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  1. #16
    Jazz | Utes | Raiders UtahJazzFan88's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Over the past 4 months I've started to realize some of the aspects of my life that I screwed up in high school & that my life is controlled by ME and nobody else out there is going to make me do shit or motivate myself besides ME. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that my mom basically ditched out on my life at 12, and the fact that my brother and I have really never been that close due to age differences. I never had somebody to rely on for the most part.

    I was a Straight A student in high school but had no motivation to do anything but go to school, get good grades, then go home and play video games all day and night. I didn't care about girls or making friends then. Right now I am working on the social aspects of my life & looking to move out on my own, and then I will start college in August.

    I guess there is a time and day where you wake up and smell the coffee to change your life up. I am sure I have a lot of maturing and growing up to do still obviously.
    Last edited by UtahJazzFan88; 11-20-2013 at 05:56 PM.

  2. #17
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Quote Originally Posted by UtahJazzFan88
    Over the past 4 months I've started to realize some of the aspects of my life that I screwed up in high school & that my life is controlled by ME and nobody else out there is going to make me do shit or motivate myself besides ME.

    I was a Straight A student in high school but had no motivation to do anything but go to school, get good grades, then go home and play video games all day and night. I didn't care about girls or making friends then. Right now I am working on the social aspects of my life & looking to move out on my own, and then I will start college finally.

    I guess there is a time and day where you wake up and smell the coffee to change your life up. I am sure I have a lot of maturing and growing up to do still obviously.
    if you're lucky

    I think a lot of go their entire lives without changing much...a lot of grown men out there with childish mind sets, and a lot of women that spend their entire lives just living off their husbands and never ever knowing how to function on their own.

    Everyone, at some point in life, should live alone for at least 2-3 their own bills, feed themselves, wake up to their own alarm clocks, do their own laundry, etc etc etc...once you have done that and come to the realization you don't need anyone but yourself, it is mental freedom.

  3. #18
    Local High School Star TheReturn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Quote Originally Posted by CeltsGarlic
    Im 21 and the situation is exactly the same. Even studies.
    Im thinking its because Im really immature for my age. Like really immature. I always find fascinating when other guys are studying for exams for like 10+ hours.. and when you think about Im the stupid one for not doing it. Its way more useful than whatever Im doing then.
    Yeah, I honestly believe it helps to have goals though. If you know what you're working for it's easier to just do it. Right now I feel I've been pretty 'smart' most of my life, but I'm not really learning as much as some people around me because they study much harder. In the past my common sense/knowledge would be sufficient to argue with those people, but I feel like if I don't start studying like they do, they'll surpass me.

    The thing is, I want to be great. I hate being mediocre or being beating in any way, shape or form. I just don't know what being great is (to me) honestly. My good friend is becoming an accountant, and he's doing really awesome. I don't think I want to spend my life crunching numbers though.

    To me basketball is one of the few things that's simple. If I practice hard, I play better. I want to dominate in games so I practice hard consistently. Other aspects in my life aren't so straightforward.

    Sorry if I'm hijacking your positive thread OP.

    I'm sure you older guys have went through phases of being confused/uncertain though, right?

  4. #19
    Apparently likes anime reppy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheReturn
    I'm sure you older guys have went through phases of being confused/uncertain though, right?
    I'm still there. I think most people still do.

    What surprises me though is people that never seem to improve or learn anything. They do the same things, make the same mistakes, etc. and it never even occurs to them, "Hey, I should try to do things differently to improve my personal/financial/emotional situation."

    Sometimes, in work, I get frustrated because I feel like I'm not learning enough. I'm still doing things the same way. So I usually start looking into new technology or whatever in my free time. Gets me excited again, and even if I don't adopt it, I learn things I can apply to what I'm currently doing.

    But at the same time, life has a way of overwhelming you. I give my boss props because that dude is juggling so much at once. I don't even care about occasionally working 60 hours in a week because I feel like a wuss compared to all the time he's putting in.

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Quote Originally Posted by Theoo
    Quote Originally Posted by tmacattack33
    This is the first post of yours with no grammatical errors. Congrats.
    hoho! how about...?





    would that grease your goose, mcgrady??

  6. #21
    ifirtworld Stuckey's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    nothing profound

    just feel like I'm being incorporated into society and my actions have a bigger impact like a ripple from a drop in a pond

    as far as my brain, I think I've done so much damage to it with drugs and voluntary insomnia(poker)

  7. #22
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    btw, did you read any of those research studies on consciousness mapping that shklvr posted to your thread a month ago? they're so nerdy and dense that it would help me if someone else here got in to them a little bit, so as to compare notes.
    I can't remember if I remember if I read that or not... but when I get some time I will go back and check them out. I definitely don't mind being a nerd for that kind of stuff ha. There was actually a book I tried to download "How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed. It seemed right up that alley... was a fake file though One day I will get around to reading it though.

    To answer the questions about the books I am reading... Right now the main book is "The Social Animal", which is not surprisingly a sociology book. That book in addition to some other random studies I have seen on the internet have all same thing about the brain fully maturing as late as the mid twenties. Other books I am dabbling in are "Winning Body Language" by Bark Bowden, "War" by Robert Greene (really just got started with those two), 50 Psychology Classics" (I finished that one... mostly footnotes of 50 great psychology books), and I just downloaded "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and a bunch of Brian Tracy stuff. It all started "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth" By Tolle though. That was my bible for 4 or 5 months, and then I gradually started paving my own way thinking about things for myself and making my own connections. Those books started the conscious awareness though and I have never looked back.

    aren't you the dude that was in love with his best friend's girl?

    what ever came of that? i didn't follow the thread to its conclusion but was interested
    I am indeed! Nothing really. I moved out for like 5 months but now I am back living with them. I told both of them though before I moved out that I thought I had feelings for her. I was just so unconscious though... and super sexually frustrated. I went through a lot of shit though when I moved out because we got in argument which basically forced it (I said some things that cut really deep... wouldn't say such things now). I had a lot of growing to do as a person. It was necessary IMO for that growth. Now, I will never give another man's woman much attention at all... out of respect for the man, but also out self preservation. Unless of course I have a woman of my own who I can channel that attention towards... otherwise it's just bad karma all around.

    To me basketball is one of the few things that's simple. If I practice hard, I play better. I want to dominate in games so I practice hard consistently. Other aspects in my life aren't so straightforward.

    Sorry if I'm hijacking your positive thread OP.
    No worries man

    And you can actually take that same philosophy in basketball and apply it to whatever you want to accomplish. Right I am doing basketball drills too. I give my full focus and attention to those drills when I do them, and the results are magical. Most of us men are hardwired to put our focus towards one thing and multitasking comes unconsciously... which is why it's good to have someone do stuff to you while you are practicing such as throw tennis balls you have to catch during dribbling drills. In order to focus on the tennis balls, dribbling has to become second nature (unconscious). Once dribbling is second nature, then your mind is free to see other things on the court. You're unconscious mind is waaaaaay more powerful than your conscious mind. It's the super computer... your auto pilot. The goal is to program your auto pilot to do what you want it do, not whatever it feels like doing. Take that same principle and apply it to anything and watch it work... consciously program your unconscious. That is one of the revelations I have recently had btw. After reading things related to it and some conversations it just clicked. Neural connection made... booya! Although like the one guy mentioned, once a connection is made it is hard to break (especially when your older). Those moments of transcendence can come back to bite you in the bum if you get to attached to them Which is why it is a good idea to keep challenging them and seeing how applicable they are to you.
    Last edited by Swaggin916; 11-21-2013 at 04:01 AM.

  8. #23
    Local High School Star TheReturn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Quote Originally Posted by Swaggin916
    I can't remember if I remember if I read that or not... but when I get some time I will go back and check them out. I definitely don't mind being a nerd for that kind of stuff ha. There was actually a book I tried to download "How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed. It seemed right up that alley... was a fake file though One day I will get around to reading it though.

    To answer the questions about the books I am reading... Right now the main book is "The Social Animal", which is not surprisingly a sociology book. That book in addition to some other random studies I have seen on the internet have all same thing about the brain fully maturing as late as the mid twenties. Other books I am dabbling in are "Winning Body Language" by Bark Bowden, "War" by Robert Greene (really just got started with those two), 50 Psychology Classics" (I finished that one... mostly footnotes of 50 great psychology books), and I just downloaded "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and a bunch of Brian Tracy stuff. It all started "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth" By Tolle though. That was my bible for 4 or 5 months, and then I gradually started paving my own way thinking about things for myself and making my own connections. Those books started the conscious awareness though and I have never looked back.

    I am indeed! Nothing really. I moved out for like 5 months but now I am back living with them. I told both of them though before I moved out that I thought I had feelings for her. I was just so unconscious though... and super sexually frustrated. I went through a lot of shit though when I moved out because we got in argument which basically forced it (I said some things that cut really deep... wouldn't say such things now). I had a lot of growing to do as a person. It was necessary IMO for that growth. Now, I will never give another man's woman much attention at all... out of respect for the man, but also out self preservation. Unless of course I have a woman of my own who I can channel that attention towards... otherwise it's just bad karma all around.

    No worries man

    And you can actually take that same philosophy in basketball and apply it to whatever you want to accomplish. Right I am doing basketball drills too. I give my full focus and attention to those drills when I do them, and the results are magical. Most of us men are hardwired to put our focus towards one thing and multitasking comes unconsciously... which is why it's good to have someone do stuff to you while you are practicing such as throw tennis balls you have to catch during dribbling drills. In order to focus on the tennis balls, dribbling has to become second nature (unconscious). Once dribbling is second nature, then your mind is free to see other things on the court. You're unconscious mind is waaaaaay more powerful than your conscious mind. It's the super computer... your auto pilot. The goal is to program your auto pilot to do what you want it do, not whatever it feels like doing. Take that same principle and apply it to anything and watch it work... consciously program your unconscious. That is one of the revelations I have recently had btw. After reading things related to it and some conversations it just clicked. Neural connection made... booya! Although like the one guy mentioned, once a connection is made it is hard to break (especially when your older). Those moments of transcendence can come back to bite you in the bum if you get to attached to them Which is why it is a good idea to keep challenging them and seeing how applicable they are to you.
    Yeah it's kinda cliche, but taking things one day at a time is probably the best way to go. Just consciously trying to get better one day at a time. I sound like a Lebron James postgame interview.

  9. #24
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Its funny because I have done all this soul searching, analyzing, etc. and came to realizations that are so cliche lol. Those cliche's exist for a reason. I heard something recently from Malcolm Gladwell that has stuck with me: Happiness = Reality - Expectations. Rid yourself of expectations, put in the work, and take it one day at a time... the results are great.
    Last edited by Swaggin916; 11-21-2013 at 06:06 PM.

  10. #25
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Quote Originally Posted by Swaggin916
    ... To answer the questions about the books I am reading... Right now the main book is "The Social Animal", which is not surprisingly a sociology book. That book in addition to some other random studies I have seen on the internet have all same thing about the brain fully maturing as late as the mid twenties. Other books I am dabbling in are "Winning Body Language" by Bark Bowden, "War" by Robert Greene (really just got started with those two), 50 Psychology Classics" (I finished that one... mostly footnotes of 50 great psychology books), and I just downloaded "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and a bunch of Brian Tracy stuff. It all started "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth" By Tolle though. That was my bible for 4 or 5 months, and then I gradually started paving my own way thinking about things for myself and making my own connections. Those books started the conscious awareness though and I have never looked back. ...
    most of that sounds super-interesting. i'm mainly reading magazine articles and catching up with movies and TV these days after long neglect... haven't read that kind of book for months at this point.

    so... feel free to start a topic if you hit an interesting section!

  11. #26
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Quote Originally Posted by gigantes
    most of that sounds super-interesting. i'm mainly reading magazine articles and catching up with movies and TV these days after long neglect... haven't read that kind of book for months at this point.

    so... feel free to start a topic if you hit an interesting section!
    Will do man. I could literally start a new topic every couple of pages it seems like.

  12. #27
    maimi heat fan sinc'89 Theoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone else having profound realizations?

    Quote Originally Posted by gigantes
    hoho! how about...?





    would that grease your goose, mcgrady??
    what hell a repritade

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