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  1. #151
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    Default Re: ESPN pulls unflattering Vegas party article about LeBron from website...

    why is this a story again? because it's lebron. they could write this sort of article about ANY nba athlete barring duncan or battier or whomever. the fact that espn is broadcasting his inebriated and possibly philandering ways is more pathetic than anything.

    the reason that they pulled this is probably because they damage relations with james. i doubt he or his entourage had anything to do with the situation at all. espn most likely realised that hey, this guy recently broadcast his "decision" exclusively on our network, if we want to maintain exclusive rights to any scoops involving him, it's best not to portray him as a puerile and sexist douchebag.

    the only really objectionable thing in the article to me is that salacious comment he made to that chick with the tattoo. doesn't he have a wife/de facto and a couple of kids? barring that? seems like a good night out tbh

  2. #152
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: ESPN pulls unflattering Vegas party article about LeBron from website...

    [quote]No Penalty for Party Profiler
    Published: August 1, 2010

    ESPN will not discipline one of its online writers, Arash Markazi, for not properly disclosing that he was writing an article about LeBron James

  3. #153
    Decent college freshman
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    Default Re: ESPN pulls unflattering Vegas party article about LeBron from website...

    If I ran the world, there would be no articles like tihs, because they are not news. What kind of world is it where you are Tiger Woods and you can't knock off a few hoes.

  4. #154
    I rule the local playground
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    Default Re: ESPN pulls unflattering Vegas party article about LeBron from website...

    @ all the pathetic people looking for any excuse to bash Lebron. I pity you if you're 25 or older and haven't been to quite a few wild parties.

    And those who say "It's not about the article, it's about ESPN pulling it!!!", they clearly stated that it had nothing to do with Lebron's camp but because the reporter didn't identify himself as one. Even if you don't believe that, IT'S LAME TO POST A STORY ABOUT A 25 YEAR OLD MEGA-STARS PARTY HABITS IN VEGAS.

    Funny thing about it is, I will bet that most of these people bashing Lebron's party habits, if they were invited to join him would do so in a HEARTBEAT. Why wouldn't you? Free booze, top nightclubs in Vegas, women swarming around. Of course you would, if you're sane, you hypocrites.

  5. #155
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    Default Re: The official reason ESPN pulled Markazi's Lebron article

    Quote Originally Posted by Scoooter
    It's not about the content of the story or the fact that LeBron was partying. It's about ESPN sacrificing journalistic integrity by kowtowing to an athlete and his handlers. It's a big can of worms that really has nothing to do with LeBron's behavior (in this instance anyway).

    How some people can still be so stupid as to not get this is something of a headscratcher.

  6. #156
    I rule the local playground
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    Default Re: The official reason ESPN pulled Markazi's Lebron article

    Quote Originally Posted by gts
    Nope. As explained above.

    Also, everyone complaining on here didn't cite the story being pulled as their reason for bashing him. They bashed him for his activities during the party.

    So try again.

  7. #157
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    Default Re: The official reason ESPN pulled Markazi's Lebron article

    Quote Originally Posted by Courtside View
    Nope. As explained above.

    Also, everyone complaining on here didn't cite the story being pulled as their reason for bashing him. They bashed him for his activities during the party.

    So try again.
    i wasn't talking to you but since you decided to act the fool again, read scooters post then mine, then feel free if you still lack a shred of comprehension to add your worthless opinion that actually has nothing to do with the post i was agreeing with....

    typical knoe/courtside post... the gate keeper of jumping in with both feet without looking where you're going to land

  8. #158
    I rule the local playground
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    Default Re: The official reason ESPN pulled Markazi's Lebron article

    Quote Originally Posted by gts
    i wasn't talking to you but since you decided to act the fool again, read scooters post then mine, then feel free if you still lack a shred of comprehension to add your worthless opinion that actually has nothing to do with the post i was agreeing with....

    typical knoe/courtside post... the gate keeper of jumping in with both feet without looking where you're going to land
    lol at "act a fool" being offering a different opinion to a lot of the nonsense people like you spew.

    Scooter said "It's about ESPN sacrificing journalistic integrity by kowtowing to an athlete and his handlers. It's a big can of worms that really has nothing to do with LeBron's behavior (in this instance anyway)."

    I explained that ESPN stated that it had NOTHING TO DO WITH LEBRON'S CAMP, so your co-signing his statement as if it's a FACT that that's what happened is foolish. Further, a story written about him having a party in Vegas is stupid in the first place, so ESPN shouldn't have run it. Looks like YOU lack a shred of comprehension.

    As for the other nonsense, you wrote not even worth addressing.

    Typical gts post though.

  9. #159
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    Default Re: The official reason ESPN pulled Markazi's Lebron article

    Quote Originally Posted by Courtside View
    Scooter said "It's about ESPN sacrificing journalistic integrity by kowtowing to an athlete and his handlers. It's a big can of worms that really has nothing to do with LeBron's behavior (in this instance anyway)."

    I explained that ESPN stated that it had NOTHING TO DO WITH LEBRON'S CAMP,
    and you believed them? how cute of you... their own people aren't even buying that line of

    this is the same network that aired the decision and has been called out for doing so by everyone from the east coast to the west coast including their own people...

    that's twice now in less than one months time ESPN has show horrible judgement on the subject....

    but you just keep pulling that ESPN party line, it's fans like you that they have come to depend on, never question never wonder, just pigeon hole everyone who doesn't agree with you as a hater or delusional and run back under your rock until the next time you're called upon to repel any views that don't buy the hype

  10. #160
    5/7=71%>>3/9=33% branslowski's Avatar
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    Default Re: The official reason ESPN pulled Markazi's Lebron article

    Quote Originally Posted by gts
    and you believed them? how cute of you... their own people aren't even buying that line of

    this is the same network that aired the decision and has been called out for doing so by everyone from the east coast to the west coast including their own people...

    that's twice now in less than one months time ESPN has show horrible judgement on the subject....

    but you just keep pulling that ESPN party line, it's fans like you that they have come to depend on, never question never wonder, just pigeon hole everyone who doesn't agree with you as a hater or delusional and run back under your rock until the next time you're called upon to repel any views that don't buy the hype

  11. #161
    Child, please hawksdogsbraves's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN pulls unflattering Vegas party article about LeBron from website...

    So Lebron, who is 25 and the one of the most famous people on the planet, goes to a club and gets ****ed up, and now all these people are saying that he is an immature little kid?

    The fact that he 'dribbled through his friends' or made the comment that he wished a stripper was the server seems like the author was trying too hard to paint Lebron in a negative light that really doesn't seem to exist. It's not like he was blowing lines of cocaine and getting in fights.

    People just forget that he's 25 and likes to have a good time.

  12. #162
    I rule the local playground
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    Default Re: The official reason ESPN pulled Markazi's Lebron article

    and you believed them? how cute of you... their own people aren't even buying that line of
    First you said I lacked comprehension, as if I misunderstood your co-signing of Scooter's post, when I clearly didn't. So you were wrong about that (no surprise).

    this is the same network that aired the decision and has been called out for doing so by everyone from the east coast to the west coast including their own people...
    I could care less about ESPN, in fact I don't even LIKE ESPN, except as a necessary evil to get NBA related news. The bottom line, however, is that you don't have any proof one way or the other about whether or not Lebron's camp had anything to do with it. And like I already explained, it was a dumb article to begin with that shouldn't have been published. Oooh, millionaire athlete parties in Vegas. SO WHAT? It wouldn't be any different if Lebron's people DID contact ESPN and ESPN decided that "Yeah, it was a stupid article" and took it down. Of course, you're going to jump on any possible opportunity to jump on the Bash Bron train regardless of where it's heading.

    that's twice now in less than one months time ESPN has show horrible judgement on the subject....
    Yup. The Decision was horrible, and so was the decision to publish an article about Lebron's partying habits. Agreed.

    but you just keep pulling that ESPN party line, it's fans like you that they have come to depend on, never question never wonder, just pigeon hole everyone who doesn't agree with you as a hater or delusional and run back under your rock until the next time you're called upon to repel any views that don't buy the hype
    It's hilarious for you to talk about "hype" being that you're a Bryant fan but aside from that what I said has nothing to do with accepting ESPN's hype. I commented that their statement was that Lebron's camp had nothing to do with it, which you can't prove one way or the other. But even if they DID have something to do with having it pulled, so what? It was a stupid article to begin with. Of course, you never considered the possibility that perhaps they DO want to have a continuously good relationship with Bron's camp and decided on their own that the article wasn't worth putting that in jeaporady over an article that they concluded was ill conceived.

    None of that has to involve following any "ESPN Hype" nor even liking the network. It DOES, however, involve the ability to take each situation on a case by case basis instead of joining the screaming hordes as people such as yourself are eager to do in any circumstance involving Lebron.

    I can concede that Lebron is egotistical. That he's at best childish, and at worst an assh*le. That's because I don't worship celebrity athletes. I doubt you'd ever concede the same about your boy. However, none of that has any bearing on my commentary on him as a player, or what I think of his decision to leave Cleveland and everything that's come after that. Something people such as yourself grapple with.
    Last edited by Courtside View; 08-01-2010 at 08:42 PM.

  13. #163
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    Default Re: ESPN pulls unflattering Vegas party article about LeBron from website...

    Anyone who wears shades in dark night clubs is trying WAY TOO HARD to look cool. Way too hard. It screams insecurity. This isn't CSI.

    But besides that, I don't see what people are complaining about. The guy is young, talented and rich as hell, and he is having a party in Vegas. So what? Who wouldn't do the same if they were Lebron?

    Lebron is a douche bag though. This has been known for a while. People who become rich and succesful like Lebron usually end up getting a little douche bag in them. Jordan's a douche bag.

    Can you imagine Tim Duncan doing shit like this though when he was young? Nah, for real though, this does make me like Kobe a little more though. It makes me realize that he isn't about the parties, hype, money and ESPN dick riding, he just wins rings. Him and Timmy.

    Lebron and his second fiddle ass is just gonna loose again.

  14. #164
    Super Ultra Sexy Hero SinJackal's Avatar
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    Default Re: ESPN pulls unflattering Vegas party article about LeBron from website...

    To be honest, I'm more thinking the Heat won't win because of Bosh's drawbacks more than the odds of LBJ/Wade not working together. Bosh is not a prototypical big man. They can't really rely on him to score in the post and defend the better bigs that the best teams in the NBA roll with right now.

  15. #165
    Magic Johnson
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    Default Re: ESPN pulls unflattering Vegas party article about LeBron from website...

    Why did they pull the article? Everything James did was fine. In fact, it sounded fun.

    The only problem I have with James is his entourage. They aren't doing him any favors with the media and I think the lack of judgment within his management company will ultimately cost him millions of dollars. But hey, who am I to say?

    Oh, he should also stop calling himself "King." It just sounds stupid. I think most people would be embarrassed by that shit.

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