A 50-50 split may be best offer players get

NBA players could have a choice Saturday: Accept a 50-50 division of basketball-related income or risk having more owners join the hardline faction that wants a 53-47 split in its favor— and a hard salary cap.

When talks resume, they may quickly break down unless the sides can compromise on positions that seem to be hardening by the minute.

A person briefed on the owners’ position Friday told The Associated Press that there were many hardline owners who want a deal at 53-47 in their favor as well as a hard cap, and that the rest wouldn’t go beyond a 50-50 split.

Players have been seeking 52.5 of revenues in their favor—leaving a gap of about $100 million annually vs. the owners’ proposal—and there is a group of players who have discussed decertification of the union if they are forced to accept less than 52.

Both sides return to the bargaining table Saturday with federal mediator George Cohen, with some salary cap system issues still unresolved along with the BRI split.

Only one thing appears certain—the threat of losing the season has never been greater.

— Reported by Brian Mahoney of the Associated Press 

Author: Inside Hoops

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