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  1. #16
    3-time NBA All-Star oarabbus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Of course they will, and they should.

    "11 Jobs that No Longer Exist"

  2. #17
    Dunking on everybody in the park The Iron Sheik's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by knickballer

    2) Technology may take labor jobs but it will also add jobs as well.. People need to create, program, fix, install, etc. A whole new economy may emerge. I also doubt robots take over labor jobs like waiters or registers. They've been saying that for the past 15 years and it still hasn't been implemented. Are we going to have that robot from Rocky 4 serve us food at a restaurant lolz? I think we have a better chance of seeing basic desk jobs getting replaced by technology then a waiter
    technology removes jobs but it doesn't always create new ones at the same rate. It's white collar america that will be hit harder by a significant advancement in technology tbh. menial service jobs will always have a spot for people, but lots of data management, calculations, typical "desk work" will be absorbed by machinery.

  3. #18
    3-time NBA All-Star oarabbus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by The Iron Sheik
    technology removes jobs but it doesn't always create new ones at the same rate. It's white collar america that will be hit harder by a significant advancement in technology tbh. menial service jobs will always have a spot for people, but lots of data management, calculations, typical "desk work" will be absorbed by machinery.

    Sure, but it's necessary for the development and progression of society. People said the same thing during both industrial revolutions, invention of the calculator, of the computer, etc.

  4. #19
    The One CelticBaller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by magic chiongson
    robots can make robots :/ r&d is another thing though
    Well, business school it is

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by MavsSuperFan
    Impossible, there is a significant portion of the population that hates the idea of food stamps. Literally hate that a small fraction of their income is being taken and given to others so they can eat.

    A significant portion of the population hates the idea of holding other citizens accountable for themselves and insisting individuals bear the majority of responsibility for their own welfare. Literally hate that a healthy person might be asked to live off whatever compensation he can earn based on what he produces.

  6. #21
    Dunking on everybody in the park The Iron Sheik's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrazotile
    A significant portion of the population hates the idea of holding other citizens accountable for themselves and insisting individuals bear the majority of responsibility for their own welfare. Literally hate that a healthy person might be asked to live off whatever compensation he can earn based on what he produces.
    you're right. kill kids and old people. they don't do shit. they just leech. it's also nice how society always accommodates to everyone's wages so that they can "live within their means"

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by The Iron Sheik
    you're right. kill kids and old people. they don't do shit. they just leech. it's also nice how society always accommodates to everyone's wages so that they can "live within their means"

    WEAK era for strawmen

  8. #23
    Very good NBA starter
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    robots replacing humans in manufacturing and other fields? this isn't news.

  9. #24
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by knickballer
    1) Money becoming obsolete? Not in our lifetime and the elites won't allow it(notice how bitcoin got crushed). Money=Power which allows the elite to control the populace and by enslaving the populace through monetary measures.

    2) Technology may take labor jobs but it will also add jobs as well.. People need to create, program, fix, install, etc. A whole new economy may emerge. I also doubt robots take over labor jobs like waiters or registers. They've been saying that for the past 15 years and it still hasn't been implemented. Are we going to have that robot from Rocky 4 serve us food at a restaurant lolz? I think we have a better chance of seeing basic desk jobs getting replaced by technology then a waiter

    3) Don't know what you are trying to say about #2. The elite are going to use robots to massacre the 90% of the population because they are now useless???
    There's 0% chance that technology will create the same amount of jobs it takes away, if that was the case there'd be no reason to invest and develop a lot of that technology to begin with.

    It's comfortable for you to make a joke about future waiters like Rocky 4, but what Gates probably means are all the people who take your orders at fast food restaurants. There's a huge amount of people working in this sector, and the vast majority of these people won't be programming or installing anything when it's time to look for a new job that in reality doesn't exist for them.

    The world as we know it will be in for some big changes the next couple hundred years. The way tehcnology is rising along with the amount of people living in the world, it won't add up.

  10. #25
    Dunking on everybody in the park The Iron Sheik's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrazotile
    WEAK era for strawmen
    excuse my tone, i just thought you were being sarcastic. at least i hope.

  11. #26
    NBA rookie of the year It's A VC3!!!'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Retail banks will face the same dilemma within the next 10 years as well. Banking kiosks will replace 50% to 70% of the current tellers and at least 20% of the personal bankers. These roles will never become obsolete only because there are those that still like the human interaction but they will be vastly diminished. It is sad that machines and robots are taking jobs away from the people but as Bill Gates said, these are primarily the lowest-paying jobs within the company. Some are high-paying jobs but most involve the "bottom of the food chain employees".

  12. #27
    Game. Set. Match. bdreason's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    This isn't something new. Manufacturing jobs have already become mostly automated.

    I think Bill underestimates the backlash of unemployed/desperate Americans though. People in this country are spoiled, and have been raised to look for shortcuts, and take what they want. A revolt/rebellion in the United States will be violent and unstoppable... unless the government/elite are prepared to murder hundreds of thousands of people to maintain control.

  13. #28
    Dunking on everybody in the park The Iron Sheik's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by bdreason
    This isn't something new. Manufacturing jobs have already become mostly automated.

    I think Bill underestimates the backlash of unemployed/desperate Americans though. People in this country are spoiled, and have been raised to look for shortcuts, and take what they want. A revolt/rebellion in the United States will be violent and unstoppable... unless the government/elite are prepared to murder hundreds of thousands of people to maintain control.
    wait, how does not wanting your job taken away from you make you spoiled and looking for shortcuts?

  14. #29
    Reds/Bengals/Cavs mlh1981's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    As an educator, I can envision a day where much of the education process takes place online.

  15. #30
    Very good NBA starter
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    Default Re: Bill Gates: Yes, robots really are about to take your jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by ALBballer

    Typical corporate welfare leech. Lower taxes, hire more foreign workers to replace US workers, give us more subsidies, poor corporations have it so bad.
    Typical of the corporate mentality. Yes more corporate tax breaks is really going to stop companies from cutting workers and automating anyways these guys are absolutely shameless.

    What the government should do is close the loopholes for corporate taxes and start reinvesting in education and worker retraining

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