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  1. #61
    Get him a body bag! highwhey's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by diamenz View Post
    alright...? my point still stands...
    yeah the point went over your head. political favoritism is a thing, and it's the only thing making a difference between that scenario being switched up. also....the southern US belongs to mexico so................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .........................................

  2. #62
    NBA rookie of the year diamenz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by highwhey View Post
    i don't care enough bc despite, give me a sec while i google...ok, despite living 179.7 miles to the us-mexico border, i have not seen nor experienced acts of aggression from undocumented immigrants nor hoodlums in the inner city and i live in the 5th largest city in the US.
    again with the conflating of two separate issues. i never accused illegal immigrants of criminal "aggression".

    your personal experiences are irrelevant.

  3. #63
    Get him a body bag! highwhey's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by diamenz View Post
    again with the conflating of two separate issues. i never accused illegal immigrants of criminal "aggression".

    your personal experiences are irrelevant.
    didn't you just list yours tho?

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by RRR3 View Post
    Very few people are for open borders btw, there isn't a single state in history that had open borders AFAIK. It's generally only people with radical left wing politics like myself who favor open borders. And some ancaps lol.
    "Hey Siri, what's another way of saying I'm retarded?..."

  5. #65
    NBA rookie of the year diamenz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by highwhey View Post
    didn't you just list yours tho?
    no. i've never had any personal confrontations with illegals or criminals... not lately anyway.

    look, i'm not gonna entertain this 'gotcha / back you into a corner' shit.

    i've said my piece on the two issues in the op. i've had enough.

  6. #66
    NBA Superstar SATAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

  7. #67
    Lol RRR3's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Baller234 View Post
    "Hey Siri, what's another way of saying I'm retarded?..."
    Ironically a lot of people you probably agree with like 96% of stuff on support open borders.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by RRR3 View Post
    Ironically a lot of people you probably agree with like 96% of stuff on support open borders.
    A country with no borders is not a country.

    Basically what you're saying is that no country on Earth has the right to exist.

    I have to say, quite the big brained take.

  9. #69
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Jasper's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Chewing View Post
    The rapes will most certainly go up. Look at my Germany thread.

    All these migrants coming over are men. Where are the women? The women are back home expecting their men to send money back to them in Buttf*ckistan rather than spend the money here and reinvest in the American economy. That's tantamount to theft when you look at it. That's what's happening.
    that's what the latino's are doing right now ...
    fvckers - right ??

  10. #70
    Get him a body bag! Patrick Chewing's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by RRR3 View Post
    Considering I'm 1/4 black, I think it's pretty unlikely I despise black people.
    That's a very dumb statement.

  11. #71
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Jasper's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    a knee to the throat , kills a guy ... the cop was a sacrificial lamb ????

  12. #72
    Get him a body bag! Patrick Chewing's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper View Post
    that's what the latino's are doing right now ...
    fvckers - right ??
    Just another dumb hick that needs a history lesson. Of all the migrants to come over in the 20th and 21st centuries, the only two that have contributed and have progressed this country further have been Asians and Latinos.

    The migrants that are coming in now that are from predominantly Africa and the Middle East don't contribute a goddamn thing. As I said, they are a strain to this economy and whatever money they do make, they send it back home.

    You live on a farm, right? These ****ers will take your farm one day. And there is nothing you can do about it.

  13. #73
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Jasper's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Chewing View Post
    Just another dumb hick that needs a history lesson. Of all the migrants to come over in the 20th and 21st centuries, the only two that have contributed and have progressed this country further have been Asians and Latinos.

    The migrants that are coming in now that are from predominantly Africa and the Middle East don't contribute a goddamn thing. As I said, they are a strain to this economy and whatever money they do make, they send it back home.

    You live on a farm, right? These ****ers will take your farm one day. And there is nothing you can do about it.
    boy r u self righteous.

    sorry can't humble a Latino

  14. #74
    I get superstar calls j3lademaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Baller234 View Post
    A country with no borders is not a country.

    Basically what you're saying is that no country on Earth has the right to exist.

    I have to say, quite the big brained take.
    Oh wow, you're finally starting to get what Anarchy means. It's like seeing a monkey use tools for the first time.

  15. #75
    I get superstar calls j3lademaster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump wants to institute Martial Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Chewing View Post
    That's a very dumb statement.
    Agreed. There are plenty of highly educated black people who despise affirmitive action and black universities, and subsequently, ones who came from that.

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