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  1. #61
    Welcome to LA S. Nash! rhythmic 's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Quote Originally Posted by bwink23
    Michael Jordan 87, 88 seasons = 43, 40-point games.

    Kobe Bryant 06,07 seasons = 29, 40-point games.

    Where did this 50% crap come from???????? LOL!!

    As you can see, as for as prolific scoring goes over even just a couple of years, Jordan still whips Kobe....
    Uhm you sure he only had 29 40+ point games. I'm calling out your bullshit.

  2. #62
    Great college starter
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.


  3. #63
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    I meant he scored 40+, and 45 is almost 50% of 109.
    If a player scores 50+ they only record it as a 50 Pontiac game? Or as a 40 and 50 point game? Hence, he eclipsed both of them?

  4. #64
    7-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Quote Originally Posted by konex
    Are you serious? Kobe'll be lucky to get to 100 this season

  5. #65
    Welcome to LA S. Nash! rhythmic 's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Quote Originally Posted by bwink23
    You have basketball ??? LOOK IT UP. I didn't include the 50-point games, just the 40' someone stated before, if you include 50-points or more with that, Jordan = 55 and Kobe = 45....

    It helps to look things up before you let your butt do the talking for you.

    Jordan over those 2 years = 36.0ppg on 26.1 FG attempts.
    Kobe over those 2 years = 33.5ppg on 25.0 FG attempts.

    Jordan played all 164 games, totaling 5,909 points.
    Kobe missed 7 games, totaling 5,262 points.

    647 total points LESS than Jordan over those 2 years. Kobe would have to had played another 19 games just to match Jordan's total points over those 2 years.

    SORRY DUDE....Jordan is THE standard.

    Okay, I see man. I just had a different criteria for 40+ point games. I figured if a player scores at least 40+ points, that counts at the minimum as a 40 point game. I knew Kobe scored a lot more then 29 games of over 40 games.

    Thanks for those insightful posts bro. But yes, Jordan is the standard. There's no point in comparing, both Jordan & Kobe had a legendary career in their own way.

  6. #66
    I rule the local playground
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Quote Originally Posted by konex
    Are you serious? Kobe'll be lucky to get to 100 this season
    Konex curse begins? *again

  7. #67
    Arcadia, CA
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Would he of caught MJ? probably not but he still has over 100

  8. #68
    College superstar The Iron Fist's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    and they said he wouldn't get this many

  9. #69
    NBA rookie of the year diamenz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    let's not forget how many of those mj forty point games were from the playoffs.

  10. #70
    Gawdbe GOATsol Nashty Scholar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Well, Kobe is at one hundred seventeen (117) 40+-point games as of last night. I'm not suggesting he'll reach MJ ever, but he's probably going to be sitting at #3 comfortably for a long period of time.

  11. #71
    High School Varsity 6th Man
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    LOL at Kobe stans: b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but he could score 40 every game if he wanted to. Way to speak in hypotheticals; just don't forget that DA YAHWEH toned his offensive game down massively from about 1989 onwards for the good of the TEAM. Using kobestanean logic, how many more 40 point games would he have had if he had gone all out from 1989 to 1993?

  12. #72
    Samurai Swoosh
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Quote Originally Posted by I.R.Beast
    MJ had 7 years of ball hogging and 23+ shots per game in his atheletic Prime.... Kobe didnt have that.
    No, by 1990 / 1991 MJ was having to pull his personal game back for the betterment of a team in contention for a championship. He was having to be a responsible leader.

    As Loki said, he also didn't focus solely on scoring, allowing other aspects to his game in the Kobe comparison sake, defense, to take nose dives in order to put up volume scoring numbers.

    And while one could make the argument MJ had his early years '85 - '89 where he was on a bad team, in his athletic prime being able to score as much as he wanted to ... the give and take to that is Kobe during his early years was already putting championships on his resume by helping an all-time great in Shaquille O'Neal. He got rings on his resume instead of scoring titles.

    But the BULK of Kobe's 40+ point games came at his absolute peak / prime in a two to three year stretch 2006 - 2008. Not just his athletic prime like Jordan from '85 - '89 but his total prime / peak. Meaning the greatest combination he'd have in terms of physical ability, skill, and knowledge (championship level knowledge and experience at that)

    Players usually peak at 27, 28, 29 and sometimes 30 years old. That's usually the area of their best stretch. They are still young enough to have all the physical advantages, stamina, athleticism, with just enough experience, maturity, and years of honed skill set and basketball intelligence.

    Kobe in his absolute PEAK years was playing on a team headed NO WHERE, where he was allowed to cheat and relax on defense and put up the best scoring numbers he could in a coincidental couple season where league wide rules changed to aid the perimeter player. Not taking away from Kobe, as he's one of the greatest, but this is the truth ... and this is a counter argument to your ridiculous claim.

    So, Kobe's best 40 point seasons came at his peak, when that's all he was asked to do was score on teams not competing for championships. Meanwhile ...

    MJ at 27, 28, 29, and 30 years old ... also known as HIS PEAK was busy being the floor general and utility man for a team competing for rings. You put PEAK Michael Jordan (1991, 1992, 1993 versions) on a team the caliber of the 2006, 2007, and 2008 Lakers (pre Gasol) and tell him he can relax on defense and focus on scoring?!!!!

    His numbers would be MONSTEROUS. MJ was at his absolute best from '91 - '93. Virtually all the athleticism of '85 - '89 MJ, with even more skill, maturity, and experience. I shutter to think what '91, or '92, or '93 MJ would do from a scoring perspective with a non championship caliber team.

    Imagine what MJ could do if say he faced the lowly Clippers and wanted to have a self indulgent scoring game?

  13. #73
    High School Varsity 6th Man
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Money 23
    Imagine what MJ could do if say he faced the lowly Clippers and wanted to have a self indulgent scoring game?

    82 points.


  14. #74
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Money 23
    As Loki said, he also didn't focus solely on scoring, allowing other aspects to his game in the Kobe comparison sake, defense, to take nose dives in order to put up volume scoring numbers.

    Kobe in his absolute PEAK years was playing on a team headed NO WHERE, where he was allowed to cheat and relax on defense
    I don't know why people constantly say this. Maybe they're too used to Kobe now not trying as hard on D. But in 2006 Kobe would still routinely guard the other team's best player and was able to give other star SGs fits on defense.

    His defense in 2007 was bad but that was due to him bulking up and not really handling the extra weight well.

  15. #75
    Consensus Top 20-30 AT Roundball_Rock's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe, Jordan, and 40 point games.

    Quote Originally Posted by sammdogg
    Kobe Bryant, who scored only 26 points in the Lakers' win over the Blazers on Sunday, topped the 40-point mark for the 94th time of his career in a victory over the Jazz on Friday. Here is a look at where he ranks on the all-time list.

    Most career 40-point games
    Wilt Chamberlain 271
    Michael Jordan 173
    Kobe Bryant 94
    Elgin Baylor 88
    Allen Iverson 79

    Source: ESPN

    Do u think kobe will pass MJ in 40 point games?
    MJ and Kobe combined do not even equal Wilt's 271.

    to take nose dives in order to put up volume scoring numbers.

    This graphic says it all. Jordan led the league in FGA per game perenially; even at age 38 he was 2nd in FGA per game.
    Last edited by Roundball_Rock; 02-23-2013 at 12:39 PM.

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