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  1. #46
    Get him a body bag! Patrick Chewing's Avatar
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    Default Re: School Shooting. Red State. Christian School.

    Quote Originally Posted by SaltyMeatballs View Post
    Yeah no shit its all illegal. The problem is that people who clearly have issues and/or are too young have easy access to owning a gun. The Robb Elementary school shooter from last year was 18. There's no way in hell that an 18 year old should have a gun
    And this girl was 28. So that destroys your argument right there. Again, what are REAL solutions?

    18 year olds are given guns when they join the military. 15 year olds can drive a car. There are more automobile deaths each year as opposed to gun deaths. And banning an 18 year old from obtaining a gun doesn't mean that person won't buy a gun at 19, 25, or 30 years of age to kill. When someone has it in their mind to kill, they will kill.

    There are more guns in the United States than there are people. If their truly was a gun problem, this country would be empty. There wouldn't be any more traffic on the roadway.

  2. #47
    Pass The Salt SaltyMeatballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Chewing View Post
    And yet you double down again by using the word "stricter" for like the 100th time in this thread. What does "stricter gun laws" look like to you? Again, with the laws that are currently in place, what else can be changed? I'm clowning on you cause I don't think you fully understand the scope of what you're talking about. You make wild accusations and assumptions and the only thing people like me ask of you, is to be more specific. Otherwise, please let the grown ups discuss what are the causes and solutions to gun violence.
    You want me to be specific? Sure.

    Have background checks for all gun purchases, including gun shows and private sales. This is a huge one. Not to mention, some gun shows have people without a license selling firearms which can lead to guns being sold without a background check. That needs to go away completely

    Also there's obviously a problem with the US's mental health services. Funding on that needs to be increased so the services can help identify and treat people who may be at risk of committing violence.

    And just to address your very last comment, stop talking to me like I'm some ****ing kid who knows nothing. Your big age isn't a measure of your intellect, and I've seen you say plenty of idiotic, immature things in the past where you resort to insults and name-calling whenever someone doesn't agree with you. Talk about reflecting a strong sense of superiority complex

  3. #48
    Pass The Salt SaltyMeatballs's Avatar
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    Default Re: School Shooting. Red State. Christian School.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Chewing View Post
    And this girl was 28. So that destroys your argument right there. Again, what are REAL solutions?

    18 year olds are given guns when they join the military. 15 year olds can drive a car. There are more automobile deaths each year as opposed to gun deaths. And banning an 18 year old from obtaining a gun doesn't mean that person won't buy a gun at 19, 25, or 30 years of age to kill. When someone has it in their mind to kill, they will kill.

    There are more guns in the United States than there are people. If their truly was a gun problem, this country would be empty. There wouldn't be any more traffic on the roadway.
    I brought up age to highlight that young adults should not have easy access to owning a gun, and it's clear that 28 year old had real mental issues which is also why I mentioned that people with clear issues should not have easy access as well.

  4. #49
    81 on the Raptors BigKobeFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: School Shooting. Red State. Christian School.

    Quote Originally Posted by SaltyMeatballs View Post
    You want me to be specific? Sure.

    Have background checks for all gun purchases, including gun shows and private sales. This is a huge one. Not to mention, some gun shows have people without a license selling firearms which can lead to guns being sold without a background check. That needs to go away completely

    Also there's obviously a problem with the US's mental health services. Funding on that needs to be increased so the services can help identify and treat people who may be at risk of committing violence.

    And just to address your very last comment, stop talking to me like I'm some ****ing kid who knows nothing. Your big age isn't a measure of your intellect, and I've seen you say plenty of idiotic, immature things in the past where you resort to insults and name-calling whenever someone doesn't agree with you. Talk about reflecting a strong sense of superiority complex
    Oh i love it when liberals use the gun show loop hole. There has been absolutely NO evidence that the sale of gun at gun shows have been involved in any mass shootings.

    In california, you cannot buy any guns at any gun shows and walk out within minutes with a new gun. Yet here we are. a mass shooting in monterey park, california

  5. #50
    Get him a body bag! Patrick Chewing's Avatar
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    Outside of private sales, everywhere you go to buy a gun, a background check is performed. So this has already been implemented nationwide. I have gone to several gun shows in different states from Florida to New York, and every time someone buys a gun, they make you sign a form, and they scan your ID, and a background check is performed.

    I have no issues with raising the age. Raise it to 21 or 25. It's not going to stop people from killing people. What I do have a problem with is uninvolved parents who don't know their children have weapons or have destructive thoughts. And if they do know, but do nothing, then they are equally as culpable. What I do have a problem with is sending billions and billions of dollars to foreign countries, as opposed to putting those same kind of resources and energy into mental health, the economy, education, etc. right here at home instead. This person wasn't born with the desire to kill. This person's life path led this person to kill. Take away the gun from this person and the intent to kill is still there.

    I mean, a completely sane person with no criminal record and no record of mental health issues can buy a gun one day, and the next day they can snap and shoot up a school.

    What the anti-gun crowd will have to accept is that violence and the propensity to kill will always be there. Since man's first footsteps on Earth, we have been a violent species. But, we have also been a species capable of wonderful and beautiful things. Violence and murder is part of our history, our species, our DNA. This will never change.

  6. #51
    Pass The Salt SaltyMeatballs's Avatar
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    Default Re: School Shooting. Red State. Christian School.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigKobeFan View Post
    Oh i love it when liberals use the gun show loop hole. There has been absolutely NO evidence that the sale of gun at gun shows have been involved in any mass shootings.

    In california, you cannot buy any guns at any gun shows and walk out within minutes with a new gun. Yet here we are. a mass shooting in monterey park, california
    First off, I'm not a liberal. Secondly, the sale of guns without a background check at gun shows would still help limit the easy access people have to guns, even if it's by a tiny percentage

  7. #52
    Good college starter Off the Court's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Chewing View Post
    I mean, a completely sane person with no criminal record and no record of mental health issues can buy a gun one day, and the next day they can snap and shoot up a school.
    This is more black and white mindset.

    "We can't solve 100% of all gun murders with new laws therefor we shouldn't create new laws."

    If raising the buying age to 25 gets us from 20k gun homicides a year to 19k gun homicides a year that is a huge W. The simple minded would still point at the 19k and declare that laws do nothing.

  8. #53
    NBA rookie of the year diamenz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Off the Court View Post
    The more we adjust the slider, the less deaths. Currently our slider is in the "retardedly too easy to acquire firearms" section in bright red. We need to move it over to the middle more.

  9. #54
    NBA rookie of the year diamenz's Avatar
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    Default Re: School Shooting. Red State. Christian School.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Chewing View Post

    What the anti-gun crowd will have to accept is that violence and the propensity to kill will always be there. Since man's first footsteps on Earth, we have been a violent species. But, we have also been a species capable of wonderful and beautiful things. Violence and murder is part of our history, our species, our DNA. This will never change.

  10. #55
    Vince's Real Daddy n00bie's Avatar
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    If you're living in the U.S. you just have to get use to this. Mass shootings, along with guns will never go away. Don't like it? Move to a different country.

  11. #56
    Get him a body bag! Patrick Chewing's Avatar
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    Default Re: School Shooting. Red State. Christian School.

    Quote Originally Posted by Off the Court View Post
    This is more black and white mindset.

    "We can't solve 100% of all gun murders with new laws therefor we shouldn't create new laws."

    If raising the buying age to 25 gets us from 20k gun homicides a year to 19k gun homicides a year that is a huge W. The simple minded would still point at the 19k and declare that laws do nothing.

    No, the point is that there are already pretty strict gun laws in this country, and yet murders still happen. So I will speak for you since you guys won't speak up for yourselves. Your ultimate goal will be a society with no guns in the hands of its citizens. Because we all know that at 19k murders, you'll be crying and calling for more laws to get to 18k murders and so on and so on.

    And as you pump up people with the idea of more laws and more government, it still does nothing to address why people kill in the first place.

    As I stated before, if there was truly a gun problem in this country, this country would be empty.

    What you are seeing happening in this country is a combination of the following:

    -Outright lawlessness because we glorify criminality in the media, entertainment, etc.
    -Weak justice system that does not punish and put away violent offenders
    -Lack of morality as a society. We aren't handling adversity anymore and in turn it creates an immoral sense of shutting down your opposition. The idea of treating others the way you would like to be treated is foreign to most people. The idea of walking away and taking the high road is foreign to most people.
    -Lack of funding for mental health research. Why do you think those other countries don't have mass murderers? It's not because they don't have guns. It's because they lack the amount of crazy people allowed to roam free.

  12. #57
    Lol RRR3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diamenz View Post
    republicans don't want to propose any sort of universal hc program and to be fair, neither do dems.
    Very stupid of the Dems tbh, because they would never lose if they embraced social democracy.

  13. #58
    Lol RRR3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Off the Court View Post
    This is more black and white mindset.

    "We can't solve 100% of all gun murders with new laws therefor we shouldn't create new laws."

    If raising the buying age to 25 gets us from 20k gun homicides a year to 19k gun homicides a year that is a huge W. The simple minded would still point at the 19k and declare that laws do nothing.
    I know you have a knee-jerk reaction to disagree with Chewy and I don't blame you (despite what he says he'd love to ban guns for black people so he isn't pro gun either), but like I said earlier, other countries with legal guns don't have these shootings. Also, with fascists like DeSantis possibly taking executive power soon and having an army of brownshirts, do you really want guns to be illegal for everyone except the feds?

  14. #59
    The Bearded Menace Axe's Avatar
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    Default Re: School Shooting. Red State. Christian School.

    Quote Originally Posted by n00bie View Post
    If you're living in the U.S. you just have to get use to this. Mass shootings, along with guns will never go away. Don't like it? Move to a different country.
    These shootings exist because they 'contribute' to the economy somehow.

  15. #60
    Good college starter Off the Court's Avatar
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    Default Re: School Shooting. Red State. Christian School.

    Quote Originally Posted by RRR3 View Post
    I know you have a knee-jerk reaction to disagree with Chewy and I don't blame you (despite what he says he'd love to ban guns for black people so he isn't pro gun either), but like I said earlier, other countries with legal guns don't have these shootings. Also, with fascists like DeSantis possibly taking executive power soon and having an army of brownshirts, do you really want guns to be illegal for everyone except the feds?
    The US is the easiest country in the planet to acquire a firearm. Period.

    What countries are you taking about that are comparable?

    I'm not undermining mental health here either, there needs to be focus on that, but also we need to make an effort for mentally ill sickos to not easily purchase assault weapons.

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