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  1. #61
    An uglier Lamar Doom boozehound's Avatar
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Quote Originally Posted by riseagainst
    I might have agreed with you until I saw the bolded.

    I am not using the bible to justify it. But it is in the bible

  2. #62
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Quote Originally Posted by OldSkoolball#52
    Definitely not. In this day and age a man has greatly reduced incentive to marry even jus one woman, relative to generations passed. I wasnt suggestig anything to the contrary.

    Thats why I used to argue against same sex marriage, not from a prejudice or religious perspective, simply because it seemed kind of silly relative to the actual historical purpose of marriage. Frankly it still does but to me its just not a battle worth fighting. If gay people feel that strongly about wanting it, theres really not much harm in it I suppose. So its whatever.
    Women, always want what they can't have.

  3. #63
    NBA Legend Bandito's Avatar
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Quote Originally Posted by boozehound
    Oh ok. I guess all of my history teachers who said were wrong. Or maybe there are some passages (not the commandments) that are actually followed by the laws. But then again I don't read the Bible so if I am wrong or right I am not going to check.

  4. #64
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandito
    Oh ok. I guess all of my history teachers who said were wrong. Or maybe there are some passages (not the commandments) that are actually followed by the laws. But then again I don't read the Bible so if I am wrong or right I am not going to check.
    Didn't read that link but I think alot of the current laws that are in placed are based off Roman law which were based off Ancient Greek law.

    I know Rome at it's height wasn't a christian empire but the religion itself had incorporated alot of Roman ideals.

    In short I don't think the Ancient Romans or Greeks practiced polygamy so therefore we don't

    but i could be wrong

  5. #65
    Form a ****ing wall DetroitPiston's Avatar
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Personally, legalize it. Long as it's consenting adults and all that. Only problem I can see is the divorce cases.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPiston
    Personally, legalize it. Long as it's consenting adults and all that. Only problem I can see is the divorce cases.

    Divorce issues would be complicated but really this would not be common enough in todays society to cause any big debacle. Very few women these days would be willing to be in a polygamist relationship. Monogamous marriage is far too ingrained in most christian cultures by now and as I said, even in non-traditional/religious quarters (ie urban/progressive ones) very few females would be interested.

    There are some mormons in Utah and I believe some isolated other polygamy groups in Texas and perhaps other states who would be interested. Personally I think it would be very tough to justify a same sex marriage legalization without a polygamy legalization. There is no written, official definition of marriage that spans all world cultures. Americas historically accepted definition has been based on European and judeo-christian roots as single man and a single woman. Thats what its been in Asia as well as the middle East. If you say it shouldnt technically have to be a man and a woman, I dont see how you wouldnt say it technically shouldnt have to be two people. Otherwise you arent being consistent. Youre saying your gay friends and coworkers should be able to marry their boyfriends, but the religious mormons you dont know any of and probably think are weird shouldnt be able to marry three women. Is that equality or is that H8???
    Last edited by OldSkoolball#52; 09-25-2013 at 12:50 AM.

  7. #67
    Local High School Star Flash31's Avatar
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Quote Originally Posted by OldSkoolball#52
    Divorce issues would be complicated but really this would not be common enough in todays society to cause any big debacle. Very few women these days would be willing to be in a polygamist relationship. Monogamous marriage is far too ingrained in most christian cultures by now and as I said, even in non-traditional/religious quarters (ie urban/progressive ones) very few females would be interested.

    There are some mormons in Utah and I believe some isolated other polygamy groups in Texas and perhaps other states who would be interested. Personally I think it would be very tough to justify a same sex marriage legalization without a polygamy legalization. There is no written, official definition of marriage that spans all world cultures. Americas historically accepted definition has been based on European and judeo-christian roots as single man and a single woman. Thats what its been in Asia as well as the middle East. If you say it shouldnt technically have to be a man and a woman, I dont see how you wouldnt say it technically shouldnt have to be two people. Otherwise you arent being consistent. Youre saying your gay friends and coworkers should be able to marry their boyfriends, but the religious mormons you dont know any of and probably think are weird shouldnt be able to marry three women. Is that equality or is that H8???
    a man marrying another man
    a woman or man having multiple wives or husbands
    nit the same thing

    Imagine the legal ramifications and burden.

    Whos your first in call,Who do you call first in medical emergency,your will,
    your IRS tax forms How would you fill out a joint form with multiple other people
    your military pay if youre in that,do they up it bc you got 3-5 ways or split the wife/husband pay 3-5 ways

    How would a divorce work,Why is this fissolution happening
    he/she cheated on me,while the others are fine or
    you cheated on us but one wife forgave you

    Imagine having to keep track of all the annuversaries,birthdays,special occasions
    Does any wife/husband get alone time
    You know sonebody would go he/she doesnt spend enough time with me divorce
    and lets say you marry one wife 5 yrs after another and 1 a yr after that
    the 1 st wife wants a divorce,wants her cut
    it cant be a 16/50 bc she was here longer

    but then the other two wives have a problem with the first taking tgeir finances and their hard years and shes not taking 5 yrs on and the rest split bc in her mind she was there since beginning

    Too much Legal trouble for proper polygamy

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Quote Originally Posted by Flash31
    a man marrying another man
    a woman or man having multiple wives or husbands
    nit the same thing

    Imagine the legal ramifications and burden.

    Whos your first in call,Who do you call first in medical emergency,your will,
    your IRS tax forms How would you fill out a joint form with multiple other people
    your military pay if youre in that,do they up it bc you got 3-5 ways or split the wife/husband pay 3-5 ways

    How would a divorce work,Why is this fissolution happening
    he/she cheated on me,while the others are fine or
    you cheated on us but one wife forgave you

    Imagine having to keep track of all the annuversaries,birthdays,special occasions
    Does any wife/husband get alone time
    You know sonebody would go he/she doesnt spend enough time with me divorce
    and lets say you marry one wife 5 yrs after another and 1 a yr after that
    the 1 st wife wants a divorce,wants her cut
    it cant be a 16/50 bc she was here longer

    but then the other two wives have a problem with the first taking tgeir finances and their hard years and shes not taking 5 yrs on and the rest split bc in her mind she was there since beginning

    Too much Legal trouble for proper polygamy

    So you want deny people their marital wishes, people who LOVE each other, just because you cant be bothered to work out the kinks for an acceptable system???


    California is basically rewriting all its rules in order to give illegals drivers licenses and other citizenship privileges. They are rewriting their rules to allow people of the same gender to start marrying each other and adopt children.

    You probably know some immigrants. You probably know some gay folks. So you approve of these things on their behalf and also to stick it to the religious/conservative establishment.

    You probably know nobody who would prefer to have a marriage with multiple partners, even though they are out there. You probably think those people are wierd and isolated so you arent inclined to care about applying civil rights equally to them.


  9. #69
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Honestly people just need to mind their own business.

    If a consenting adult wants to get together in an relationship arrangement with other consenting adult/adults, that you disagree with.

    Guess what, you dont have to be a part of it.

  10. #70
    Local High School Star Flash31's Avatar
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Quote Originally Posted by OldSkoolball#52
    So you want deny people their marital wishes, people who LOVE each other, just because you cant be bothered to work out the kinks for an acceptable system???


    California is basically rewriting all its rules in order to give illegals drivers licenses and other citizenship privileges. They are rewriting their rules to allow people of the same gender to start marrying each other and adopt children.

    You probably know some immigrants. You probably know some gay folks. So you approve of these things on their behalf and also to stick it to the religious/conservative establishment.

    You probably know nobody who would prefer to have a marriage with multiple partners, even though they are out there. You probably think those people are wierd and isolated so you arent inclined to care about applying civil rights equally to them.

    cant tell if sarcastic or what?
    But I actually dont care and dont mind
    let someone marry 20 wives or husbands
    I was explaining probably why US doesnt allow it
    those reasons and probably us's heavily religous beliefs always coming into play even though it's supposed to be separation of church,religion and government

    I want everBody thats an adult to be able to marry another or 20 or however many,whatever It doesnt affect me or bother me,not my personal life

    With a man/woman,man/man,woman/woman
    its two people hust wondering how the logistics play out legally with multiple people in a marriage legal law situation dealing with finances and tthings

    It dont bother mean,Im an equal opportunist
    Freedom if religion or lack thereof,speech,right to pursue happpiness,liberty,marriage,rights,all that
    but Im not thr government,Im not combined religion and law and making what laws i see fut based on my religion

    I despise religion operated governments,doesnt turn out well

    By all means,marry 20 people,It shouldnt affect anyone besides the ones in the marriage

    Its like gay rights,how does it affect you at all,it dont
    people just hate gays and wont allow it mostly due to religion again
    Nobodies marriage thats not your own much less a complete strangers should bother you,It doesnt concern you

    Religion and the way people have been brought up is creating these ignorant opinions

  11. #71
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: So why is Polygamy Illegal?

    Quote Originally Posted by ALBballer
    If all adults consent to the marriage then why not?

    It shouldn't be illegal. As people already pointed out, the main reason it isn't is because of religion and rich people not wanting to give tax breaks to non-rich people.

    This issue is just 1 more reason why I believe marriage should not be a legal thing. Make marriage something that is separate from law and then churches can celebrate marriage any way they want. Then all tax benefits come simply from domestic partnerships.

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