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Andrew Wiggins NBA draft interview quotes




| June 26, 2014

Andrew Wiggins NBA draft interview quotesThe 2014 NBA Draft was Thursday night, and with the #1 overall pick, the Cleveland Cavaliers selected Andrew Wiggins. Below are Wiggins interview quotes after being drafted, as he enters the world of pro basketball and begins what looks like a very promising career.

Andrew Wiggins: A thousand thoughts are going through my head right now. It's a dream come true. I've been dreaming of this moment since I was a little kid. My dream was just to make the NBA. Now going to high school and college, the opportunity and possibility of going No. 1 came into talk, and now I accomplished that. So it's just a crazy feeling right now. I don't really know how to feel. It doesn't even feel real right now.

Question: If you could speak to the fact we've now had two back-to-back No. 1 choices for Toronto.

Wiggins: Great thing for Toronto. Great thing for Canada, actually. Before this, no player from Canada has been No. 1, and now we have two back-to-back No. 1s. So it's a huge accomplishment for Canada. It just makes -- opens so much more doors for all the kids in Canada, just international basketball by itself, and I'm just looking to playing it for my fellow Canadians, A.B. and Tristan.

Question: Could you talk about today and how nerve-wracking it was. When did you find out?

Wiggins: Today has been busy, busy, busy, a lot of running around, just preparing for this moment. It all just came so fast. You know, this time last year, I just graduated from high school. So this time just came so fast to me.

Question: Did you think you'd be the No. 1 pick all along?

Wiggins: I always wanted to be the No. 1 pick, but come draft night anything can happen, trades or anything like that. You never know what to expect. So when they called my name, I was just all over the place.

Question: Cleveland just recently hired a new coach in David Blatt. Have you had any discussions with him? And maybe what do you know about him as a coach?

Wiggins: I talked to him. I ran into him when I went to go work out for Cleveland, the facility. I know he's a great coach, a European coach. I asked around, no player has never not liked him. He's a great coach, and I think he's going to do great things for our team and just help us on the come-up.

Question: Andrew, and you Jabari came into college at the same time. Now you go 1, 2 in the draft. You may end up playing the same position, similar regions in the United States now. Is it inevitable that this may be the beginning of a rivalry or the comparison that you two will be facing each other for quite some time?

Wiggins: Good players will always be compared to each other, you know, but I never think of anything as a rivalry. I think that's what the media portrays it to be. On the court, doesn't matter who I'm going against, I'm going to go hard. I'm going to go to win and kill. Off the court we can be friends, but on the court, it's a different story. I'll never treat one person differently on the court. Whoever is guarding me, whoever I'm guarding, I'm just going to win.

Question: You mentioned Tristan and Anthony Bennett. Talk about the chemistry you have with them and how excited you are to be able to play with them again.

Wiggins: Well, I played with Tristan for a summer AAU, and I played with Anthony for a while, AAU circuit and the national level, too. So I'm just excited. You know, the chemistry is already there with those guys. I played with them already. So I think big things are to come.

Question: Andrew, congratulations. What does this mean for your family? In that moment, what did your dad say? What did your mom say? What does it mean for you and your brothers and sisters?

Wiggins: It's a huge moment for me and my family right now, especially because my parents were pro athletes before. Now they can kind of like live the dream again through me and just watch their youngest son just do something special with his life and play at the highest level of basketball. So it's a big thing for me and my family. We cherish moments like this. So it's great. It's great for us.

Question: And what did your dad say? You gave him a big hug, and he gave you a big hug.

Wiggins: My mom and dad and brothers kept saying how proud they were and they love me, everything like that. My mind was racing.

Question: Andrew, you've been under the spotlight for a long time, been dealing with a lot of hype and pressure. How have you been able to stay grounded through that? And how do you feel it will help you now that you're the No. 1 pick and you'll have it even more?

Wiggins: I think college really prepares you for a level like this, especially a big-time basketball school like Kansas or a Duke or a Kentucky, where you're always under the spotlight. You always have to watch your surroundings and watch what you do. You're basically treated like a rock star on campus or wherever you go in that state. I think that really translates to the NBA.

Question: Andrew, obviously, as you know, LeBron James is a free agent this summer. There's been reports he may want to come back to Cleveland and play on his old team. If you had to pitch to him why to come back to Cleveland and be your teammate, what would you tell him?

Wiggins: I want to win. If he wants to win, we'd be good together.

Question: Andrew, did you hear Joel go third behind you?

Wiggins: Yeah.

Question: What were your thoughts then, the emotions?

Wiggins: I was just proud. It was a proud day. Me and Jo Jo, we became so close this year at Kansas. It was so good that I had the chance to really share the journey with somebody that's close to me, you know. So I'm just proud of him. He worked so hard. He didn't let nothing get to him. He always stays motivated. So I'm just proud. It's a proud moment for Kansas.

Question: And I know your time at Kansas meant something to you. Danny Manning, the last No. 1 pick from KU. Paul Pierce has been carrying the torch for a while for KU. Do you feel like you're ready to do that?

Wiggins: I feel like I'm ready.

Question: Andrew, question, I'm feeling that jacket. Can you tell me the concept behind it? Who designed it?

Wiggins: Well, this is Waraire Boswell. He customized this suit for me. But a style by Brandon Williams.

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