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Thread: Cavs OT lounge

  1. #31
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Has anyone used the e-book borrowing program from the Cleveland Public Library? I wasn't even aware they had one until tonight. I was looking to see who had holdings for "Rise of a Merchant Prince" and came across this:{05B57607-EF20-49F3-8F14-86FE13356860}

    I don't understand the whole 21 days thing and I'm not 100% sure what process you go through to download the book. I think you add it to a "select list" sortof like a shopping cart, and then checkout?

    But how does a PDF stop working after 21 days, unless you have to log into the CPL web site every time you want to read it?

    I have some books on my HD like LoTR and Wheel of Time. They're awesome when you want to reference something, you can just use the text search. But I've never been a fan of reading a book from a computer chair. I like laying on my bed and reading, or I'll read while I'm in my car waiting to go into work (if I'm early) or something, or on my lunch.


  2. #32
    Cavs Fan ® 1997 Meticode's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Maybe it's something similiar to this:

    But it seems wierd to return an eBook you've downloaded on your computer. *looks confused*

  3. #33
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Quote Originally Posted by Meticode
    Maybe it's something similiar to this:
    That link says you have to return the books, but it also says the .pdf file stays on your computer unless you delete it. What's that point in returning it?

    If you can d/l the pdf to your computer, I'll gladly start "renting" them. Would be nice to have some programming books I could reference, or auto body, etc. Books that you can't really do anything with unless you have them sitting in front of you while you're doing it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meticode
    But it seems wierd to return an eBook you've downloaded on your computer. *looks confused*
    That's what I was getting at. I don't understand how a PDF can "expire" unless you have to log into the library web page to read it.

    Also, the page said something about.. let me look...

    "Adobe PDF eBook
    Copy: allowed, but limited to 44 times every 7 days
    Print: allowed, but limited to 44 times every 7 days"

    How can they keep track of your copying? Unless that's 44 downloads per 7 days?

    I kind've want that book and I don't want to wait until next weekend to drive out to Lorain County to get it.

    I might just go buy the damn thing in paperbook for $6 or whatever, or maybe go to half price books. I have all the other books in the series.

    I'd still like to know how the system works though.

    Last edited by Mathius; 08-24-2008 at 03:28 PM.

  4. #34
    Cavs Fan ® 1997 Meticode's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    I'm curious just to call my library to find out what the deal is on that because it makes no sense to me either that you'd have to "return" a .pdf file from your computer.

  5. #35
    Reds/Bengals/Cavs mlh1981's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Cavs are here in Pittsburgh. Was gonna go to see them, but $30 for tickets, plus parking, gas used, food etc seems a bit steep for a meaningless preseason game.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    kind of off topic, but just found a LeBron James facebook app. It allows you to become a fan of him, put a box on your profile page showing your ranking and stuff. I hear rumors that there will be big prizes at the end of the season for the highest ranked users. Check it out if you have facebook.

    Any other LeBron type things out there in the internet?

  7. #37
    Reds/Bengals/Cavs mlh1981's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Professional football in the state of Ohio is just absolutely brutal. I'm not a Browns fan, but I feel sorry for those loyal fans who have to put up with year after year of failed opportunities and disappointment. There are extremely few pieces there to really build with, and lots of guys need a return to health next year.

    And then there is the Bengals. Bad ownership, no GM, skeleton crew for a front office, they employ thugs, and only care about making money.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Quote Originally Posted by mlh1981
    Professional football in the state of Ohio is just absolutely brutal. I'm not a Browns fan, but I feel sorry for those loyal fans who have to put up with year after year of failed opportunities and disappointment. There are extremely few pieces there to really build with, and lots of guys need a return to health next year.

    And then there is the Bengals. Bad ownership, no GM, skeleton crew for a front office, they employ thugs, and only care about making money.
    Nothing would make me happier than to see Romeo AND Savage go. At least the Bengals can claim injury. I guess I could make a case for the Browns offensive linemen being hurt, but nobody would believe me, even if it does have some legitimate truth to it. The Browns poor play started long before Quinn, Anderson, Heiden, and Winslow got hurt

    The only good thing is I guess we'll have some decent draft picks, if we can manage to pick someone with talent. The defense actually wasn't that bad this year. We could use some depth in the secondary, and we could still use some better defensive lineman, but Rodgers was an awesome pickup.

    In the perfect world, I'd like to see us fire Romeo, and Savage, bring in Cowher, get rid of Winslow, Quinn, and Edwards, and pickup some offensive lineman, and a receiver or two, and then either draft an offensive lineman, and a receiver, and use our later picks on the secondary and defensive line. An extra linebacker or two wouldn't hurt either. McGinest is just about ready for retirement and we could use some depth and a pass rusher if we insist on staying with the 3-4.


  9. #39
    Reds/Bengals/Cavs mlh1981's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Mathius, being that you live in the center of it all, would you say that Cleveland is still a "Browns town?" Has the recent success of the Cavaliers made a dent into that at all. I mean, the whole concept of Cleveland being any sort of "town" is somewhat superflous and hard to measure, but do the Browns still get the majority of the buzz/pub there?

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Quote Originally Posted by mlh1981
    Mathius, being that you live in the center of it all, would you say that Cleveland is still a "Browns town?" Has the recent success of the Cavaliers made a dent into that at all. I mean, the whole concept of Cleveland being any sort of "town" is somewhat superflous and hard to measure, but do the Browns still get the majority of the buzz/pub there?
    Definitely. That hasn't really changed. Even the year the Cavs made the Finals, there wasn't as big a todo as there should have been.

    If I needed anymore proof, my Xmas shopping this year proved it. I was trying to find my dad a nice Cavs shirt he could wear to games. He's never been a big sports fan, but the last 2-3 years he's been getting tickets from work and we've been going together to a few games a year. He's still doesn't "follow" the Cavs, but his basketball knowledge in general has gotten a lot better to where he really picks up on things when we're watching the game together.

    Anyways... I wanted to get him a Cavs shirt, so he could wear it when we go to the games together, something real nice. But even in the "sports" stores, the selection is pitiful. I went to 5 different malls in the Cleveland area and really couldn't find much beyond the crappy screen printed stuff. I ended up settling for one of those and got him a nicer long sleeve shirt to go with it.

    Just finding Cavs merchandise is hard and you pretty much have to go to the Q to get any kind of selection.

    Even as football goes, you can find plenty of Browns merchandise almost anywhere, but it's easier to find Pittsburgh stuff than it is Cincinnati gear.


  11. #41
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    I gotta tell ya, MLH, I read someone saying that the Bengals are gonna try and trade Carson Palmer? Maybe in the Palmer elite QB thread in OTC?

    The two times I saw Ryan Fitzpatrick play this year, he was awful. Even his highlights weren't special.


  12. #42
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    What's up guys?

  13. #43
    NBA Finals
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    What up.

    But just so you know, people rarely comes into here. We're usually in the NBA Forum, or the OTC Forum.

  14. #44
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Yeah I looked at some of the latest posts dates and noticed it wasn't very active. That's a shame because I love the idea of individual team forums. I'm not sure how much I'll use the site anyway though.

  15. #45
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    Default Re: Cavs OT lounge

    Waait...Mathius is not banned??

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