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  1. #1
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    This is not an ego boost.

    This is not a fukking gay "My iq is higher b!g d!ck pissing contest."

    This is a small fish in a big pond trying to make this delusional mental asylum dystopia of a fukking internet sh!thole a little bit peachier.

    This thread will have a 4 part-mission.
    1) To replace sh!t thoughts with higher quality thoughts within the cerebrums ISH populace
    2) To inform and/or exchange any and all information in regards to the human mind.
    3) To add value or thoughts to each respective ISH poster's mission in life, career, or other modus operandi.
    4) To find truth, whatever that may be, wherever that may be.

    The first lesson will be to battle Alzheimer's/dementia for the elders. The geysers that walk among us (Thorp, Ruf, Rainier) are extremely prone to forgetfulness, but it don't gotta be that way. A link for them!

    The next lesson is something called a CREATIVITY BOOSTER.

    You know hwo certain people just BAFFLE you with the kind of sh!t they can come up with. Be it ridiculously retarded or ingeniously genius? There is a certain process of thought that some go through to acquire it. More on this later.

    ANd finally some food for thought that a young fellow said to me yesterday.

    Each sentence is a chemical equation.

    Cada(/fragment) = 1 [Coef(CHEM1127)e7ua6u2)]

    Upcoming Lessons Include
    - How to achieve an impregnable state of mind
    - How to speedread at lightning speeds
    - How to increase the strength of stimulus in your responses to acquire memory
    - How to see language, programming, math, and chemistry as in 1
    - How to be a pretentious clown and STILL CONVINCE others you're a genius by connecting various fields of knowledge in sweet synchronicity - yours truly
    - A useful meditation to put yourself in the here and now and rid yourself of al future anxiety and past regrets
    - A new perspective on things!
    - Creativity Boosters
    - How to use ethos, pathos, and logos to help you in your professional posting life
    - How to get yourself into a positive feedback loop of thoughts
    - Quicker mental processing
    - A hybridization of languages
    etc. etc.

    Share and provide input in any and all things that will boost mental health, mental performance, or lead to brilliant ideas of any sort. Thanks and all the best for you on whatever you hope to achieve in this life, brothaz. Here your thoughts are valued.

  2. #2
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    We'll start off with a quick list of what we want our focus to be upon.

    Insert your name and the field and/or the subject you want to immerse yourself into.

    I have high hopes that there are patterns in between each posters' expertise that can lead to new discoverings.
    Last edited by JEFFERSON MONEY; 03-01-2013 at 10:23 AM.

  3. #3
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaspah
    Smoke bud
    Play basketball
    Get bishes
    Perfect. Kaspah, answer these questions

    Now draw parallels between them.

    First question will be a discussion of technicality.

    How does the process of attaining marijuana mimic that of seducing a woman and that of driving down the lane and throwing up a layup?

    Hint: It starts with a P and rhymes with denigrate.. well sorta.

    Second questions:

    Is there a way to optimize and achieve the maximum efficiency of all three in an interrelated fashion?

    Third question:

    What is the underlying principle that all three of these activities provide you with?

  4. #4
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    1. They all keep me down to earth, where there is effort put in, there is a prize to be obtained. everything and anything i do is towards a greater goal, if there is nothing to gain then i have no motive to do it. i'm selfish.

    Response: You have finely pinpointed the result, but you have not discussed the technique and manner in which you go about these things. D-.

    2. there is. but maximum efficiency comes at a price of bishes getting turned off from weed, or getting caught up with fiver's on the court buying bud. therefore, the most efficient way, to me, is to keep all three aspects seperate while behind the scenes mixing all three. bishes dont wanna watch you ball unless they're your girl.

    Response: Solid Response. B+. There have been instances of men using competitive basketball games to draw attention from many locals consequentailly drawing girls in with theatrics and to expand their marijuana database through drug dealers in lieu of outside recreational entertainment. A pure positive feedback loop. But compartmentalizing shall suffice, for now, dear kaspah.

    3. living natural and not materialistically. i see the world second, and i get high first. basketball costs basically nothing, and it puts me in an environment where i can let the monkey out of the cage and get bro time. i luhhhh da pussay, nothing better, nothing will ever replace it.

    3A) You could've summed it up with the word pleasure. But I see what you're saying. A healthy state of mind detached from the pangs of the 9-5; fueled by the sweet pleasures of intimacy, the challenging exercise of anaerobic sprinting and shooting J's, and the biochemical effects of the Cannabis plant. Rock solid. But there are limits to this lifestyle. The parameters can be screwed up with time (age), seasons, and lack of currency. Figure those out to broaden the horizons.

  5. #5
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    I forgot why I clicked on this thread.

  6. #6
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Meditation is a good way to increase focus and to reduce stress. It actually does work.

    I thought this would be relevant for this thread.

  7. #7
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    I forgot why I clicked on this thread.
    As an elderly man, there are four demons (that I know of) approaching you.

    1) Infertility
    2) The pain of having love and provisions unreciprocated by your family.
    3) Regrets

    In order to crush these demons let us propose a 3 part solution.

    1 you already have covered.
    2 I can't really do sh!t about

    but 3 we have potential input.

    It is said that those who are successful choose to be. That it is clearly a person who has a brain that values their Greatest Triumphs > Shameful Losses = Winner in Life.

    In order to defeat the overwhelming force of cynicism surrounding you at every corner let us do engage in a S-O-S-S-S program AKA Strength of Stimulus Selective Synapse program aka SELECTIVE MEMORY.

    Let us take a stroll down yesteryear and re-enact the various good times from your college year and allow that to be the dominant thought in your mind. Take yourself back to the summer of '76? and remember the vivid scenery of the North Carolina campus.

  8. #8
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by knickballer
    Meditation is a good way to increase focus and to reduce stress. It actually does work.

    I thought this would be relevant for this thread.
    Ahhh thank you my African compadre.

    But meditation is like Burger King. You CAN have it your way.

    Certain religious dominations are more comfortable engaging in certain types of meditation.

    Others use a mantra.

    But for the time being I HIGHLY RECOMMEND
    1) Isochronic Tones with headphones
    2) Being outside in a shady place
    3) And a breathing pattern (Vipassana) 4 in, 5 hold, 6 out, 3 hold.
    4) Standing completely still or full lotus position.

  9. #9
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Take yourself back to the summer of '76? and remember the vivid scenery of the North Carolina campus.

    Summer of '76 I was 2 yrs old. I see what you're getting at though. Thanks.

  10. #10
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    Summer of '76 I was 2 yrs old. I see what you're getting at though. Thanks.
    Why the fukk do I keep thinking you're like 59 years old?

    Oh that's right.

    Cuz my neighbors a dentist who owns 4 properties and is obsessed with cooking ethnic dishes.

    Let us have resident Rufus marinate on the following images (from KratosGuide)

  11. #11
    why I even like Rondo CeltsGarlic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    dafaq is this sht? Going outside to play basketball. Good luck, enhancementers.

  12. #12
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Ahhh thank you my African compadre.

    But meditation is like Burger King. You CAN have it your way.

    Certain religious dominations are more comfortable engaging in certain types of meditation.

    Others use a mantra.

    But for the time being I HIGHLY RECOMMEND
    1) Isochronic Tones with headphones
    2) Being outside in a shady place
    3) And a breathing pattern (Vipassana) 4 in, 5 hold, 6 out, 3 hold.
    4) Standing completely still or full lotus position.
    Breathing is the most important. I usually just focus on my breath and once a thought comes up I come back to the breath. Sometimes I listen to some theta wave music(I think that's the name?). After I'm done I usually listen to some Deep House music.

    It almost gives you the high effect with out the paranoia. You feel super calm and relaxed and it's great for studying/doing work(huge success when it comes to doing school assignments)..

  13. #13
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Each sentence is a chemical equation.

    Cada(/fragment) = 1 [Coef(CHEM1127)e7ua6u2)]

    10/10 thread will be following.. but can you expand on this equation? i dont get it.

  14. #14
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by unbreakable
    10/10 thread will be following.. but can you expand on this equation? i dont get it.
    A noun is a variable an adjective is a coefficient an adverb is a modifier a state if being us an equal make pictures and mbemonics before

  15. #15
    The Love B-Low B-Low's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Mental Enhancement Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    A noun is a variable an adjective is a coefficient an adverb is a modifier a state if being us an equal make pictures and mbemonics before

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