Carlos Arroyo interested in Knicks

Carlos Arroyo

In addition to a starting center, the Knicks have been on the hunt for a solid backup point guard for Chauncey Billups, and they’ve reportedly contacted unrestricted free agent J.J. Barea.

But there’s another Puerto Rican who would fit well in New York: Carlos Arroyo, who played for the Heat and Celtics last season.

“I love New York,” Arroyo told “It would be a great situation for me — aside from being the largest Puerto Rican population in the U.S. (laughs). I have a great relationship with Chauncey, Melo and Amare, especially with Chauncey since we played together in Detroit [from 2004 to ’06].”

— Reported by Jared Zwerling of ESPN NY

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