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  1. #1
    Deity ★ Persona Hoodlum Science's Avatar
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    ℑoshua ζives

    Default Undercover cop pleads NOT GUILTY in motorcycle SUV attack from a few weeks back...

    An undercover New York police detective seen on video smashing the back window of an SUV during an attack by a pack of angry motorcyclists pleaded not guilty in a Manhattan courtroom
    Undercover Cop helps by assisting in SUV attack

    So because he didn't smash in the driver/passenger windows, he's exempt from potential charges of riot and criminal mischief? He smashed out the back windows, and somehow that's OK.

    He's an undercover cop and not only did he do nothing to stop the attack, he participated.

    I'm so sick of cops thinking they're beyond the law simply because they have a badge. F[COLOR="Black"]u[/COLOR]ck the police, and f[COLOR="Black"]u[/COLOR]ck crooked cops.

    He's "not guilty" ... yeah OK. As[COLOR="Black"]s[/COLOR]hole.

  2. #2
    Deity ★ Persona Hoodlum Science's Avatar
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    Default Re: Undercover cop pleads NOT GUILTY in motorcycle SUV attack from a few weeks back...

    Alright, here's a separate yet similar question to the subject above: should cops be allowed to overstep their boundaries and be given a pass b/c of the heightened stress their roles requires, and in return they're "let off" in specific circumstances? ... or ... should they be held to a higher standard and looked at in a more responsible regard yielding a more harsh punishment?

    IMO, it's a no-brainer.

  3. #3
    maimi heat fan sinc'89 Theoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Undercover cop pleads NOT GUILTY in motorcycle SUV attack from a few weeks back...

    he pleadin not guilty u fk** retart

  4. #4
    The People's Choice Draz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Undercover cop pleads NOT GUILTY in motorcycle SUV attack from a few weeks back...

    Quote Originally Posted by Theoo
    he pleadin not guilty u fk** retart

  5. #5
    Banned CanYouDigIt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Undercover cop pleads NOT GUILTY in motorcycle SUV attack from a few weeks back...

    Someone pleads Not Guilty on a crime they commited?!?!

    Shocker... Welcome to America, sir.

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