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  1. #16
    College star lefthook00's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Last edited by lefthook00; 04-12-2013 at 02:45 AM.

  2. #17
    NBA Legend dunksby's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    I second that millwad, I too had exactly the same experience they also would invite their other Chinese friends to our kitchen and occupy that place from 3PM to 3AM at least 3 times a week. All the while cooking and playing card and board games while shouting out, screaming, making it impossible for anyone in the corridor to study or relax.

  3. #18
    .... FPJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    OP, how do you view romanian people that live in Sweden? Some swedish friends speak about them like they're aids.

  4. #19
    NBA Superstar fiddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by FPJ
    OP, how do you view romanian people that live in Sweden? Some swedish friends speak about them like they're aids.
    Hold on a second. Are you talking about ethnically romanian or gypsies? Everybody know in eastern europe which etnical group is the plague.

  5. #20
    .... FPJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    I dont understand your question. They said romanians not gypsies but they could have meant gypsies. Is there any difference?

    Edit: I see you're from Bulgaria so you might know better since they mentioned bulgarians as well.

  6. #21
    In Morey We Trust! brantonli's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    I really want to believe that and these guys are nothing like the people I met when I was in East Asia and I always get amazed by the East Asian culture and history. I have no racist beliefs when it comes to asians or anyone else, don't get fooled by my lame punchlines about Godzuki, those were only because I wanted him to freak out.

    But seriously, I've seen too many socially retarded and dirty exchange students from East Asia. I'm starting to think that these are the kids that have rich parents and who never had to work on their personalities or anything else because they were born with a silver spoon, it's mind boggling to see how these guys behave and how they interact with people who are not from the same country as themselves.

    The main reason is probably because their language skills suck. If you went over exchange to China with very limited Chinese, wouldn't you try to stick with other white people rather than risk embarrassing yourself? It's easy to criticise people when they are out of their comfort zone and you're not, and it's very tempting to just meld back with your ethnic group that you are comfortable with, rather than meeting new foreign people.

    I'm not saying I agree with it at all, but I believe that's how it generally works. IMO, it does kind of defeat the whole point of going on exchange in the first place.

    I second that millwad, I too had exactly the same experience they also would invite their other Chinese friends to our kitchen and occupy that place from 3PM to 3AM at least 3 times a week. All the while cooking and playing card and board games while shouting out, screaming, making it impossible for anyone in the corridor to study or relax.
    Have you tried asking them to be quiet?

  7. #22
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by FPJ
    OP, how do you view romanian people that live in Sweden? Some swedish friends speak about them like they're aids.
    We have alot of romanian gyspies in Sweden and there are people who despise them, personally I have a hard time disliking a people who come from tough background and who never had the privileges I had and have.

    And especially when it comes to gypsies, probably the most hated people in Europe and they've been stalked and abused for decades but they always tend to get forgotten. Nazi Germany killed around 500 000 gypsies but you never hear a word about it, almost like they aren't even worth a mention.

    And bottom line, I'm for a multicultural country and Sweden is a country with enough resources to be able to help people in need.

  8. #23
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    In America atleast we were always taught that Hitler killed loads of gypsies, along with communists and trade unionists and homosexuals and polish, maybe they don't talk about the holocaust in europe as much as they do in US schools.

    Also, not all are dirt poor. My cousin worked for the UN in Kosovo. This is what he told me about 7 years ago so I don't know how it is now. But apparently the gypsies dress in dirty clothes and beg on the streets there while at the same time they own the biggest mansion in the city and several expensive sports cars. They all team up their money together over there and they earn alot. Of course I'm not saying they live in the lap of luxury, but not all of them have it as bad as you'd believe based on how they often look begging in the streets. In Oslo too I remember there is a graveyard next to Frognerparken, the biggest park in the city, and the largest and most expensive grave belongs to a self proclaimed "Queen of the gypsies". That's what it said on her tombstone atleast. It was atleast twice as big as any other graves in the graveyard, complete with a massive color photo and loads of fresh flower bouquets around the grave. Other graves were dirty and hers was polished. Pretty sure Henrik Ibsen was even buried there and the gypsy queens grave dwarfed his.

    Yep I agree with you though, they're one of those races I never hear anyone defend if a racist remark is made about them. Not cool.
    Last edited by Nick Young; 04-12-2013 at 05:41 AM.

  9. #24
    NBA Superstar fiddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by FPJ
    I dont understand your question. They said romanians not gypsies but they could have meant gypsies. Is there any difference?

    Edit: I see you're from Bulgaria so you might know better since they mentioned bulgarians as well.
    I though you were Romanian. Yeah theres a huge difference. Whole eastern Europe is plagued by them Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and so on.

    These people ethnically do not belong to any of the mentioned nations. They are believed to originate from India, but no one knows for sure. The thing is that they are born here and according to the constitution they get citizenship. And on their ID/Passport under nationality it says Bulgarian/Romanian, you get the picture. I believe the situation is the same in many countries around the world, if a person is born on your land he gets citizenship.

    That tactic i think was massively used by emigrants from north African countries that want to migrate to France. For instance a whole family enters illegally France, while the wife is pregnant in the 8th month, she gives birth there and there you go a brand new citizen of France. And the whole family gets to stay and is entitled to social benefits.

    Back on the gypsies, they have been around for couple of hundred years. Their population has exploded in the last 20 years for some reason(after the fall of the communism). They usually live in a separate neighborhood which in most cases looks like the 3rd world. I've seen many pictures from Romania where they live in tents or abandoned buildings. They are uneducated, barely speak local languages. In my country the people that speak proper Bulgarian is probably less than 1 in 1000 (personal observation). They steal a lot (usually metal to sell for scrap or copper wires), domestic crime is something usual. Two weeks ago there's a dispute in one of those neighborhoods, two dead.

    Now the worst part they have plenty of kids, girls giving birth at the age as early as 13. I remember seeing on tv several identical cases where a 28 old woman is a grandmother. I've seen other under the age of 30 having 7-8 kids. They rely mostly on social benefits.

    As i mentioned they are uneducated so you can image what qualifications and skills they have. Big part of them barely graduates elementary school, another big part 8th grade and the number of successfully finishing high school is a joke. Although the number might be slightly higher in the last several years because of the dropping standards in school.

    They have a tradition to buy their brides. There was TV investigation about "marketplace" meeting for buying wives. Girls as young as 13-14 getting sold. The son usually don't get choose his wife. I've spoke with one that lives in my neighborhood and he told that he doesn't love his wife but didn't had a choice. When you pay for your wife, you have to return your investment so you send your wife to steal in western Europe. I've also seen underage prostitutes (11-13-14-15... you get the point).

    Also they have a hierarchy in their own ethnicity, Kardarashi being on the bottom. Ross Camp did a show on them, but i wouldn't recommend as it's lame and doesn't represent the reality as it is. The guy that lives in my hood is on top the hierarchy. But he is still uneducated and a criminal. I remember talking counterfeit money and trying to smuggle them in a country in western europe.

    Gypsies are recognized as good dancers/singers. But i hate their music because its moraly degrading and resembles too much oriental music.

    There was another publication about gypsies in Germany. There are LOTS of compaints, becasue some of them moved there, took over an abandoned building and settle there. And basically continue with their usual lifestyle filling for social benefits, which they are entitled to because they are EU citizens (which in western europe are IN SEVERAL TIMES higher than eastern) dumpster diving, a bit of stealing, begging, prostituation and so on.

    Same story aplies about them in UK as well when it comes to social benefits.

    I've had two of them in my elementary class. Had no interest in school subject by the end of 2nd grade they had to start it again. In highschool met another one he was 16 and still in the 7th grade. He had been married once but "returned" the wife because she had asthma. It was obvious that his dad was some kind of rich on a local scale that's why he stayed in school.

    Physical they look different from ethnical, they seem to shorter than average bulgarians, and also their skin color is from light brown to dark brown. Very much resembling Indians.

    Couple of years ago France was so fed up with them they deported 1000 of them back to Romania and Bulgaria. Heres report this time about Norway complaing about them and even threatening to leave Shengen because of the problem.
    The 1000 that were deported from France, were given 50(or 500 cant remember exactly) Euro and free plane ride back "home". Another win for the multicultural society of EU.

    Heres another video thats shows english house representative in of the ghetto on the outskrits of your capital The video speaks for itself.

    For comparison heres another video of the capital city Sofia: The city itself was founded 5k years before Rome.

    Another gypsy ghetto in Bulgaria:

    Heres' their music what it sounds like:

    Also they are involved in MASSIVE voter fraud, their votes selling as cheap as ~13$.

    and so on and on...
    Last edited by fiddy; 04-12-2013 at 06:09 AM.

  10. #25
    NBA Superstar fiddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    In America atleast we were always taught that Hitler killed loads of gypsies, along with communists and trade unionists and homosexuals and polish, maybe they don't talk about the holocaust in europe as much as they do in US schools.

    Also, not all are dirt poor. My cousin worked for the UN in Kosovo. This is what he told me about 7 years ago so I don't know how it is now. But apparently the gypsies dress in dirty clothes and beg on the streets there while at the same time they own the biggest mansion in the city and several expensive sports cars. They all team up their money together over there and they earn alot. Of course I'm not saying they live in the lap of luxury, but not all of them have it as bad as you'd believe based on how they often look begging in the streets. In Oslo too I remember there is a graveyard next to Frognerparken, the biggest park in the city, and the largest and most expensive grave belongs to a self proclaimed "Queen of the gypsies". That's what it said on her tombstone atleast. It was atleast twice as big as any other graves in the graveyard, complete with a massive color photo and loads of fresh flower bouquets around the grave. Other graves were dirty and hers was polished. Pretty sure Henrik Ibsen was even buried there and the gypsy queens grave dwarfed his.
    Theres also truth here. They organize begging rings and move to other countries. But i am too tired right now.

    Little known fact is that Bulgaria is the only country that saved its jews during WW2. 45k lives were saved. On paper we were Germany ally but in reality not. After the war began Hitler quickly reached our north border with 1.5 million well trained and cutting edge technology army for the time. We had two chances to comply with them or fight them. We let them pass through the territory but never a single bulgarian sodlier fought on their side. Greece denied the same request and were crushed in 1 week.
    Jewish lobby is much stronger in the USA and thats the reason they talk more about that piece of history.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    Yep I agree with you though, they're one of those races I never hear anyone defend if a racist remark is made about them. Not cool.
    They deserve it, trust me.

  11. #26
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    In Sweden we have plenty of exchange students from east asia, mainly chinese and korean and I keep getting dumbfounded by how plenty of them behave.

    I've been living in dorms with a shared kitchen before in Sweden and now I'm currently in one as well because me and my girlfriend are waiting to move in to our new apartment which we just bought.

    Anyway, where I live now I share kitchen with 3 chinese, 2 korean and one jamaican student and the east asian students live like pigs. And it's been the same every time I've shared kitchen with east asian exchange students, they are socially retarded and they never speak with anyone who's not a fellow countrymen and they are dirty as hell. I've been doing their dishes since I got back from the US because the pigs never clean their stuff after cooking and they don't through out the garbage either.

    I've been in a couple of East Asian countries before and I never experienced anything of what I'm seeing now. Is it the younger generation that is like this or what?

    And yeah, CharlesOakley is a bitch.

    If they are male they likely haven't a clue how to clean as they were more than likely coddled by their parents and never had to lift a finger (this may get in the way of perpetual cram school and homework hours).

  12. #27
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    Theres also truth here. They organize begging rings and move to other countries. But i am too tired right now.

    Little known fact is that Bulgaria is the only country that saved its jews during WW2. 45k lives were saved. On paper we were Germany ally but in reality not. After the war began Hitler quickly reached our north border with 1.5 million well trained and cutting edge technology army for the time. We had two chances to comply with them or fight them. We let them pass through the territory but never a single bulgarian sodlier fought on their side. Greece denied the same request and were crushed in 1 week.
    Jewish lobby is much stronger in the USA and thats the reason they talk more about that piece of history.

    They deserve it, trust me.
    Props to Bulgaria.
    Denmark and Albania also did good to save their jews. The King of Denmark supported and defended Danish Jews. Basically when Hitler asked for the Jews, the Danes said no, and Hitler did nothing to punish them and he did not forcibly extract Jews from Denmark. They were safe there. Maybe if every country had stood up to him like that the holocaust would not have been so big, but also maybe Hitler only allowed Denmark to do it because they were "Aryan." Many countries like Latvia and France and Serbia happily rounded up all their jews no questions asked and sent them to the slaughter.
    Last edited by Nick Young; 04-12-2013 at 06:42 AM.

  13. #28
    NBA Legend dunksby's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by brantonli
    Have you tried asking them to be quiet?
    Well my studies are done but to answer your questions yes, I tried it a couple of times same with the rest of the corridor residents, what did I get as an answer? 15 expressionless Chinese looking at me wide eyed like they were surprised that I was addressing them. I dunno maybe they had a "we ignore you so you ignore us" kind of mentality.

  14. #29
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    I though you were Romanian. Yeah theres a huge difference. Whole eastern Europe is plagued by them Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and so on.

    Cry me a river, in Sweden we have alot of issues with "ethnic" Romanian and Bulgarian foreign workers as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    These people ethnically do not belong to any of the mentioned nations. They are believed to originate from India, but no one knows for sure. The thing is that they are born here and according to the constitution they get citizenship. And on their ID/Passport under nationality it says Bulgarian/Romanian, you get the picture. I believe the situation is the same in many countries around the world, if a person is born on your land he gets citizenship.
    They do belong, I feel embarrassed by just reading your post because it's full of prejudice and stupidty and the first gypsies arrived to Europe around 1500 years ago. In you country, Bulgaria, there are reports that indicate that gypsies have been there since the 13th century which is even before your country existed.

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    That tactic i think was massively used by emigrants from north African countries that want to migrate to France. For instance a whole family enters illegally France, while the wife is pregnant in the 8th month, she gives birth there and there you go a brand new citizen of France. And the whole family gets to stay and is entitled to social benefits.
    You obviously have no clue what you're talking about, if you really believe that you get citizenship just because you gave birth to your child in that particular country you're either ignorant or you live in an imaginary world. Sweden is one the most immigrant friendly countries in the world and even here that doesn't work.

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    Back on the gypsies, they have been around for couple of hundred years. Their population has exploded in the last 20 years for some reason(after the fall of the communism). They usually live in a separate neighborhood which in most cases looks like the 3rd world. I've seen many pictures from Romania where they live in tents or abandoned buildings. They are uneducated, barely speak local languages. In my country the people that speak proper Bulgarian is probably less than 1 in 1000 (personal observation). They steal a lot (usually metal to sell for scrap or copper wires), domestic crime is something usual. Two weeks ago there's a dispute in one of those neighborhoods, two dead.
    A couple of hundreds years is in fact since the 13th century.
    Also it's bogus that 1 of 1000 gypsies speak Bulgarian, 7.5% of the Bulgarian gypsies have your language as their mother tongue.

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    Gypsies are recognized as good dancers/singers. But i hate their music because its moraly degrading and resembles too much oriental music.
    You hate everything about them so there's no surprise that you hate their music as well. Personally I couldn't care less what you think about their music but you're writing alot of misinformation.

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    There was another publication about gypsies in Germany. There are LOTS of compaints, becasue some of them moved there, took over an abandoned building and settle there. And basically continue with their usual lifestyle filling for social benefits, which they are entitled to because they are EU citizens (which in western europe are IN SEVERAL TIMES higher than eastern) dumpster diving, a bit of stealing, begging, prostituation and so on.

    I like the fact that you seem to believe that people actually like stealing, begging, dumpster diving and prostitution.

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    Physical they look different from ethnical, they seem to shorter than average bulgarians, and also their skin color is from light brown to dark brown. Very much resembling Indians.

    You've obviously never met a person from India if you really do believe that they look like gypsies. I would definitely say that "ethnic" Bulgarians look much more the same as the gypsies compared to gypsies and people from India.

    Quote Originally Posted by fiddy
    Couple of years ago France was so fed up with them they deported 1000 of them back to Romania and Bulgaria. Heres report this time about Norway complaing about them and even threatening to leave Shengen because of the problem.
    The 1000 that were deported from France, were given 50(or 500 cant remember exactly) Euro and free plane ride back "home". Another win for the multicultural society of EU.

    Well, they do in fact belong in Bulgaria and Romania so I don't see anything wrong with that.

  15. #30
    Nosetradamus rezznor's Avatar
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    Default Re: East asian exchange students - your experience?

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    I really want to believe that and these guys are nothing like the people I met when I was in East Asia and I always get amazed by the East Asian culture and history. I have no racist beliefs when it comes to asians or anyone else, don't get fooled by my lame punchlines about Godzuki, those were only because I wanted him to freak out.

    But seriously, I've seen too many socially retarded and dirty exchange students from East Asia. I'm starting to think that these are the kids that have rich parents and who never had to work on their personalities or anything else because they were born with a silver spoon, it's mind boggling to see how these guys behave and how they interact with people who are not from the same country as themselves.
    I am Vietnamese so I'd like to think I have some insight on this. FOBS are borderline retarded. They are rude as shit and have no social manners. Last time I was at the Lourve, some old chinese woman stepped across the rope barrier and started touching a painting. I just had to SMH. Alot of it is just the way people are raised, they have to really hustle for everything or else they get taken advantage of, that translates into no social skills whatsoever.

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