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  1. #1
    Capital Steez LiLharvard's Avatar
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    Default When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Is this normal.. Should alarm bells be ringing
    Last night it happened with my gf.. I tried to heighten the mood and then i could tell she didn't want it so I was like why don't you wanna have sex (earlier that morning) and then she started crying and balling her eyes out and I was like what's wrong what's wrong and she just said that she felt bad for turning me down for sex and all this crap and I was like fk dude this sucks and she started saying how she's just started a full time job and she's always tired... And I kinda was like a bit pissed just cos of the fact that she told me and she even started saying stuff like she hasn't been in the mood for a couple of weeks and then I was like urghh ok so eventually I was pretty pissed and confused not really sure if that was the reason why she was crying. So I turned the light off went to bed and all night she keeps saying sorry and I was like being silent and after a whole hour of her whimpering I turned to her and said well look we don't have to see each other anymore don't worry about me ill be fine we can just go our separate ways and then she started balling her eyes out I was probs up till 4 am cos she kept tryna cuddle me and was whimpering like a lost puppy meanwhile I'm thinking shouldn't I be the one upset ?? And then I wake up and she's still balling her eyes saying that she loves me and she doesn't know what she would do without me .. I'm getting really confused now cos I'm like well is this just lipservice and then I eventually had to say look its alright don't worry it doesn't matterrr and then she was like what do you mean it doesn't matter I don't like it when you don't care about us and I just said don't cry it's fine I was still in ice cold mode though and then 5mins later she's stroking my **** and we ****ed .. It was like. 5:30am aswell
    Last edited by LiLharvard; 03-20-2013 at 08:55 PM.

  2. #2
    "The One" Budadiiii's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

  3. #3
    NBA lottery pick IamRAMBO24's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Quote Originally Posted by LiLharvard
    Is this normal.. Should alarm bells be ringing
    Last night it happened with my gf.. I tried to heighten the mood and then i could tell she didn't want it so I was like why don't you wanna have sex (earlier that morning) and then she started crying and balling her eyes out and I was like what's wrong what's wrong and she just said that she felt bad for turning me down for sex and all this crap and I was like fk dude this sucks and she started saying how she's just started a full time job and she's always tired... And I kinda was like a bit pissed just cos of the fact that she told me and she even started saying stuff like she hasn't been in the mood for a couple of weeks and then I was like urghh ok so eventually I was pretty pissed and confused not really sure if that was the reason why she was crying. So I turned the light off went to bed and all night she keeps saying sorry and I was like being silent and after a whole I turned to her and said well look we don't have to see other anymore don't worry about me ill be fine we can just go our separate ways and then she started balling her eyes out I was probs up till 4 am cos she kept tryna cuddle me and was whimpering like a lost puppy meanwhile I'm thinking shouldn't I be the one upset ?? And then I wake up and she's still balling her eyes saying that she loves me and she doesn't know what she would do without me .. I'm getting really confused now cos I'm like well is this just lipservice and then I eventually had to say look its alright don't worry it doesn't matterrr and then she was like what do you mean it doesn't matter I don't like it when you don't care about us and I just said don't cry it's fine I was still in ice cold mode though and then 5mins later she's stroking my **** and we ****ed .. It was like. 5:30am aswell
    Holy sh*t, that was exactly what happened to me when my gf cheated on me:

    She would ball her eyes out for no reason at all and would tell me how much she loved me and it was odd because she never did that before; I would ask her what was wrong, consoled her, and told her it was ok. Normally, she would never turn down sex, but then started turning it down and then started crying everytime.

    Turns out, she was cheating on me the whole time and just felt guilty about it.

  4. #4
    Capital Steez LiLharvard's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Yea this what I suspect

  5. #5
    Capital Steez LiLharvard's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Wanna catch her the thought doesn't bother me anymore

  6. #6
    NBA Legend Bandito's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Wait let me see if I understood all that crap you wrote (learn how to use the word enter and make you OP post into paragraphs for christ sake).

    First she turns you down for sex and then you started being a dickhead getting mad and wanted to end it right there because you thought she didn't like you anymore. The reason she tells you is because she's tired of her full time job. Both of you go to bed and she whimpers because you gave her the cold shoulder and then end up having sex even though she didn't want seeing as she was tired.

    That's my take on your paragraph. And honestly dude give her a break and don't be a dickhead. People get tired and sometimes don't want to have sex, specially women. When you get married is going to be even worse. Unless you think she's cheating or she's acting uninterested then you have the right to act like you acted. But after reading your post you just pouted like a 10 year old because she didn't give what you wanted.

    If this is insulting to you then cry me a river

  7. #7
    Capital Steez LiLharvard's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Mmm maybe so I was just fkin confused she started crying after I said why don't you wanna have sex.. I was confused and weirded out she said its been stressing her that she hasn't wanted have sex with me for 2weeks ---wtf stressing her we did it plenty of times-- I honestly think she's just trying to play mind games don't really know why-- and then as soon as I was offended-- she came back begging for it don't get that either and she pretty much poured her guts out to me ---- I didn't try and end it was just said look if there is something bothering you than why don't we just take a break don't worry about me --- I was under the impression that she was worried about hurting my feelings or something or she felt guilty about cheating on me ill probs never know-- and fk paragraphs I'm using an iPhone

  8. #8
    Local High School Star PHX_Phan's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Sounds like she's cheating and feeling guilty, honestly.

  9. #9
    NBA lottery pick IamRAMBO24's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandito
    Wait let me see if I understood all that crap you wrote (learn how to use the word enter and make you OP post into paragraphs for christ sake).

    First she turns you down for sex and then you started being a dickhead getting mad and wanted to end it right there because you thought she didn't like you anymore. The reason she tells you is because she's tired of her full time job. Both of you go to bed and she whimpers because you gave her the cold shoulder and then end up having sex even though she didn't want seeing as she was tired.

    That's my take on your paragraph. And honestly dude give her a break and don't be a dickhead. People get tired and sometimes don't want to have sex, specially women. When you get married is going to be even worse. Unless you think she's cheating or she's acting uninterested then you have the right to act like you acted. But after reading your post you just pouted like a 10 year old because she didn't give what you wanted.

    If this is insulting to you then cry me a river
    Well since I went through the same situation, y'know, I knew my girl well enough to know what makes her tick, and when she started cheating, she didn't really want to do anything sexually. I hate to brag, but she was one of those girls who loved to scuk d*ck and she would whimper when I asked her to (which I usually didn't have to) like she was going to put a salty dill pickle cucumber in her mouth, and she would only do it for 2 seconds and said she was not in the mood.

    The crying part was the deal breaker: she would randomly cry, which made no sense because she rarely cried and normally she had a reason to cry, which she didn't. Then she would tell me how sorry she was (although she didn't do anything wrong) and how much she loved me.

    I think his concerns are legit. For the sake of the OP, hopefully she is not cheating, but those are tell tale signs I have seen before.

  10. #10
    ***** ace23's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Quote Originally Posted by LiLharvard
    why don't you wanna have sex

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    It's clear that she's cheating on you from what I read. Has she shown any signs life these? :

    1) Your significant other is consistently "working late"

    2) They are hiding their cell phone & credit card bills suddenly

    4) Your partner becomes emotionally withdrawn or depressed when at home

    5) Overly Defensive

    6) Unusually flirtatious with others

    7) New demands for privacy

    8) Controlling behavior, or accusing you of being controlling

    9) Major shifts in familiar habits

    10) Purchased a donut for one of her co-workers

    If you've seen any of the symptoms I would be suspicious of being cheated on.

  12. #12
    C's Fan since Dee code green's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Yeah dude, sounds like it's over. You gotta walk away like DeNiro in Heat.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Quote Originally Posted by BrickingStar
    It's clear that she's cheating on you from what I read. Has she shown any signs life these? :

    1) Your significant other is consistently "working late"

    2) They are hiding their cell phone & credit card bills suddenly

    4) Your partner becomes emotionally withdrawn or depressed when at home

    5) Overly Defensive

    6) Unusually flirtatious with others

    7) New demands for privacy

    8) Controlling behavior, or accusing you of being controlling

    9) Major shifts in familiar habits

    10) Purchased a donut for one of her co-workers

    If you've seen any of the symptoms I would be suspicious of being cheated on.

  14. #14
    C's Fan since Dee code green's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Quote Originally Posted by Pacers4ever
    didn't even notice that until now.

  15. #15
    Get him a body bag! Patrick Chewing's Avatar
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    Default Re: When a girl says she hasn't/isn't in the mood for sex

    Is she on the pill? If she is, ask her to do some research on what kind of pill she's taking with her doctor. From what I've read, most birth control pills suppress a woman's libido. She is rarely in the mood and she passes this off as being "tired". She says she's tired because she's wondering why she's not in the mood to have sex with you, and doesn't want to upset you, all the while not knowing it's probably her birth control medication that's doing it.

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