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  1. #76
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by poido123
    On a side note, to you for supporting a team that is not one of the big market teams. Yes I do support the Bulls, but I do sympathise with you on the boneheadedness of management and the decisions they make. ie trading Aldridge for Tyrus thomas, signing ben wallace on the backend of his career, and signing boozer to that contract just to name a few. Well I stand corrected, he has posted in another thread, he doesnt have his head completely up his... Anyways, the key to small market teams doing well is a good management and unfortunately the raptors lack that. The other big disadvantage is they have a lower payroll and a city that doesnt normally attract big time players. Hopefully Valenciunus and Terrence Ross can help form a good core for you guys and Colangelo gets outta there.
    I do think it's wrong to say Toronto isn't a big market. I understand your point that we don't attract big free agents (We signed Hedo Turkuglo to a 5 year 50 million plus deal not too long ago. ), since really we don't have a history outside of Vince Carter and Chris Bosh, it's been pretty terrible. Population wise, we are bigger than Chicago now, and only behind New York and Los Angeles among NBA teams.

    I have a hunch that it's being a Canadian team and not enough exposure, so people don't really see how big the city is. As for the payroll, we would have more room to sign players if we didn't spend it on bad players, like Bargnani, Landry Fields, etc... And yeah, the management bringing on Gay's contract and extending DeMar DeRozan, we don't really have much room to work with.

    Jonas will hopefully become an all-star next season and I have big hopes for Amir Johnson too. Terrence Ross seems like a wasted pick, since he doesn't get much playing time and is behind DeRozan and Gay in the rotation. Raptors should have probably dfafted Andre Drummond and gone with his upside. A Jonas and Drummond starting lineup would have been scary in a couple of years.

    Oh, the Thomas/Aldridge swap really stung bad. Not worse than drafting Marcus Fizer I'm sure, but man Aldridge on the Bulls from the start would have been insane. I could probably see them beat Miami in 2011, their defense would be straight up nasty (as if it wasn't already !) and a legit second option behind Rose. Also, they could have probably gotten another scorer since they wouldn't have signed Boozer.

  2. #77
    Down with GLOBALISM poido123's Avatar
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by crisoner

    You would find a whole lot of Laker fans in Kobe/Laker threads because.... Drum roll please....we are Laker fans.

    I told that to Knoe every time when he excused me of following him in to threads.

    The question is...if you are not a Laker fan or you hate the man as much as he (Knoe and others) claimed they did and do....why are they in Kobe threads and making them?

    It's the age old question he never would answer.

    Hence the reason I always called Knoe a one trick pony.
    I hate getting labeled a hater. I am simply balancing a topic(such as Kobe) with my opinion that does ruffle the feathers of a few Laker/Kobe fans, but hey, Im also not going to sit here and read nonsense either without putting my opinion in there : I do like the Lakers team and some of its fans, Ell Eff Ell and All Net? I never have run ins with them, and a few others i may have forgotten, and I think ive made only 1 or 2 kobe threads in the 6 or so years I have been on here...Anyways, all Im saying is I get that feeling Laker fans get tired of Kobe being bashed, but other fans also get tired of hearing Kobe praised or credited for things that simply aren't true(mainly younger Laker trolls).

    Out of all the players in the NBA, Kobe is the most fustrating to me. He receives so much praise and worship when I can see through half the BS perceptions people have of him. I don't think he is a bad player, a bad human being, but I believe he is hell overrated, and hell overprotected by fans and media.

  3. #78
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by poido123
    Well why wait and do some research yourself? Other posters on here know who I support, and you want to call me out for commenting about Kobe alot, yet your always in a thread defending him?

    These forums get flooded with Kobe/Laker related threads, and alot of them you get Laker circlejerkers like yourself who defend Kobe and the Lakers over everything. I like to keep an even perspective out there, not just listen to the majority(which are laker fans on this site) and buy into what the media portrays Kobe to be along with all his disciples(yourself).

    Tell me, what other threads are you in other than a Laker related one? Not many i bet. Only reason you want to ask me what team I support is so you can associate my team as the reason I dislike Kobe.

    I want you to do a little activity, give a list of things that are negatives of Kobe. If you can't I'll know you blindly support anything that he does right or wrong.
    Blah blah blah poido same old broken record. Well I'm a Lakers fan is it any wonder that I'd be in a large amount of Lakers threads? You have serious delusions of grandeur when you write about crap like media conspiracies and Kobe disciples. We get it you don't like Kobe, now stop throwing out blanket statements and making generalizations about a whole fan base from the crap that literally like 5 posters write. I mean you claim to be unbiased and just balancing out the Kobe love fest then you drop gems like this

    Quote Originally Posted by poido123
    Which is why Kobe rushed to come back the next game. He did not want people to see an extended period of this team without him in case they started playing better and winning.

    Yes that seems like a completely reasonable and level headed post from someone with no hint of bias at all.

    Anyways the reason I asked what team you follow is to see if you're one of the many pathetic losers on this website that don't follow basketball and instead constantly post about a player they hate. But I like the Bulls hope Derrick Rose comes back stronger than ever. Being a Bulls fan I know you wouldn't constantly place the blame for every thing the Bulls did wrong on Rose or say stupid sh!t like the team is better without him. And FYI the Raptors aren't a small market team they're just run by a bunch of complete fvcktards.

  4. #79
    Down with GLOBALISM poido123's Avatar
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by longtime lurker
    Blah blah blah poido same old broken record. Well I'm a Lakers fan is it any wonder that I'd be in a large amount of Lakers threads? You have serious delusions of grandeur when you write about crap like media conspiracies and Kobe disciples. We get it you don't like Kobe, now stop throwing out blanket statements and making generalizations about a whole fan base from the crap that literally like 5 posters write. I mean you claim to be unbiased and just balancing out the Kobe love fest then you drop gems like this

    Yes that seems like a completely reasonable and level headed post from someone with no hint of bias at all.

    Anyways the reason I asked what team you follow is to see if you're one of the many pathetic losers on this website that don't follow basketball and instead constantly post about a player they hate. But I like the Bulls hope Derrick Rose comes back stronger than ever. Being a Bulls fan I know you wouldn't constantly place the blame for every thing the Bulls did wrong on Rose or say stupid sh!t like the team is better without him. And FYI the Raptors aren't a small market team they're just run by a bunch of complete fvcktards.
    Small market team I guess I place nearly all teams into that bracket, not named Chicago, New York, Lakers, Boston, but yes I view toronto as small market because they have been a struggling franchise for so long and dont get the benefit of attracting the very top players like our teams do. But yes your right. After seeing this post from you, you dont come accross as someone I thought you were, so I can do my part and lay off Kobe a little :

    As for Rose and the Bulls, well Rose cops alot of hate threads while he isnt even back playing yet Like people are calling him out for taking his time in recovery, forgetting the fact that he is not just the usual player, he needs his explosiveness to be effective etc etc Anyways, I dont like making too bold of a statement, but if Rose comes back with reported improvement like I have been hearing, Bulls could still be very competitive this year, who knows...

  5. #80
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by winwin
    some other names:

    Bruce Blitz
    Indian Guy
    Eric Forman
    New York Knicks
    Knoe Itawl
    Heat 007
    Tito Beasley
    Sound Wave
    Simple Jack
    Papaya Petee
    The Gibbet
    BEAST Griffin
    PowerGlove (phnx18)
    Harion -
    donald_trump -
    That's impressive

  6. #81
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by winwin
    One of the greatest contributors on the main forum.

    I sure miss that guy.

  7. #82
    Young Money red1's Avatar
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    the history of kobe haters:
    2005: Damn that chucking rapist is overrated
    2013: Damn that guy is pretty good, lasted way longer than most of the other guys he was compated to. Too bad he is a chucking rapist

  8. #83
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by crisoner
    I came on the boards in 2000 and it has been the same topics but with a twist.

    People hated Kobe because he was dubbed the next Jordan by the media.
    He was a young kid who was not proven but had potential.
    And at this time the Lakers just got Glen Rice and hardly made a dent in the playoffs. But this year would be different....dirt year under Phil the Lakers win it all. The hatred and homerizm of Kobe escalate to a new high.

    The trifecta years.
    Kobe and Shaq beef people on these boards choose sides.
    Biggest Kobe haters around these boards are Philly Iverson fans....Kings fans....Carter Raptor fans...Spurs fans...and Blazers fans.
    Many point out Kobe can be replaced with Iverson, Carter, Eddie Jones, Marbury, Steve Francis etc. and the lakers would still win titles.
    Jordan fans around this time are still out in force hating Kobe as well.

    Colorado and the Lakers mega team losing the Finals...
    All blame goes on Kobe. And the Kobe rapist threads on here blow up.

    Kobe is hated for running Shaq out of town and being on a sub par Laker team.
    Haters make constant post on how Kobe will never win another title. They also sell the idea that Kobe is not better then McGrady, Iverson, and Carter still.

    Kobe scores 81 point in one game but the haters point to the one stat 0 assist.
    Around this time the Wade and LeBron comparisons start. (Iverson McGrady and Carter start to phase out). He is still ridiculed for not being able to win a title without fact not being able to win a playoff series.....being a one man show in LA....throwing Bynum under the bus....and when all else fails a rapist.

    Kobe wins titles back to back with Pau Bynum and Lamar.
    Haters now are saying Pau is the main option and reason for the titles. Kobe can not win titles with out a prime big man. They point out his shooting percentage during certain games more then ever.
    He is compared to LeBron and Jordan constantly. And is still called a rapist when all else fails.

    Present day....
    Kobe is too old. Kobe legacy will be stained by this season. Kobe is no longer elite in the NBA. LeBron and Durant are better then Kobe has ever been. No elite player would want to play with Kobe. Etc. etc.

    As you can see on these boards with some people Kobe is the luckiest player to ever play and is just an average player....that's what the haters all along have been pushing us to believe.
    I remember the summer that Shaq was traded, Kobe haters were on the loose by the dozens!!!! These were the common arguments

    "Kobe was only a good scorer because Shaq got the attention, now that he is by himself he will be exposed"

    "He can't carry a team"

    "He wont average more than 25"

    "no star player will ever want to come play with him"

    "he will never win another championship"

    "he is not better than mcgrady, or iverson"

    "he will never win a mvp"


    Kobe has literally proven every single one of these arguments wrong

  9. #84
    10 plus years on ISH crisoner's Avatar
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by red1
    the history of kobe haters:
    2005: Damn that chucking rapist is overrated
    2013: Damn that guy is pretty good, lasted way longer than most of the other guys he was compated to. Too bad he is a chucking rapist

    LMAO well played!

  10. #85
    Curry: 0x Finals MVP SilkkTheShocker's Avatar
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    OP, how much does it bother you that LeBron will go down as a better player than Kobe?

  11. #86
    Lebron fan dh144498's Avatar
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by SilkkTheShocker
    OP, how much does it bother you that LeBron will go down as a better player than Kobe?
    since it's all imaginative, not at all, I'm guessing.

  12. #87
    10 plus years on ISH crisoner's Avatar
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by INDI
    I remember the summer that Shaq was traded, Kobe haters were on the loose by the dozens!!!! These were the common arguments

    "Kobe was only a good scorer because Shaq got the attention, now that he is by himself he will be exposed"

    "He can't carry a team"

    "He wont average more than 25"

    "no star player will ever want to come play with him"

    "he will never win another championship"

    "he is not better than mcgrady, or iverson"

    "he will never win a mvp"


    Kobe has literally proven every single one of these arguments wrong

    And then it was...

    "Kobe is a chucker"
    "Kobe always has an elite bigman"
    "Pau was the best player during those title runs"
    "Wade is better then Kobe ever was"
    "LeBron's career is already greater then Kobe's"
    "Kobe only won one MVP"
    "Kobe's chocked in his series against the Suns" Some dumb a$$ made a whole thread about this again like it was something new.
    Blah blah blah same crap.

  13. #88
    The Answer
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by dh144498
    since it's all imaginative, not at all, I'm guessing.

    4x NBA MVP, and 2x Finals MVP in 10 years > 1x MVP, and 2x Finals MVP in 17 years

  14. #89
    10 plus years on ISH crisoner's Avatar
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by SilkkTheShocker
    OP, how much does it bother you that LeBron will go down as a better player than Kobe?
    I would not care if he does. I hope he does it would be good for the sport.
    But so far he has not achieved that just yet. And he still tainted himself with having to go to Miami to win. In the long run that will be frowned upon.

  15. #90
    College superstar
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    Default Re: The history of Kobe haters on ISH

    Quote Originally Posted by GOBB_Junior
    4x NBA MVP, and 2x Finals MVP in 10 years > 1x MVP, and 2x Finals MVP in 17 years
    5 rings by an MVP winner > 2 rings(assuming he wins again this year) by an MVP winner.

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