Couldn't find for teachers - here are employees:
Miami-Dade County Public Schools Employee Average Age
Less than 18 years 5%
18-20 years 8%
20-30 years 39%
30-40 years 23%
40+ years 23%
Only 23% (of employees) over 40 years old - if career teacher (say started after college graduation) and works 30 years for pension, they would retire at 52. How many teachers are over 52 years old? What do you consider old? So, instead of allowing a small percentage of "old" teachers to teach remotely, teachers' unions forced all students (and teachers) to go remote.
And who teaches kids in schools in Sweden? And their death rate was not significantly worse than countries who shutdown.
Aren't there OLD doctors, nurses, firefighters, EMTs, etc? What's so special about teachers? Oh yes, they work with the age group LEAST likely to be affected by covid. Yet the teachers' unions/Democratic arm forced closed schools (sometimes long) after other areas/businesses opened up.