Donte Greene and Bobby Jackson pranks

The Sacramento Bee (Sam Amick) reports: In a season-long series of punishments for rookies failing to execute their locker room duties, Donte Greene’s car recently was filled with popcorn, and Bobby Jackson was believed to be the culprit. Against his better judgment or NBA credo, Greene retaliated Thursday by dousing the outside of Jackson’s white Mercedes with a mixture of dog food, soy sauce and condiments that sent a stench emanating from the car and sent Jackson into a locker room rant not likely to go unresolved.

UPDATE (March 14): The Sacramento Bee reports: The Kings rookie small forward exacted revenge on Bobby Jackson on Thursday, retaliating for a recent popcorn prank on his car by dousing the veteran’s Mercedes with a variety of condiments and dog food after practice. Yet the hijinx that was intended to be in fun wound up reflecting poorly on Greene and sparking little laughter within the organization. Not long after it happened, Jackson’s angered opinion could be clearly heard at the team’s practice facility. And while Greene may not have come to his senses in time to avoid the subsequent fallout, he said he eventually realized the error of his ways. “Let’s just say this,” Greene said with a straight face before Friday’s game when asked if there was any resolution to the matter. “I did a lot of apologizing today.”

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