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  1. #1
    It's Okay Spaulding's Avatar
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    Default My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    Below is my 10 favorite games of all time. Each game has a video I linked that are a sample of great moments in the game I experienced.

    Feel free to share your top 10 also.

    Zelda: Orcarina of Time - Game introduced me to the open world fantasy I always longed for, a true adventure.

    Dark Age of Camelot - First encounter with a full 3D Fantasy MMORPG. Meeting people here alone has memories. So many realms to explore you could easily get lost.

    Elder Scroll Series - It amazes me that a series could be so consistent in delivering a quality RPG experience. Truly captivating with the music and environments.

    Mass Effect Series - The emotions from playing this game still stay with me today. A SCI-FI RPG that caught me off guard and I fell in love with its characters.

    Diablo 1&2 - Dark medieval RPG that you could put countless hours into. The challenge and buildup of your character as you faced Diablo alone is unprecedented.

    Fallout 3 & New Vegas - Post apocalyptic fantasy that caught me with surprise. The world made you feel like you had to do everything in your power to survive. Upon leaving the vault you realize what you got yourself into.

    Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity - I credit this game as the reason I love Fantasy RPGs. It is lower on the list that is only due to the game play hours I got out of it. Traveling the realms on a crucial Quest keeps you playing.

    Rome: Total War - Micro management, huge epic battles all in a Roman theme really got me into this game and it was epic.

    Dragon Age 1 - Like Mass Effect this created an awesome emotional attachment to the characters. Who knew spending hours in a camp talking with NPCs would be so fun.

    Day of Defeat - Before there was Call of Duty there was DoD. Spent countless hours living in WW2 battles fighting real opponents.

    Honorable Mentions: Dark Souls, World of Warcraft, Grand Theft Auto Series and Runescape 2D.

  2. #2
    Welcome to LA S. Nash! rhythmic 's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    Uncharted 2
    Uncharted 3
    The Last Of Us
    Max Payne 1 & 2
    San Andreas
    Mario Kart Racing
    Super Mario 3
    Red Dead Redemption
    Golden Eye 007
    God of War Trilogy

    I also am a big fan of Black Ops (story mode), Modern Warfare trilogy (story mode), GTA 5, GTA 3, Halo 1, 3 and Reach.

    My top 5:

    1) The Last of Us
    2) Uncharted 3
    3) Uncharted 2
    4) San Andreas
    5) Red Dead Redemption

    Carved in stone.

  3. #3
    Very good NBA starter DukeDelonte13's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time


  4. #4
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    good taste in games op. good to see mass effect and dragon age origins on other peoples top 10

  5. #5
    Gov'n macmac's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    Some young ass people in here if there's no games before 64.

    SNES is a top 3 console of all time easy

  6. #6
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    Some good picks already.

    - Games like GTA San Andreas and Dragon Age: Origins would both be in my top 25 or so but there were games in those genres that just worked better for me.

    - I remember hating that King's Quest game. Much like Ultima 9, when those games initially went 3D it seemed like sacrifices were made to the story and characters. But I guess I haven't played that in a long time.

    - I can't decide which Mario Kart game I liked most. I think it's between SNES and N64. I own Mario Kart 7 for 3DS but it's not quite the experience those games were. The Wii one was meh. Never played the Gamecube version.

    I had to do 15 because I couldn't leave any of these games off:

    1. Planescape: Torment
    - Whenever I think of "best game ever", this is the first game that always comes to mind. A very story-heavy game with a lot of text reading but holy crap, what a story. A rare game that I replay every couple years and enjoy every single time. The best part of Torment is its unique world and characters. It's Baldur's Gate with a demented twist.

    "What can change the nature of a man?"

    2. Civilization series
    - The biggest time sink in video games. No other games will make 3-4 hours just go by like this. Civ 4 and 5 were both excellent once their expansions came out and with a little tweaking thanks to online community mods.

    3. Fallout 2
    - The best thing in Fallout 2 is the sense of freedom. You can travel wherever you want and complete things in a number of ways. Want to slaughter an entire city of men, women, and children? Go for it and try. It will never hold your hand either so if you enter a tough zone, prepare to get reamed.

    4. Mass Effect Series
    - I never have and probably never again will anticipate a game like I did Mass Effect 3. That's a testament to how good ME and, especially, ME2 were. 3 was a bit of a disappointment but only relative to the first two games. Near prefect sci-fi storytelling. Even with the dumbing down of the ending by basically ignoring all previous choices made.

    5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    - A timeless experience. Perfect and innovative gameplay. Still the most heartfelt story in a Zelda game.

    6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
    - The blueprint for pretty much every Zelda game that came after. Great dark tone and challenging dungeons (particularly in the Dark World).

    7. Bastion
    - For "just" an indie game, one of the most overall polished games in recent memory. Great gameplay progression when it came to weapons and upgrades. Wonderful presentation of the story through the narration and the best video game soundtrack ever.

    Do you leave Zulf to die or save him from his own people? A perfect video game moment:

    8. No One Lives Forever 2
    - While Half Life 2 might be the standard for FPS, NOLF 2 is the most underrated FPS ever. It had everything. Varied locations, great enemy AI for the time, a likable and interesting protagonist in Cate Archer, it was genuinely funny and a battle with ninjas in a trailer park during a tornado:

    9. Freespace 2
    - I still haven't played a space sim better than this. Giant battles where you're flying around the beam weapons of capital ships was the highlight.

    10. Red Dead Redemption
    - The only game where I could just ride a horse across the map for 10 minutes and be amazed. Rockstar still hasn't topped RDR in terms of story and characters.

    11. The Witcher 2
    - The Game of Thrones of video games. Violence and sex wrapped in an engrossing political story in a fantasy world. A game where your choices matter a lot and an entire chapter of the game can be completely different depending on which faction you side with.

    12. Dark Souls
    - Very challenging but almost never unfair gameplay. Almost (Fuck you Tomb of Giants and Anor Londo archers!). Love the scope of it all from the locations to the epic boss fights.

    13. Bioshock Infinite
    - Some of the best presentation ever in terms of art design and sound/music. This and Bastion are the only video game soundtracks I will go back and listen to. I forgive the sometimes out of place mindless shooting gameplay for how well everything else is put together and several moments of narrative perfection.

    14. Batman: Arkham City
    - The best example of how to properly use a big license.

    15. Street Fighter 4 (all versions of it)
    - Say what you want about Capcom's love for expansions, this is the best fighting game ever. Even though I suck at it, I appreciate the depth of strategy behind a seemingly basic 1 vs 1 fight. I can't wait for the Ultra iteration.
    Last edited by Qwyjibo; 02-19-2014 at 03:07 AM.

  7. #7
    Welcome to LA S. Nash! rhythmic 's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    Quote Originally Posted by DukeDelonte13
    I need to check out uncharted and red dead redemption..

    My top 10

    1. Ocarina of Time
    2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
    3. Skyward Sword
    4. Mario Kart Wii (IMO the best version)
    5. Super Mario 64
    6. Goldeneye
    7. SSB Brawl
    8. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
    9. Mario 3d world
    10. Borderlands 2

    other notables: Star Fox 64, WindWaker, ACII, Bioshock II, Monster Hunter 3U, Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong Country Returns
    Definitely bro, especially considering I'm a big fan of a lot of the games in your top 10.

    One thing that almost every poster names on this forum are RPGs, unfortunately, as some of you already know, I really don't like then. My least favorite genre of games. Besides Mass Effect 2, I've never actually beaten an RPG. I get bored so easily. For instance, I played Skyrim for about 15 hours and never touched it again. Collecting dust now...

  8. #8
    NBA sixth man of the year Levity's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    my top 7 most played (most will be from my childhood)

    1. final fantasy VII (my first real RPG. changed gaming for me entirely
    2. starcraft: broodwar (if ff7 wasnt so nostalgic for me, this would be my number one game. played this game consistently from 01 to about 3 years ago when the channels finally died down)
    3. diablo 2
    4. counter-strike
    5. ocarina of time
    6. super mario bro (snes) and mario 64
    7. pokemon blue and red

    those are the games that had the most significant and lasting impact on me.

  9. #9
    Hold the door nightprowler10's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwyjibo
    9. Freespace 2
    - I still haven't played a space sim better than this. Giant battles where you're flying around the beam weapons of capital ships was the highlight.

  10. #10
    Good college starter Burgz V2's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    Quote Originally Posted by DukeDelonte13
    I need to check out uncharted and red dead redemption..

    My top 10

    1. Ocarina of Time
    2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
    3. Skyward Sword
    4. Mario Kart Wii (IMO the best version)
    5. Super Mario 64
    6. Goldeneye
    7. SSB Brawl
    8. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
    9. Mario 3d world
    10. Borderlands 2

    other notables: Star Fox 64, WindWaker, ACII, Bioshock II, Monster Hunter 3U, Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong Country Returns
    I loved that game. One of the most immersive Star Wars experiences to date.

  11. #11
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    This is more of a "Notable games" list, it would be way to hard for me to make a top 10, so take it as it is:


    I remember playing this game for what felt like years, being able to co-op with my bro on the Sega was great. Killed so much time during the school holidays.


    Still one of the most amazing racing games I have ever played, especially to "Cove" race track, many memories. Must buy that again.


    A lot of people were into Command & Conquer but I was always in the Age of Empires series. Been playing them ever since the first, I should really look at upgrading my computer and seeing what the last release was like.


    Pretty self explanatory really, I had Blue, my bro had Red, and we had a link cable. None of the wifi stuff. Spent a lot of time holding the Gameboy in the light of a lamp so you could see what the hell you were doing. No playing at night back in those days.


    Another amazing title, co-op playing the different multiplayer modes, especially the one with beach storming the fort. I remember sprinting along the beach as the gatling gun rained down.


    The first one, and how they've slipped since. I know it was just a Golden Eye clone, but the inclusion of having bots in multiplayer was great.


    Everyone knows The Sims, Many mornings were spent, waking up super early and sneaking into the study and playing this game. Only to open the door and realize my bro beat me to it.

    UNCHARTED 2 & 3 - PS3

    Amazing, yes, they're linear. But I had never experienced gaming like this before. Having never played the first, I have watched a complete walkthrough online, still the 2 & 3 get the odd play through on rainy days.

    LAST OF US - PS3

    Never has a game shook me like this, the moments that happen in the game left me speechless & wanting more. I have also never felt so scared with out my NPC buddy following me when you get split up.

    SUIKODEN 2 - PS1

    This has the greatest case for my number 1. So many characters to use, you never knew when the next one was going to fall into the story line. Also the first time I've really ever felt sad with the loss of a character. The storyline to me was one of the greatest ever. I only ever failed at unlocking one character. You had to speed run through and only save a limited number of times, I really thought I accomplished it but when I got to the moment and it didn't happen, I was lost for words.


    Completely self explanatory.


    Came in at the moments before PS2's release, and it was/is my favourite one to date. Lovable characters and excellent story line. Downloaded it from the PS Store on ps3, And I will do again if it releases on PS4.


    One up on Final Fantasy 9 to me, Never really finished it either which is a bit disheartening, just so much and so long. But I remember there always being something new to discover, or a new unlock. Something would always happen every time I picked up the controller. Can't wait to get my own place and I can set all my old systems up and relive some childhood memories.
    Last edited by Ai2death; 02-19-2014 at 07:32 PM.

  12. #12
    Bernie 2020 Bosnian Sajo's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    I wont mention any console games, but old classics like the Monkey Island series, day of the tentacle, sam & max etc. deserve shout outs for being by far some of the funnest games I've ever played.

  13. #13
    The Iron Price Jackass18's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    In no particular order:

    Tony Hawk series - I think I'd go with either THPS 1 or Underground. I remember playing THPS 1 against friends where we'd tried to beat each other's high scores, but I think I have to go with Underground. It had much more music, more locations, a storyline, the ability to build things, many more gaps to find, of course better graphics, more things to do, more tricks, etc...

    Civilization series - The last one I played was Civilization Revolution, so I gotta go with that one. I still play it from time-to-time.

    Halo series - I wasn't a big fan of the Flood, so I might have to go with Reach or 4.

    Final Fantasy series - It's been a long time since I played one (I think the last one I played was FF X), so I'm not sure which one I'd pick.

    Madden series - Not sure which one I'd single out.

    Elder Scrolls series - Fav would certainly be Skyrim.

    GTA series - I haven't gotten around to part V yet, so gotta go with IV for now.

    Diablo II - With the LOD expansion.

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Thanks to the XBLA I was able to relive some nostalgia from the old Playstation.

    Not sure for the 10th spot, but thinking something like Super Metroid, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (never played Ocarina of Time) or a fighting game like Tekken 3.

  14. #14
    Insidehoops Mafia Dictator's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    In no order

    1.Mario 64
    2.Star Fox Adventure
    3.Rocket Power: Beach Bandits
    4.GTA: SA
    5.Uncharted 3
    7.Mystic Heroes
    8.Modern Warfare 2: (Story Mode Only)
    9.Super Mario Sunshine

  15. #15
    NBA Superstar Heavincent's Avatar
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    Default Re: My top 10 favorite video games of all time

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwyjibo
    4. Mass Effect Series
    - I never have and probably never again will anticipate a game like I did Mass Effect 3. That's a testament to how good ME and, especially, ME2 were. 3 was a bit of a disappointment but only relative to the first two games. Near prefect sci-fi storytelling. Even with the dumbing down of the ending by basically ignoring all previous choices made.
    Mass Effect 3 was a massive disappointment in terms of the story. It's like 1 and 2 were written by different people.

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