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Marcus Morris Interview Heading Into Celtics vs Cavs Game 4
May 20, 2018

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Marcus Morris InterviewThe Celtics lead the Cavs 2-1 in their best-of-seven Eastern Conference Finals series. Boston won the first two games in convincing fashion, but yesterday in Cleveland the Cavs took Game 3. Here are Celtics forward Marcus Morris interview quotes from today, the day in between games 3 and 4:

Q. You guys watched a ton of film today. What did you learn?

MARCUS MORRIS: We definitely watched a ton of film. Personally, I think I did a [poor] job defensively with LeBron. He was too comfortable when I was guarding him. I made myself very vulnerable on screens and wasn't disciplined. We can't have that in a game of this magnitude, and it showed. They did a great job of exposing that. Personally, I think I have to do better.

Q. How confident are you that you guys will bounce back?

MORRIS: Very confident. That team we saw yesterday, I'm 100 percent sure it won't be the same team on Monday. After watching film, we did a lot of things that caused us to be in the position that we're in. I said before, control the controllables, and we didn't do that.

Q. Along those lines, Brad Stevens was talking about how prideful this group is. Is that about as tough a way to take a wake-up call as there is?

MORRIS: Like I said, I wouldn't call it a wake-up call. I think there are just things that we got away from, a lot of things that are very correctable. Like I said, myself personally, I thought I did a [poor] job defending LeBron on pick-and-rolls and things like that.

Q. How is guarding LeBron here any different from guarding him in Boston? Is there a difference?

MORRIS: They're obviously at home, so they're a lot more comfortable. I watched the first two games and how we defended them and how I defended him personally, and like I said, yesterday I just thought I did a terrible job. I made myself very vulnerable and got screened a lot, and he made his space. He's a great player and that's what he does, so we have to fix that.

Q. Did you guys allow your defense to affect your offense?

MORRIS: I don't think we did as a whole, but I think that just comes with the game. When you don't defend, I think offense becomes harder. Once we get stops on the other end, we get out on the break, we get the ball moving, we get easier shots and the ball moves more. I think that's just how it goes. We have to start defending with a great mindset of doing what Coach put us in those positions to do, and I think we'll succeed by doing that.

Q. You mentioned some of your frustrations from yesterday. Is it really good to get out here and try to shake some of that off immediately?

MORRIS: For sure, you have to. Play Monday, it's a quick turnaround. It's the Eastern Conference Finals. If we dwell on what happened yesterday, we won't be able to move forward. The best thing we did -- we came here, watched a ton of film, came out here and shot, got a little bit more familiar with the gym. Just got more confidence, and just ready to compete tomorrow.