LeBron James does yoga

The Cleveland Plain Dealer (Brian Windhorst) reports:  As LeBron James has matured, part out of necessity and part out of pride, he’s serious about preparing and maintaining his body for the rigors of an NBA season. That includes a wide range of measures from diet and recovery techniques to the Vajrasana, Virasana and the particularly stunning Salamba Sarvangasana. They are yoga poses, and they are also an essential part of James’ routine every week. “Yoga isn’t just about the body, it’s also about the mind, and it’s a technique that has really helped me,” James said. “You do have to focus because there’s some positions that can really hurt you at times if you aren’t focused and breathing right.” From the “thunderbolt pose” to the “hero pose” to even “downward facing dog,” James has become a devout believer in the benefits of yoga. He and Cavs assistant athletic trainer Mike Mancias have been developing a regimen over the past two years.

Author: Inside Hoops

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