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  1. #91
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by andgar923
    What I do find somewhat ironic is how sides have been turned.

    Some of the same people defending Bush and laughing at the theorists, have now switched sides and are attacking Obama, with idiot liberals crying wolf.

    At the end of the day, most people will side with their political identity. They'll believe/disbelief with what their party allegiance lies.
    There's actually no personality type or ideology that explains conspiracy theorists, it's basically a mental trap that is part of the human condition. We can all be paranoid to one degree or another. Also, our brains are literally wired to spot patterns, it's something that has helped us survive. Our brain actually produces dopamine when we spot a pattern....ever wonder why Bejewled or Tetris could occupy people for hours and hours?

  2. #92 andgar923's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    There's actually no personality type or ideology that explains conspiracy theorists, it's basically a mental trap that is part of the human condition. We can all be paranoid to one degree or another. Also, our brains are literally wired to spot patterns, it's something that has helped us survive. Our brain actually produces dopamine when we spot a pattern....ever wonder why Bejewled or Tetris could occupy people for hours and hours?
    Not that I disagree, just stating what I've seen during the years. After 9/11 the theory sites were filled with anti bush people, while those adamantly opposing theorists were almost exclusively GOP supporters. Now that Obama is in office I see almost the opposit. A perfect example is FOX news and their attacks on theorists, now that Obama is in office (actually when he was running) THEY become the theorists.

    I also find the Tea Party as somewhat of an example. Pre-Obama some of the ideals that the tea baggers appear to represent would've been aligned with leftists with conservatives attacking them. Now it's almost the other way around.

    Also find it very telling that Snopes was accused of being pro Bush when he was in office, now conservatives are stating that it has a pro Obama agenda, and that Soros is behind the site, while Liberals defend it.
    Last edited by andgar923; 01-20-2013 at 04:29 PM.

  3. #93
    The Iron Price Jackass18's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by andgar923
    I re- read it and while they make some logical explanations, it doesn't fully debunk the vid. It also doesn't address some key claims made in the vid. It gives half assed excuses for others that are just as much of a reach like the ones theorists make.
    Those videos suck. They try to manipulate you into buying into their bullshit, and it comes off quite hypocritical at times. He wants to call out the media for manipulating people? He's doing the same damn thing. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the people who made the videos made them to troll people.

    For starters, they give a half assed excuse when it comes to the guy that discovered the kids. I accept that people are usually confused and their reports vary a bit. But this guy's story was completely different almost every time he gave an interview. I understand some sort of confusion, but he was so sure of himself and what happened, yet his testimony was very different.
    The funny thing is the guy has been accused of both sides of the coin in that some have said his stories have been suspiciously too consistent while others have said he has been suspiciously inconsistent. To me, it looks like people are really reaching here. People get parts of a story wrong or parts of a story change all the damn time when people are telling them (and that's stories that aren't about rather chaotic events like that one).

    The article didn't cover why the roads to the school blocked all aid, it didn't cover why there was that one picture taken but yet there wasn't ambulances, and other response teams all over, why there's only that one picture with no other footage of any sorts. Not saying that this is the end to the argument and that it proves without a shadow of a doubt that it was all a hoax, but what the article doesn't do is debunk the theorists.
    There are pictures. The video tried to manipulate you to believe otherwise. There's pictures of various ambulances and such. Part of the video they showed was taken out of context (showing footage well after the event took place).

    Again, not to say that THIS event is a hoax. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't, because the Snopes article sure as hell doesn't debunk most of what was presented in the vid. I don't fully believe everything stated in the vid, some of the things can be easily explained once one takes a closer look. But it still raises some legit questions that have yet to be answered with a legit response.
    If you think Snopes half-assed it, then you can scroll down and look through the many sources they give, or you could watch this video:

  4. #94
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackass18
    If you think Snopes half-assed it, then you can scroll down and look through the many sources they give, or you could watch this video:
    Man, I so drunk that night. I don't even remember making that video.

  5. #95 andgar923's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackass18
    Those videos suck. They try to manipulate you into buying into their bullshit, and it comes off quite hypocritical at times. He wants to call out the media for manipulating people? He's doing the same damn thing. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the people who made the videos made them to troll people.

    The funny thing is the guy has been accused of both sides of the coin in that some have said his stories have been suspiciously too consistent while others have said he has been suspiciously inconsistent. To me, it looks like people are really reaching here. People get parts of a story wrong or parts of a story change all the damn time when people are telling them (and that's stories that aren't about rather chaotic events like that one).

    There are pictures. The video tried to manipulate you to believe otherwise. There's pictures of various ambulances and such. Part of the video they showed was taken out of context (showing footage well after the event took place).

    If you think Snopes half-assed it, then you can scroll down and look through the many sources they give, or you could watch this video:
    I actually like that dude, have seen other of his vids. I agree that the hoax author does have an agenda (just like everybody does) and he jumped the gun made a video without doing thorough research in some instances and threw some wild assptions in others.

    But this vid keeps citing a poster on reddit, asking us to believe him instead. While I can certainly see the points made, it still doesn't debunk the hoax video completely. It does cause a shadow of doubt on the hoax vid, but doesn't utterly debunk it.

    This vid (along with the reddit poster he keeps citing) is also making as many assumptions as the hoax video. They both have their own agenda.

    I believe some information on both sides. The debunker asks us to dig deeper and use more logic and don't jump in and fully commit to the hoax vid which I agree 100%.

    But based on government history, I know that they've orchestrated and manipulated events to create a bias. They've been exposed for staging events repeatedly to simply and completely ignore.

    Im sure there's people smarter and with more time on their hands already working on both sides of the hoax coming up with legit counters to everything along with new info. This story isn't 100% dead yet IMO.

  6. #96
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    There's actually no personality type or ideology that explains conspiracy theorists, it's basically a mental trap that is part of the human condition. We can all be paranoid to one degree or another. Also, our brains are literally wired to spot patterns, it's something that has helped us survive. Our brain actually produces dopamine when we spot a pattern....ever wonder why Bejewled or Tetris could occupy people for hours and hours?
    This. I was reading an article the other day about why Tetris is so popular, and apparently it is because you are continually making order out of chaos. It is quite similar to the conspiracy theory process when you think about it.

  7. #97
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    This. I was reading an article the other day about why Tetris is so popular, and apparently it is because you are continually making order out of chaos. It is quite similar to the conspiracy theory process when you think about it.

    you think people want to believe this?

    6:35 - 6:50

    I like this guy.

  8. #98
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    you think people want to believe this?

    6:35 - 6:50

    I like this guy.
    I didn't say they want the stories to be true, the point is they get positive feedback from finding patterns and then arranging those patterns to fit a narrative (good or bad). The problem is that tragedy lends itself to this process.

  9. #99
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    This. I was reading an article the other day about why Tetris is so popular, and apparently it is because you are continually making order out of chaos. It is quite similar to the conspiracy theory process when you think about it.
    Actually... now that I think about it...

    maybe you are the one continually making order out of chaos.

  10. #100
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    Actually... now that I think about it...

    maybe you are the one continually making order out of chaos.
    I'm not sure what you are getting at?

    I couldn't see much about the film on there, but this comment in the forum made me chuckle

    Yes, I have. Bill Cooper was tremendous. I think I've heard this movie might have shapeshifting reptilians in it too. Now that's more like it if so.

  11. #101
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    I'm not sure what you are getting at?

    I couldn't see much about the film on there, but this comment in the forum made me chuckle

    I started reading the forum too...

    All I'm saying is that there is a basic psychology that both you and me agree on... People want to make Order out of Chaos.

    You say this is why the conspiracy theory process takes place,...

    I lean more towards the PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION psychology.

    What are THEY gonna do about it!!!????

  12. #102
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler

    I started reading the forum too...

    All I'm saying is that there is a basic psychology that both you and me agree on... People want to make Order out of Chaos.

    You say this is why the conspiracy theory process takes place,...

    I lean more towards the PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION psychology.

    What are THEY gonna do about it!!!????
    Well I think the difference between general conspiracy theorists and say skeptics or scientists is that conspiracy theories provide you with an instant feedback because they develop within a very short time. The Sandy Hook conspiracy began within a day of it occurring. Your average psychology study takes months or even years between beginning and publishing - then it takes even longer for peer-review to take place (where the study is either replicated or modified). Both are explaining something about the world, but the process is fundamentally different. In science you don't start writing about single data points as they happen because it creates confusion. Data may be measured at too low a resolution and needs refinement, it may be unexplainable until another piece of data is found, or it may even be measured inaccurately. It is and should be a long and careful process.

    If every time a scientist found a piece of data and they made an ominous sounding video about it speculating what it might be, people would have all sorts of crazy beliefs about what is going on in the world because it is incomplete and likely inaccurate work.

  13. #103
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Youv'e missed my whole point on the thread , there is a certain lack of tact and insensitivity that would lead a person to analyze this situation and demand people look at it as a conspiracy. Kids died. Recently. But that's not interesting to OP, what is interesting to OP is that he might be able to convince strangers on a message board something strange happened. Because little kids getting murdered because the world sucks is not interesting or even registers with him as a problem.

    You get off on this conspiracy stuff, i get it. There probably are legitimate strange shit going on in the world. But posting "WHERE ARE THE PICTURES OF THE DEAD KIDS?" is just behavior that strikes me as immature or just loutish and embarrasing.

  14. #104
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    conspiracy theories provide you with an instant feedback because they develop within a very short time.
    Wait a second... This is the first time in history that a conspiracy theory has developed immediately.

    I can't recall a Conspiracy Theory ever developing so quickly.

    You do realize it wasn't until Hunt the Boeing hit the internet that I questioned the official story regarding 9/11... and most people didn't become "truthers" until 2007.
    Uploaded on Dec 12, 2006

    I can remember showing a video similar to this to -primetime- and we both agreed that it was a ridiculous theory...

    Then I watched Loose Change....

    Big mistake....

    I haven't been the same ever since I watched Loose Change.

    Til this day... I still don't understand how anybody can watch that film and be perfectly fine with the official story.

    The same way people do research on the psychology of Conspiracy Theorists... I look into the psychology of why people dispute them immediately.
    Psychologists Explain 9/11 Denial - Part 1 of 2
    The Arrivals part 24 (Freedom Unplugged)

    The arrivals part 24 is very good... Because I made the same mistake the Narrator made.

  15. #105
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by niko
    Youv'e missed my whole point on the thread , there is a certain lack of tact and insensitivity that would lead a person to analyze this situation and demand people look at it as a conspiracy. Kids died. Recently. But that's not interesting to OP, what is interesting to OP is that he might be able to convince strangers on a message board something strange happened. Because little kids getting murdered because the world sucks is not interesting or even registers with him as a problem.

    You get off on this conspiracy stuff, i get it. There probably are legitimate strange shit going on in the world. But posting "WHERE ARE THE PICTURES OF THE DEAD KIDS?" is just behavior that strikes me as immature or just loutish and embarrasing.

    Niko, you've said this several times already...

    I'm gonna ignore you every time you say this.

    It's not because I dislike you, it's because it isn't true.

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