Vladimir Radmanovic grew up in civil war

The Orange County Register (Janis Carr) reports: Vladimir Radmanovic grew up in what used to be Yugoslavia. At age 11, the country’s civil war started as did his family’s difficulties. His father joined the military and soon the family was on the move. They first relocated to different military bases, then approximately 200 miles from their home in Belgrade, where the fighting was fierce. He lived in four cities over the span of four years, but as a carefree teen, he was oblivious to the financial strain the war had put on his family and the rest of the country. “I was a kid,” he said. “Obviously, at that age, you don’t think about the consequences of what is happening. You’re living the life, trying to play and go out with kids your age. Now, from this perspective, I can understand the kind of struggle my parents had.” At age 14, Radmanovic began playing basketball, first for his school team then for a club team.

Author: Inside Hoops

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