Kobe Bryant sarcastically praises Shawn Marion’s defense

Kobe Bryant
kobe bryant
Not lacking in confidence

Shawn Marion is a good defender, but Kobe Bryant wasn’t about to give the Mavericks’ defensive anchor any credit.

After the Lakers’ shootaround, Bryant held court – pulling about 20 media members away from coach Mike Brown just as Brown was getting going with his interview scrum – and his best line came when he was asked about Marion and the Mavericks’ touting Marion as a defensive player of the year candidate.

“Oh, man, I agree,” Bryant said, sporting a grin. “I think tonight they should not double me at all or zone me. Just play one on one because he’s such a terrific defender, he doesn’t need any help.”

The sarcasm was dripping.

— Reported by Eddie Sefko of theĀ Dallas Morning News

Author: Inside Hoops

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