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  1. #61
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Take Your Lumps
    Any time I get summoned for jury duty, I inform them I'm not able to convict anyone of a crime based on eye witness testimony. I'm promptly sent home.

    You're talking about things people aren't even seeing with their eyes. And jumping to conclusions about the nature of the universe based on those eye witness claims.

    Are you as quick to believe people who say they are summoned into alien spaceships and report "lost time"? I've seen and heard all kinds of people claim all kinds of things.

    If this phenomena is ever verified under strict laboratory conditions as being "real" then you'd have my attention. Until then, I think I'll opt to take any eye witness reports from evolved apes with one giant grain of salt.
    first of all it is generally accepted that these people are being honest by everyone, doctors and scientists alike, regardless of weather or not they are brain produced or not. Unlike alien abductions which are rarely ever accepted as honest.

    second, to have an NDE you have to have flatlined in a hospital...not anyone can claim to have gone through this, you have had serious shit happen to you. ANYONE can claim they were abducted by aliens...

    third, like I said 100% of NDEers believe what they experinced is real and there is no one that can tell them otherwise. Is that not substaintial to you? That not one of them has ever said "you know that doctor is probably right, that was probably all a dream".

    forth, Alien abductions come in all different types...NDEs are generally all the same regardless of who you are. Again, how is it that our brains are giving everyone the same dreams? Why is there no NDE that involves random shit like old friends from the past, or a fckin speghetti monster? you know the weird shit that is normally found in dreams? Why is it ALWAYS spirits of dead loved ones and God?

  2. #62
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Chris Carter was educated at Oxford University in Philosophy and Economics

  3. #63
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-

    Alien abductions come in all different types

    Really? I thought they all followed the same pattern:

    1. Lost time
    2. Paralysis
    3. Exam by creatures with big heads.
    4. Ass probing.

  4. #64
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    Really? I thought they all followed the same pattern:

    1. Lost time
    2. Paralysis
    3. Exam by creatures with big heads.
    4. Ass probing.
    ha...yeah I guess many of them are very similar (shit maybe some are real idk)...but still my other points stand

    I could claim I was abducted by aliens right now if I wanted...but I couldn't do the same with an NDE because I didn't flatline in ER.

  5. #65
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Quote Originally Posted by Jello
    Oxford is arguablly the best school on the planet...right up there with Harvard

  6. #66
    Hi, how are you? Lebowsky's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    Oxford is arguablly the best school on the planet...right up there with Harvard
    I would guess he's laughing at the fact the guy's education has nothing to do with empirical science.

  7. #67
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    Oxford is arguablly the best school on the planet...right up there with Harvard
    You're arguably worse than IamRambo in terms of not knowing what you're talking about. His school doesn't matter if his area of expertise is something totally unrelated to what he's examining.

  8. #68
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    sure it matters, he is clearly an intelligent man it isn't like he is some dude working at Starbucks who wrote a book on the side...

    I don't know why he decided to tackle this subject but I bet he has creditials of some form for this...

  9. #69
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    sure it matters, he is clearly an intelligent man it isn't like he is some dude working at Starbucks who wrote a book on the side...

    I don't know why he decided to tackle this subject but I bet he has creditials of some form for this...
    No appeal to authority requires expertise on the subject, this guy obviously does not have any background in neuroscience.

  10. #70
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Chris Carter interview

    this "subject" has no isn't like there are NDE classes for science majors...neuroscience has no answer for NDEs, no one does...just ask the author in the OP

  11. #71
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    Chris Carter interview

    this "subject" has no isn't like there are NDE classes for science majors...neuroscience has no answer for NDEs, no one does...just ask the author in the OP

    Damn people like ptiddy actually exist... No wonder our country is going down the shitter.

  12. #72
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    you're an fckin idiot...go troll another thread and act like country is ruined because of it

  13. #73
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    you're an fckin idiot...go troll another thread and act like country is ruined because of it
    Keep up the ignorant handwaving and improper debating. You're a sad human being with no intelligence or critical thinking skills.

  14. #74
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    yeah, die in a fire...maybe you'll have an NDE that way

  15. #75
    NBA lottery pick Blue&Orange's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proof of Heaven" - best selling book by athiest neurosurgeon that had an NDE

    Can someone explain me why nobody sees Hell during this nde's? It's amazing!

    99% of the people just aren't Heaven material, but apparently everyone is going to Heaven regardless, You would figure that when the conscience detaches the body of the sinner he would see hell, you would figure that the LARGE majority of people would be experiencing hell.

    Off-course it had to be a drunk driving apologist to makes a thread like this.

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