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Thread: Dream-log

  1. #1
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Dream-log

    Note down any dreams you have here and we'll try to decipher said sueno in dis here thread.

    Just wake up after a nice session of REM and jot down random thoughts. Talk about them in general too.

  2. #2
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    I had a weird dream a couple of weeks ago. All my dreams are weird and it's awesome. I wouldnt have it any other way.

    This is all from what I remember.

    I am in my friend's backyard and then I jump on the trampoline and start hooking up with his girlfriend and I start fingering her. Her boyfriend (my friend) comes out and starts *********ing to us but the weird thing was...he had a ****** too. And I was Get outta here. So me and his gf f*cked and then later on that night I went back to the house and said to his gf, "yo im getting in your bed" and she said, "no, my boyfriend is sleeping in the hallway."

    End dream.

    Here's another dream.

    I'm working for Halliburton and doing government work and doing research and **** and when we finally finished doing the research we had a huge presentation for the US government and everyone from the army/navy/marines was there. The building was sooo tall. Like 3 Petronas towers tall.

    Anyways, all of a sudden, the CEO of Halliburton unleashed the product and it was a [COLOR="Black"]f[/COLOR]ucking massive alien/monster looking thing that took up the entire height of the building. And then, all of these little monsters come running into the aisles and then it's mass chaos from there. Everybody is rushing down the stairs to get to the bottom floor. People are screaming and climbing on pipes and then we finally get to the bottom and cops are there and start shooting.

    End dream.

  3. #3
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Same here Hawk. Mine are absurdly random and weird and I haven't met anyone whose first adjectives are unlike what I just said.

    They say your subconscious is like a phuckin' iceberg in comparison to your conscious mind.. something like 90% lies beneath. For the first one, it seems like PURE RAW EUPHORIA. Trampolining carelessly, jumpin all apesh!t and sticking index in galpal pudendum. Did you do anything interesting the night b4? What's the relationship with your friend like?

    Second one folks would up and say OH LOL HAWKIE STOP WATCHING HORROR MOVIES, but I doubt this is the case. Perhaps it's your ambition kickin' in?
    We used to be close friends last year but he has a girlfriend and they live together now. She's hot as hell too. All the other girlfriends are jealous of her huge ****. (No ass though)

    Now, we are just "friends." He's not fun anymore. Him and his gf are like an old couple. Dude never smiles or anything. My really close friend moved in with him at the beginning of the school year (huge mistake) will be moving out after this year with me and two other dudes. We will be seeing him a lot less after that probably.

  4. #4
    Paranoid Android vapid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    One dream I had a while ago:

    I was in a Jurassic Park jeep, and I see T-rex attacking us, so we drive between his legs and end up in some large parking complex on the bottom floor. As we get out and start walking, we see what looks like batman slumped down next to a wall. We start to get near him, but then Alfred pops out and is like NO ITS A TRAP and batman (or an effigy or whatever) explodes! Next scene I remember I'm walking towards this big corporation compound next to a lake, and some woman reporter and I try sneaking in through a back exit, but we get caught by two scientists. We go through this metal detector from the front entrance and end up kart racing on Wario Stadium from Mario Kart 64. Somewhere in the middle of this I am on a cliff with a friend from high school and we look in this shopping cart next to us where someone was taking pictures of us doing weird **** when we thought no one was watching.

    The end.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    I damn near never have dreams, but I had a weird one Monday night. I was gettin some Chinese food at some takeout place that was ridiculously nice for a Chinese carry out, so I'm waitin on my General Tso's chicken and shrimp fried rice, and for some reason, the guy behind me in line, me, and the guy behind the counter engage in like a half hour long discussion about past lives and what we were in them.

    Then, I don't remember the transition into the second part, but later in the dream, I was hanging out with this girl in a tree house. Sadly, I did not slay her in the tree house.

    Random ****. I woke up in the morning really confused. And then I wanted chinese food and to build a treehouse.

  6. #6
    My Name Is My Name MarloStanfield's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    general tso and shrimp fried rice -

  7. #7
    Blu Ray
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    I've tried to train myself to Lucid Dream, and I did it for a long time. I kept a dream log because of that, and I still keep one, but unfortunately, I haven't had a dream that I've woken up and remembered in a few weeks.

  8. #8
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    Me and my two friends were at the local golf course messing around in the pro shop. We were just picking up stuff and joking around and what not. We go to the display of umbrellas and somehow find a pogo stick with the umbrellas. So we buy it and play with it out in the parking lot. It starts to rain so we go to the nearest building which happens to be an ice cream place that was on the first fairway. I knock on the window and the two kids working there were my childhood best friend and a girl from my hometown who I talked to a few days ago about where we were going to college. They come out to greet us and after I say whats up to my best friend the girl comes over. Instead of hugging I gave her a quick kiss. Then I woke up. It was pretty strange.

  9. #9
    H.U.M.A.N. World loot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    dont remember dreams mostly but a few weeks ago i dreamt this:

    i was shot in the chest, ran away from the shooter, around the local shopping mall, jumped into a ditch to hide. when peeking around the corner, the shooter was right there and shot me another time in the chest.

    strange thing is, when i woke up i had shots of pain running in my chest. probably because i slept in a wrong position or something. bugged me the rest of the day.

  10. #10
    look that way >>>> hito da god's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    i wake up every morning with one or two new dreams, they're always weird as f*ck. i love them though, because of my dreams sleep is one of my favorite parts of the day.

  11. #11
    Stephen Kerry Brujesino's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    anyone ever have dreams of being abducted?

    i have had a couple of them the last one was creepy as hell

    all i remember is lying down and seeing a shadowy figure in front of my face and one on the side of me but i never get to see their face its always very dark and can only see their shadows i wake really sweaty and iam like wtf just happened

  12. #12
    Hi, how are you? Lebowsky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Note down any dreams you have here and we'll try to decipher said sueno in dis here thread.

    Just wake up after a nice session of REM and jot down random thoughts. Talk about them in general too.
    get your "

  13. #13
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dream-log


    I just had a dream about mlh1981. I just went over his house, and he introduced me to his beautiful girlfriend. And there was "Heart and Soul" playing in the background in the piano, and it was a dark, gloomy evening. There were like ten stray dogs around his house he was raising, and the interior of the building was amazing and classy. Unfortunately, he and his spouse got laid off from work, and he was sad and I stepped in and comforted them. They were in Ohio and things weren't looking so bright, but they were very hospitable hosts regardless. It was freakishly realistic too..

    What the hell is going wrong wit my cabeza? FML.
    Last edited by Balla_Status; 04-02-2009 at 02:59 AM.

  14. #14
    Paranoid Android vapid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    I had a recent dream of running around naked in the MoMa.

  15. #15
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Dream-log

    had one of those wake up and go back to sleep dreams.

    in my dream I walked into my old junior high to compete in a swim meet (the school has no pool, and I have never competitively swam), and for some reason the school was a makeshift dorm for a summer camp. There were three notices to campers on a blackboard, and number two said (and I s[COLOR="Black"]h[/COLOR]it you not): "HAWKER TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER AT NIGHT"

    ISH has officially invaded my thoughts...yikes

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