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  1. #31
    Serious playground baller shortsoptional's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Quote Originally Posted by NoGunzJustSkillz
    What's your point? Amnestying Kobe Bryant would do absolutely nothing for the rebuilding process.
    Well, from a black and white stand point, yes. Kobe Bryant not being on the Lakers team does not help them on the court.

    But, if a team is paying an extra 100 million in luxury tax alone, at some point, even the richest owners draw a line.

    In the end, the NBA is a business and money is something that NBA owners care about.

  2. #32
    NBA sixth man of the year Levity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Quote Originally Posted by shortsoptional
    In the end, the NBA is a business and money is something that NBA owners care about.
    Kobe also generates a shit storm of money for LA. That's something im sure is taken into consideration when looking at the $74 million luxury tax. And when i say shit storm, im talking el nino size.

  3. #33
    NBA Superstar Heavincent's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    OP lacks comprehension skills.

    And amnestying Kobe would probably be the dumbest thing ever. Lakers will fade into irrelevancy when Kobe is gone.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Quote Originally Posted by shortsoptional
    Well, from a black and white stand point, yes. Kobe Bryant not being on the Lakers team does not help them on the court.

    But, if a team is paying an extra 100 million in luxury tax alone, at some point, even the richest owners draw a line.

    In the end, the NBA is a business and money is something that NBA owners care about.
    i asked what amnestying Kobe would do for the rebuilding process. no way in hell lakers amnesty kobe just to save some money so you can just keep that thought to yourself.

  5. #35
    Serious playground baller shortsoptional's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Quote Originally Posted by Levity
    Kobe also generates a shit storm of money for LA. That's something im sure is taken into consideration when looking at the $74 million luxury tax. And when i say shit storm, im talking el nino size.
    Well he most certainly does. And again, even Cuban states in this article that it's a hypothetical and that he doesn't think LA would do this, so I don't want to get in to whether or not Kobe would ever be amnestied by LA because we all know he wouldn't. But LA would still bring in more money than most because the Laker brand is stronger than Kobe. It was strong before he got there, and it will be strong after he leaves. Losing 100+ million a year for any franchise however will make you consider a lot of things that might sound crazy.

    So again, Kobe is going nowhere. We all know this. Cuban's overall point was that even teams like LA, NY ect (big markets) will have to consider doing unthinkable things in order to get under or lower the luxury tax because of how severe its penalties are.

  6. #36
    Serious playground baller shortsoptional's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Quote Originally Posted by NoGunzJustSkillz
    i asked what amnestying Kobe would do for the rebuilding process. no way in hell lakers amnesty kobe just to save some money.
    It would allow the owner to spend more money. Amnestying Kobe would give them more financial flexibility to sign free agents and get under the salary cap or trade for other pieces that would still be less than Kobe. Trade away Gasol, amnesty Kobe and resign Howard and then build around him.

    Again, no one thinks that the Lakers are better off without Kobe. This is just more of an example of what teams like LA or other big markets have to ponder because of how severe the luxury tax is. Before, teams like LA and NY (and owners like Cuban) could maneuver around to get players on to the teams via trades while still being over the cap and didn't mind paying the luxury tax. Now, the penalties are so harsh that being under the cap is much easier. It's why teams like the Hawks didn't take on more salary for a Josh Smith trade. They would rather let him walk and use the cap space to sign FA's.
    Last edited by shortsoptional; 02-22-2013 at 09:05 PM.

  7. #37
    cereal killah daily's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Using the amnesty on Kobe does nothing for the Lakers to give them financial flexibility. Even with Kobe's 30 mill off the books they are over the tax line next summer. All it does is save some tax money which is easily covered by Kobe being a Laker.

  8. #38
    Serious playground baller shortsoptional's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Quote Originally Posted by daily
    Using the amnesty on Kobe does nothing for the Lakers to give them financial flexibility. Even with Kobe's 30 mill off the books they are over the tax line next summer. All it does is save some tax money which is easily covered by Kobe being a Laker.
    Well no. Kobe alone wouldn't do it. But you trade away Pau to a team with space (plenty of teams will take Pau for free), amnesty Kobe and resign Howard (20mil a year?)'re looking at 48-50 mil. These are rough numbers, but what is the line next year?...56 mil or something?..

    So you have a core of Nash, Dwight, Metta, Jordan Hill, Steve Blake, Chris Duhon, and room to sign a FAs...

    That's just an example of how they could do something as far as rebuilding around Dwight and being under the cap.

    I think that's a horrible idea. I think you pay Kobe whatever he wants and agree that he brings in tons of money. Just an example of how amnestying Kobe would allow them to get under the cap.

  9. #39
    NBA All-star Derka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Quote Originally Posted by shortsoptional
    That's probably a good thing since he's not the GM.
    And yet amnestying would be something a GM would do. Hence, GM advice is what I referred to it as.

  10. #40
    Expert Analyst imnew09's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    He should amnesty Dirk, and release his freedom!

  11. #41
    cereal killah daily's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Quote Originally Posted by shortsoptional
    So you have a core of Nash, Dwight, Metta, Jordan Hill, Steve Blake, Chris Duhon, and room to sign a FAs...

    I think that's a horrible idea.
    Me too and I imagine the Lakers front office agrees

    Last year there was an article on Kobe's value to the Lakers after the big TV deal was announced, it was estimated at about 50 million per year. It's part of what drove TWC to sign that massive contract with the Lakers.

    Lakers know this, they know who and what moves the needle in LA and as long as he's playing it will be Kobe. He's almost impossible to replace, maybe 2 other players in the league could bring to LA what Kobe does.

  12. #42
    Keep it tight for me The-Legend-24's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Isn't Cuban one of the GMs that cried to David Stern to veto Chris Paul going to the Lakers?

    This fakkit needs to stfu.

  13. #43
    Serious playground baller shortsoptional's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    Quote Originally Posted by Derka
    And yet amnestying would be something a GM would do. Hence, GM advice is what I referred to it as.

    Isn't Cuban one of the GMs that cried to David Stern to veto Chris Paul going to the Lakers?

    This fakkit needs to stfu.
    The post above me is why I thought you might be referring to him as a GM. It's as if no one knows that there is actually a GM named Donnie Nelson. I see it a lot. Sorry for the confusion.
    Last edited by shortsoptional; 02-22-2013 at 09:33 PM.

  14. #44
    Very good NBA starter tmacattack33's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    If Cuban had said this last year i woulda agreed with him. Or two years ago.

    But for some reason Kobe is playing better than the past two years. His value has risen and he looks like he'll be worth his money in terms of on court production.

    And of course, even if he wasn't even playing well, he'd still be worth it to the franchise because he sells out the stadium.

  15. #45
    Retired Bloggissist 2LeTTeRS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mark Cuban suggests that Lakers consider using amnesty on Kobe Bryant

    So do we not weigh reputational prisks at all? Does anyone think Jim Buss wants to be known as the guy who cut Kobe and ended one if the best cars in purple and gold to save a few dollars for the richest team in the league? Plus this is the one thing that could make Dwight less popular to Laker fans, as well as making the value of the team plummet.

    This isn't even worth discussing.

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