Stephen Curry interview
February 17, 2017

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Stephen Curry interviewHere are Stephen Curry interview quotes from Friday at 2017 All-Star weekend:

Question: Do you still consider the Warriors to be a jumpshooting team with the addition of Kevin Durant? And the second question is when your shots are not falling during the game, what kind of adjustments do you usually do?

Stephen Curry: The answer to the second question is keep shooting. Work your way out of a, quote-unquote, slump that way. I don't know how you classify a team. We just want to win. Whether we shoot a lot of jumpers or find other ways to score, everybody is just focused on winning. It doesn't matter how you characterize it.

Question: Do you agree that you represent a new style of the game?

Curry: Yeah, I have a different style of playing. It's the way I've been playing since I can remember, so it's natural to me. But the way the league is going, you've got to be able to shoot. You've got to have skill and be able to handle the ball and do a lot of different things, be as versatile as you can. Yeah, I'm very comfortable with how I'm playing, and I do it at a very high level.

Question: We saw during the history of the NBA lots of rivals, like Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. How do you feel about you and LeBron James?

Curry: Competition is high right now. Obviously, I know who's at the top of their game and who you have to -- potentially have to go through to win a championship. We've had two good battles against Cleveland the last two years. Who knows how this year will play out. There's so much talent around the league. Night in and night out, no matter what team you play, there are stars out there that are helping to push the game to new levels. It's a fun time to be playing in the NBA right now.

Question: What's your goal for the season? What do you want to achieve?

Curry: Win a championship, man. That's it. That's it. That's why we play, to realize that dream. We know, having won before, we know exactly what it takes. Having been on the losing side, we know how thin the line is between winning and losing. That's what it's all about.

Question: Why are you not doing the Three-Point Contest this year?.

Curry: That's a great question. I've done it six times, I think. I told myself I was going to do it until I won, and I won two years ago, and then I had to come back and defend my title. But I got beat by my teammate, Klay Thompson. So I passed the torch on to him and let him win it for the Warriors this year, tomorrow night. So I'll be rooting him on.