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Thread: God iz real.

  1. #16
    NBA lottery pick Fresh Kid's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Quote Originally Posted by dr.hee
    Where are they now?
    take a guess.

  2. #17
    National High School Star dr.hee's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fresh Kid
    take a guess.
    I'm not religious, help me out.

  3. #18
    NBA Legend Bandito's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Quote Originally Posted by dr.hee
    What annoys me in these discussions is the kind of christianity vs. atheism thing. There are thousands of different religions and gods people are believing in. Yet every single believer thinks it's either him or the atheist who's right...before they can talk to the atheist, what about getting on the same page about which deity is on the other side of the coin? Just annoying. You know, the whole Pascals's Wager thing where believers have no clue how many contradicting religions are using the exact same line of reasoning.
    I understand what you are saying and it makes sense. But there are a lot of cultures besides one based on christianism (Occidental culture) so there are going to be a lot of views on what diety is the "God" based on what they seen throughout the ages. At the end of the day nobody know what's out there.

    Heck I think that God doesn't exist and when we die we go back to the Earth and come back as something else. (To make it short; reincarnation, we go back to the basic elements and we transform into something else, we become food for the worms, we are enegry so we in essence never get destroyed we just change, etc...)

  4. #19
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    I'm currently reading: The Great Partnership; Science, Religion and the Search for Meaning by Jonathan Sacks. It's a good read for atheists and religious believers alike.

    It's of course skewed toward the religious side (he's a Rabbi after all) but it's an intelligent and thought-provoking examination of the human desire to find meaning in the universe through both left and right brain activity.
    Last edited by rufuspaul; 09-12-2013 at 09:32 PM.

  5. #20
    NBA lottery pick Fresh Kid's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Quote Originally Posted by dr.hee
    I'm not religious, help me out.
    heaven or hell.

  6. #21
    National High School Star dr.hee's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandito
    Heck I think that God doesn't exist and when we die we go back to the Earth and come back as something else. (To make it short; reincarnation, we go back to the basic elements and we transform into something else, we become food for the worms, we are enegry so we in essence never get destroyed we just change, etc...)
    The energy part might be true, but if my brain is destroyed, I couldn't care less which worm is eating it, lol. "We" might arise out of energy in our brain, but it's very specific patterns that make us humans. So in my opinion, that's all lost with death. Reincarnation...don't know...what I like as some useless speculation is some eternal cycle going on. Like an endless number of universes coming and going. In the most boring case, simply the same one over and over again. Pointless infinite regress.

  7. #22
    NBA lottery pick Fresh Kid's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandito
    I understand what you are saying and it makes sense. But there are a lot of cultures besides one based on christianism (Occidental culture) so there are going to be a lot of views on what diety is the "God" based on what they seen throughout the ages. At the end of the day nobody know what's out there.

    Heck I think that God doesn't exist and when we die we go back to the Earth and come back as something else. (To make it short; reincarnation, we go back to the basic elements and we transform into something else, we become food for the worms, we are enegry so we in essence never get destroyed we just change, etc...)
    I understand, different cultures and religions been divided since tha biblical times, its just thatwe gotta do right from wrong, which iz really hard but we gotta try at least, and its just how im figuring this world out and life experiences and what I go thru that let me know God iz real, just like satan iz real, people get blessed for doing good or they will reap for doing bad basically, and thats definitely spiritually no matter what anybody says. Tha last thing u dont want to happen either iz to think theres no heaven or hell, cuz if u think theres no heaven then u lost automatically and it would be too late to change your mind.

  8. #23
    Biyombo Smash!! Quizno's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.


  9. #24
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    I think this is an excellent video on the origin of the origin of the Judeo-Christian god. I have posted it a few times before. But when people start this discussion they rarely if ever try to find out where their god came from. God may exist, but I strongly doubt he is the one in the bible.

    Part 1:
    Part 2:

  10. #25
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    God is good.

    God is great.

    Let us thank him for our food.

  11. #26
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Macho Man
    Grow up!

  12. #27
    ***** ace23's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Sup guise. Let's argue about religion on the internet.

  13. #28
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fresh Kid
    I understand, different cultures and religions been divided since tha biblical times, its just thatwe gotta do right from wrong, which iz really hard but we gotta try at least, and its just how im figuring this world out and life experiences and what I go thru that let me know God iz real, just like satan iz real, people get blessed for doing good or they will reap for doing bad basically, and thats definitely spiritually no matter what anybody says. Tha last thing u dont want to happen either iz to think theres no heaven or hell, cuz if u think theres no heaven then u lost automatically and it would be too late to change your mind.
    What experiences have led you to knowing that God is real? I'd genuinely like to know Fresh Kid. People of all different religions claim this, but they can't all be correct, right? These people all believe in different things that contradict the other's beliefs. Since they can't all be right, we can conclude that there is a lot of hallucination going on. I'm sure you would agree with me that Hindus, Muslims, etc. were hallucinating when they claim to have an experience with a god other than the Christian one, right?

    So in other words, we don't know for certain that all religions are false, but what we do know is that the human mind is very susceptible to hallucination. No disagreement between us so far, right?

    There's no reason that Christians are special and somehow immune from hallucination. This is not to say that God does not exist for a fact, because I can't say that, but Christianity is no different from any other religion in the sense that there is no real evidence to back it up, so Christianity is no more likely to be true than any other religion. All people of any religion have is their personal experiences, and if we are taking personal experience as real evidence then that means that every different god that people believe in is real. Obviously that's not what Christians believe though. They believe that there god is the only god, but if they were brought up with a different religion they would think that another god and religion were real based on whatever personal experiences they had. This is why faith is a terrible reason to believe in anything.

    As far as Heaven goes, I don't mind not going. Try to think of the time before you were born. Was it a bad time? No. You didn't care that you weren't alive, because you didn't exist to care. I think it will be the same after we die. We won't exist so we won't be able to care that we're not in some Heaven. The idea of living forever in Heaven actually scared me more as a Christian child than the idea of Hell did, since it would seem you would go crazy of boredom after a while. 70 or 80 years of living sound like plenty to me, but I suppose if God turned me into a zombie who was constantly happy and couldn't get bored, I guess Heaven might be alright. If evidence is ever found for a Heaven, I'll accept that it's real, but not until then. I think most religious people are afraid of death and they believe they've signed a contract that helps them avoid the unavoidable, and this is why they don't spend much time or any time at all looking at opposing viewpoints. It would be unacceptable to them for them to be wrong about Heaven. The Universe doesn't care what we want though. Wanting to win the lottery really badly isn't going to make it any more likely.

    When it comes to your question of who created everything, that's a bad question. No one created everything. Not knowing how everything came into existence does not mean that a conscious mind created it.

    I'm not necessarily trying to change your mind here Fresh Kid, but it's good for you to understand your opponents position better so you can better defend your own position in the future. I get along fine with religious people in real life. Some of my friends are religious. My parents are hardcore Christians and I get along with them great. Cheers Fresh Kid

  14. #29
    Laker Gang #COYG KobesFinger's Avatar
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    Our father, who art on ISH
    Jeff be thy name
    Thy Kingdom come, thou shall be done
    On ISH as it is in real life
    Give us this day, our daily rep
    And forgive us for trolling
    As we forgive those who troll against us
    And lead us not into temptation
    But deliver us from Euroleague's crazed rants
    For thine is the Kingdom
    The mods and the glory
    Since 1999

    Real talk though, there's no way to know whether a higher power exists unless you die. And then you can't prove it because you're dead.

  15. #30
    Very good NBA starter
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    Default Re: God iz real.

    religion is for the brainwashed.

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