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  1. #16
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
    Nope no one is banking on anything. People hope that fraud will come to light in this first full audit, some think it might due to the fact that dems have fought tooth and nail to prevent this audit, while others think that any evidence of fraud has been cleared up by dems over the last 5 months.

    Unless a new judge stops the audit, this will run until around May 14th and then we'll see.

    In any case, it's interesting to see Maddow dedicate herself to it, she's the same person who fought very hard to convince you that Trump was a Russian asset.

    Are you still waiting for the GME squeeze to happen? Diamond hands?
    Even if the audit is not in Trump's favor, his supporters will then think the audit was flawed or done by biased people. Once you go down the rabbit hole, you will just follow & jump from conspiracy to conspiracy. Watch and see.

    I pulled out of GME at $200 because I recognized I was pushing it. I think I missed the big one in like February. I don't believe in it and moved on with my life until the next time for the next big stock. You have to accept it at some point.

  2. #17
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by bladefd View Post
    Even if the audit is not in Trump's favor, his supporters will then think the audit was flawed or done by biased people. Once you go down the rabbit hole, you will just follow & jump from conspiracy to conspiracy. Watch and see.

    I pulled out of GME at $200 because I recognized I was pushing it. I think I missed the big one in like February. I don't believe in it and moved on with my life until the next time for the next big stock. You have to accept it at some point.
    You're right, I saw you referring to the Guccifer 2.0 stuff again last week as proof that the Russian government hacked the DNC.
    You're also right about this audit being flawed, it's very secretive.

  3. #18
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
    You're right, I saw you referring to the Guccifer 2.0 stuff again last week as proof that the Russian government hacked the DNC.
    You're also right about this audit being flawed, it's very secretive.
    Who do you think hacked those emails then? All of our intelligence agencies say it was Russia. I have no reason to doubt them. These agencies all had directors appointed by Trump, and historically the average person working in these agencies (including in leadership positions) has been Republican. I'm going to take the word for it from these intelligence agencies because they have established respect over decades of work. It wasn't just 1 agency claimed it, but it was unanimous from every intelligence agency and official working for them while under oath.

    It's not the same as Trump cult+Qanon trying to claim something based on what Trump was saying. Trump has a history of being a sore loser and a conspiracy guy going back decades. Regardless, his argument had zero evidence when in court. Even the judges he appointed laughed and threw out the cases for lack of evidence.

    There is absolutely no relationship between the former and the latter.
    Last edited by bladefd; 04-27-2021 at 07:35 PM.

  4. #19
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by bladefd View Post
    Who do you think hacked those emails then? All of our intelligence agencies say it was Russia. I have no reason to doubt them. These agencies all had directors appointed by Trump, and historically the average person working in these agencies (including in leadership positions) has been Republican. I'm going to take the word for it from these intelligence agencies because they have established respect over decades of work. It wasn't just 1 agency claimed it, but it was unanimous from every intelligence agency and official working for them while under oath.

    It's not the same as Trump cult+Qanon trying to claim something based on what Trump was saying. Trump has a history of being a sore loser and a conspiracy guy going back decades. Regardless, his argument had zero evidence when in court. Even the judges he appointed laughed and threw out the cases for lack of evidence.

    There is absolutely no relationship between the former and the latter.
    I don't know, but I don't trust US intelligence agencies to tell the story.

    Maybe Guciffer 2.0 did one hack, and maybe he's not someone working with the Russian GRU, but just a Romanian hacker who wanted some publicity.
    Maybe Guciffer 2.0 is an entity created by the FBI or CIA, doing a relative worthless hack and releasing it publicly because they new a bigger leak was on the way through Wikileaks, so a strategy to taint all the information coming out and drumming up a story about Russia.
    Maybe the main DNC leak was done by someone on the inside, someone frustrated with the fact that the DNC were screwing over Bernie and rigging the Democratic election.
    There was an old conspiracy theory about a DNC employee who got shot, publicly it was deemed a robbery and handled by DC police, nothing to do with the FBI. Part of the conspiracy theory was from information that "someone" went to that employees house after the shooting and took his laptop.
    Up until a few days ago that was part was considered crazy conspiracy nonsense, but a judge ordered a FOIA request by a citizen for all FBI information related to that employee and his brother. So while the official story was that FBI had absolutely nothing to do with this, it turns out the have about 550 pages related to it all - they released about 60 of those so far heavily redacted, but in them is information about "someone " bringing that laptop home, and that it is now in the possession of the FBI.

    Maybe it was Romanian hacker Guciffer 2.0 doing one attack, and Russian GRU doing the other with no relation to each other. But that means that Assange was working with Russians, because he's the one who released it, and I don't think there's any proof of that except the FBI saying so.

    Who the fkck knows...

    It's interesting though reading your observations about the US intelligence agencies, using historical references of them being reliable and Republican. And as for "Trump selecting these people", selecting some of the wrong people for these positions is one of his mistakes during the presidency.
    Glenn Greenwald has a different take on it, a more modern one in my opinion as the world has changed quite a bit over the last 10 years especially.

    When the CIA or related security state agencies tell American journalists to believe something, we obey unquestioningly, and as a result, whatever assertions are spread by these agencies, no matter how bereft of evidence or shielded by accountability-free anonymity, they instantly transform, in our government-worshipping worldview, into a proven fact — gospel — never to be questioned but only affirmed and then repeated and spread as far and wide as possible.
    That has been the dynamic driving the relationship between the corporate press and the CIA for decades, throughout the Cold War and then into the post-9/11 War on Terror and invasion of Iraq. But it has become so much more extreme in the Trump era. As the CIA became one of the leading anti-Trump #Resistance factions — a key player in domestic politics to subvert the presidency of the 45th President regarded by media figures as a Hitler-type menace — the bond between the corporate press and the intelligence community deepened more than ever. It is not an exaggeration to call it a merger: so much so that a parade of former security state officials from the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS and others was hired by these news outlets to deliver the news. The partnership was no longer clandestine but official, out in the open, and proud.

  5. #20
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Trump ordered all docs related to the investigation on him and Russia redacted btw, but the intelligence community refused to complete the request, instead they just waited until Biden was announced President, and now there's no pressure to release it anymore.

  6. #21
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
    I don't know, but I don't trust US intelligence agencies to tell the story.

    Maybe Guciffer 2.0 did one hack, and maybe he's not someone working with the Russian GRU, but just a Romanian hacker who wanted some publicity.
    Maybe Guciffer 2.0 is an entity created by the FBI or CIA, doing a relative worthless hack and releasing it publicly because they new a bigger leak was on the way through Wikileaks, so a strategy to taint all the information coming out and drumming up a story about Russia.
    Maybe the main DNC leak was done by someone on the inside, someone frustrated with the fact that the DNC were screwing over Bernie and rigging the Democratic election.
    There was an old conspiracy theory about a DNC employee who got shot, publicly it was deemed a robbery and handled by DC police, nothing to do with the FBI. Part of the conspiracy theory was from information that "someone" went to that employees house after the shooting and took his laptop.
    Up until a few days ago that was part was considered crazy conspiracy nonsense, but a judge ordered a FOIA request by a citizen for all FBI information related to that employee and his brother. So while the official story was that FBI had absolutely nothing to do with this, it turns out the have about 550 pages related to it all - they released about 60 of those so far heavily redacted, but in them is information about "someone " bringing that laptop home, and that it is now in the possession of the FBI.

    Maybe it was Romanian hacker Guciffer 2.0 doing one attack, and Russian GRU doing the other with no relation to each other. But that means that Assange was working with Russians, because he's the one who released it, and I don't think there's any proof of that except the FBI saying so.

    Who the fkck knows...

    It's interesting though reading your observations about the US intelligence agencies, using historical references of them being reliable and Republican. And as for "Trump selecting these people", selecting some of the wrong people for these positions is one of his mistakes during the presidency.
    Glenn Greenwald has a different take on it, a more modern one in my opinion as the world has changed quite a bit over the last 10 years especially.
    Or maybe Guccifer is Russian intelligence trying to find ways to sow discord in American democracy. What better way than to get internal communications that could afterwards be leaked in lead up to the US election? Could that just maybe be in the realm of possibilities to you?

  7. #22
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by bladefd View Post
    Or maybe Guccifer is Russian intelligence trying to find ways to sow discord in American democracy. What better way than to get internal communications that could afterwards be leaked in lead up to the US election? Could that just maybe be in the realm of possibilities to you?
    It could, but then they failed miserably by going public and using an online persona. And somehow they got Assange to go on Dutch TV and talk about the source potentially being an employee of the DNC, that's also pretty remarkable.

    I'd argue that due to this online persona Guccifer 2.0, US intelligence in corporation with the MSM was able to attribute and turn the focus of the information into something against Trump and Russia. The constant barrage of information about Trump being a Russian asset made a lot of people to completely look away from the information at hand - that the DNC rigged elections to make sure Hillary Clinton was elected over Bernie Sanders.
    Without Guccifer 2.0, they wouldn't have been able to do that. It would just have been another leak through Wikileaks, you know, the guys who were liberal heroes during the Middle Eastern wars for exposing the lies there.
    Last edited by ZenMaster; 04-28-2021 at 07:53 PM.

  8. #23
    The Bearded Menace Axe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by bladefd View Post
    Trumpeters still banking on lil Donny winning the election and taking the presidency in May, huh?? Still a chance that vast voter fraud happened!! Maybe multiple states will flip in this recount!!

    Perhaps the australian ballots may be badly needed for another recount to happen, in desperate hopes of finally swinging the tide to their favor. But too bad pocketed kangaroos containing them couldn't jump from continent to continent so it may take forever or worse, never, for that possibility to occur once and for all.

  9. #24
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
    Rachel Maddow and MSNBC has spent quite a bit of time covering the ongoing election Audit in Maricopa county these last couple of days, bless her.

    Rachel Maddow is Bill Orielly

    Journalist Matt Taibbi argues that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has emerged as a prominent cable news personality in much of the way Bill O’Reilly did on his long-running Fox News show, saying both elevated stories that "turned out to have lots and lots of holes."

    Taibbi, in an interview on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” outlined a recent piece in which he said that O’Reilly during President George W. Bush’s administration was one of the primary figures inaccurately arguing that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which eventually served as a prominent motivating factor in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

    However, Taibbi pointed out that O’Reilly eventually admitted that he was incorrect in his speculation, while Maddow has not done the same following her intense focus on the Russia investigation, particularly the so-called “Steele dossier” that contained unproven claims of cooperation between former President Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government.

    Taibbi argued that while MSNBC may have “thought they were going to ride this forever,” the network’s ratings have “seesawed as the story has gone up and down.”

    “So, they were doing great in 2017 and 2018, then they lost a significant amount of market share again, and I think what’s going on now is that rather than have a reckoning, they’re still hoping that the story will bounce back and they’ll be able to throw all their weight behind it,” the journalist explained.

    Taibbi suggested that MSNBC instead say, “'Yeah we screwed up on things like the Steele dossier.'"

  10. #25
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by Nanners View Post
    They're not letting this one go, they really really want people to think a certain way about this audit.

  11. #26
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Keep us posted on the news concerning this. Perhaps Trump will finally win this time around. He just has to flip a few more states.

  12. #27
    3-time NBA All-Star Lakers Legend#32's Avatar
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    Last stand of the Trumpers.

  13. #28
    Brooklyn LoneyROY7's Avatar
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    Anything to try and validate their psychosis I guess.

  14. #29
    Whap'em ZenMaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by bladefd View Post
    Keep us posted on the news concerning this. Perhaps Trump will finally win this time around. He just has to flip a few more states.
    I don't need to, it's on the news. I'm just posting some of these media personalities pretending to be news hosts to show how jaded their language is towards this piece of news, same exact tactic that made you fall for the Trump is a Russian asset angle.

    And even if fraud is found in this audit, it won't change anything directly as Biden has already been elected by the electoral college. It will just be something for people to know, and something that a lot of people will dismiss - something like this:

    1) If fraud is found, the biggest point will be made that it was crazy Qanon conspirators who found the fraud, and how could you ever trust them? The ground work for this opinion is already laid.

    2) It will be pointed out again that even if the fraud found in the audit is real, it's still only 1 state. (In the background the dems will keep fighting any attempt to do a full audit in other places, just like they tried in Maricopa.

    3) There'll be most focus on points in 1 and 2, trying to keep the public opinion up in the air about the fraud found not being real. At the same time no agency or institution will do anything to find out who exactly made the fraud happen and no one will be criminally charged. Giving libs ammo in the public conversation, "where's your real proof?".

  15. #30
    The Renaissance man bladefd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Maricopa Arizona audit

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
    I don't need to, it's on the news. I'm just posting some of these media personalities pretending to be news hosts to show how jaded their language is towards this piece of news, same exact tactic that made you fall for the Trump is a Russian asset angle.

    And even if fraud is found in this audit, it won't change anything directly as Biden has already been elected by the electoral college. It will just be something for people to know, and something that a lot of people will dismiss - something like this:

    1) If fraud is found, the biggest point will be made that it was crazy Qanon conspirators who found the fraud, and how could you ever trust them? The ground work for this opinion is already laid.

    2) It will be pointed out again that even if the fraud found in the audit is real, it's still only 1 state. (In the background the dems will keep fighting any attempt to do a full audit in other places, just like they tried in Maricopa.

    3) There'll be most focus on points in 1 and 2, trying to keep the public opinion up in the air about the fraud found not being real. At the same time no agency or institution will do anything to find out who exactly made the fraud happen and no one will be criminally charged. Giving libs ammo in the public conversation, "where's your real proof?".
    What if mass fraud is not found? What do you expect to be the response of Qanon/Trumpeters?

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