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Devin Booker Interview Quotes After Winning Three-point contest
February 17, 2018

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Suns guard Devin Booker won the 2018 NBA Three-point shootout contest tonight. Here are Booker interview quotes after winning the event.

Q. Rookie season you told the fans you were going to come back here and win this and bring the trophy home to Phoenix. You're a man of your word and you did it. So your thoughts on that?

DEVIN BOOKER: I'm really excited about it. I always said I always want to represent the city the best I can, with the support they always show for me since day one. So season not going how we planned, but I know a lot of the city was ready for this All-Star Weekend, having somebody participate. So I'm glad I could win it.

Q. You talked about having a different approach to this year's three-point contest in terms of your preparation. Obviously it worked well in your favor?

DEVIN BOOKER: Yeah, my preparation was none. My rookie year I stayed at the gym extra, shot off the rack a lot more. This time I just got here, practiced right before I went out there and ended up coming out with the win.

Q. When you hit the floor, did you know? Did you have the mindset this was coming home with you tonight?

DEVIN BOOKER: I had that mindset until the first round. I thought I was going to be out, but it's a wildcard with that rack, honestly. It's hard to shoot off the rack, as you can see. These guys are much better shooters than we all shot today. So the rack's difficult, but ended up coming out with the big win.

Q. Just overall thoughts, feel really good?

DEVIN BOOKER: I feel really good, really excited. Like I said, after I took third my rookie year, something I always wanted was to win the three-point championship, and I got to do it.

Q. This is another accomplishment in your career, which is just starting. How do you take this victory going forward for the season and for your career?

DEVIN BOOKER: Like I said earlier, our season hasn't been the brightest part of our year, obviously. So I know the fans have been behind us 100% throughout the whole time. So I know they're going to be excited about this, get to bring home three-point championships since I think they told me 2004-2005, so it's kind of a big deal.

Q. Now you've got a champion of the three-point game. Do you have any other personal goals for the rest of the season?

DEVIN BOOKER: Yeah, I'm going dunk contest next. No, I'm just kidding. No, you know, obviously, hopefully I can come back and maybe win it again. But for me All-Star Weekend is a good time to get away from the season. Now it's time to lock back in, get ready for the season, and finish out the year strong.

Q. I know you're an excellent scorer. Do you always consider yourself an elite three-point shooter?

DEVIN BOOKER: I always -- people used to always say I was just a shooter. When I was in college, that's really all I did was spot up shots. Once I got to the NBA, I adjusted and showed a little bit more than people said, I was a scorer that could shoot. But I like to think of myself as a an elite shooter for sure.

Q. I just got a text that says this was an event record in the championship round, your 28 points. You're setting records all over the place. Is this just another one on your belt?

DEVIN BOOKER: I mean, it's a big deal, I'd say, knowing the history of the three-point shootout, all the legends of the game that have been in it from Peja Stojakovic, Larry Bird. I'm glad my name can be mentioned with those guys. But like I said, I'm happy to get the win.

Q. You just mentioned some of the legends that have been associated with this award, with this competition. To know that you're bringing that part of the legacy back to Phoenix, a city that's obviously had some ups and downs with the Suns team this year, what does that mean to you?

DEVIN BOOKER: It means a lot. Like I said, it's been unconditional love since day one since I've been in Phoenix. Obviously, all three years I've been in the NBA we haven't exceeded the expectations that we've set for ourselves. So, like I said, I know people are looking forward to this. All throughout the city people are wishing me luck throughout the week. Everybody hit me today, all the training staff, coaches, everybody texted me today wishing me good luck. I'm excited I got the win.

Q. Can you explain just the difficulty involved in just shooting in that format, one after another?

DEVIN BOOKER: Not only shooting one after another, just shooting off the rack, I'd say that's the wildcard. We take thousands of jumpers a year, and we never shoot off the rack. So I said it before the competition, you know, we should change the three-point shootout to have somebody pass for you. I think it would throw a twist in the game. It would be kind of like the Home Run Derby with a pick who pitches to you, but someone to pass to, I think it would be a good look.