answer: Nothing. They are literally the same gun, a Mini14, a gun introduced in the 60s which has been used as a ranch rifle for over 50 years. The 2nd pic is just a dressed up version. They shoot the same bullet, have the same action, everything is identical except for aesthetics. The difference is the first would be legal under the proposed AWB, the 2nd would be illegal.

  8. #68
    7-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by bmulls
    Because there is no such thing as an "assault weapon". It's a bullshit term that was made up in recent years to describe black plastic weapons.

    Keep crying. Support for more gun control/licensing/background checks is at 60% of the population and growing.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth
    Would you be cool with 100+ ammunition clips? I do have an opinion on this, but I'm not asking to argue, just curious.
    I would oppose a ban on them on principle. I don't believe in setting an arbitrary number. First you ban 100 round drums, next people want to ban 50, next they want to ban 30 etc.

    You don't need to worry about those anyway, they are notoriously faulty, to the point where they are a novelty item. They are more likely to jam than to chamber the entire magazine successfully. They are all made by knock off companies because respectable manufacturers know they are a joke. The Aurora shooter had one and his jammed after firing less than 30 rounds.

  10. #70
    NBA Superstar 97 bulls's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by bmulls
    Because there is no such thing as an "assault weapon". It's a bullshit term that was made up in recent years to describe black plastic weapons.

    Tell me what this ranch rifle does differently than the assault weapon in these pictures:

    I'll go ahead and tell you the answer: Nothing. They are literally the same gun, a Mini14, a gun introduced in the 60s which has been used as a ranch rifle for over 50 years. The 2nd pic is just a dressed up version. They shoot the same bullet, have the same action, everything is identical except for aesthetics. The difference is the first would be legal under the proposed AWB, the 2nd would be illegal.
    The second one is lighter for one. And the pistol grip and handle allow it to be more accurate. The second one is a more effective killing machine.

  11. #71
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by bmulls
    The Aurora shooter had one and his jammed after firing less than 30 rounds.
    How many people did he kill with those 30 rounds? If his magazine only held 10 rounds, how many lives would have been saved?

    I'm just asking questions.

  12. #72
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by Droid101
    How many people did he kill with those 30 rounds? If his magazine only held 10 rounds, how many lives would have been saved?

    I'm just asking questions.
    How many seconds does it take to change a magazine? 1? Maybe 3? The Virginia Tech shooter carried a backpack with filled with 10 and 15 round magazines.

    19 to be exact:

    You limit the magazine size, they will simply carry more.

  13. #73
    Decent college freshman
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by 97 bulls
    The second one is lighter for one. And the pistol grip and handle allow it to be more accurate. The second one is a more effective killing machine.

    Seriously this statement is laughable.

    If a pistol grip improves accuracy, why do snipers use bolt action rifles?

    This is why we can't have a legitimate discussion about these things. You guys literally have no clue what you're talking about. Your knowledge of guns comes from movies and Call of Duty.

  14. #74
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by bmulls
    I would oppose a ban on them on principle. I don't believe in setting an arbitrary number. First you ban 100 round drums, next people want to ban 50, next they want to ban 30 etc.

    You don't need to worry about those anyway, they are notoriously faulty, to the point where they are a novelty item. They are more likely to jam than to chamber the entire magazine successfully. They are all made by knock off companies because respectable manufacturers know they are a joke. The Aurora shooter had one and his jammed after firing less than 30 rounds.
    Ok. So it sounds like you fear the "slippery slope." Correct?

  15. #75
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer tpols's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reality Check on Gun Control

    Quote Originally Posted by bmulls

    Seriously this statement is laughable.

    If a pistol grip improves accuracy, why do snipers use bolt action rifles?

    This is why we can't have a legitimate discussion about these things. You guys literally have no clue what you're talking about. Your knowledge of guns comes from movies and Call of Duty.
    Snipers are stationary often laying down or crouching in a undisclosed, unknown area.

    The recent shooters are in crowded environments carrying the weapon while in motion.

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