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  1. 80% of NYC covid patients on ventilators die
  2. Jordan was also a good baseball player
  3. Nearly half of coronavirus tweets are bots...
  4. What have the Chinese invented in the last 50 years?
  5. To the poster 'highwhey' about the thread he made that just got deleted.
  6. A mask vending machine????
  7. Johnnie Cochran
  8. New Posters needs to introduce themselves in this thread
  9. Another botched white on black modern day lynching in Iowa
  10. Anyone else get ashy lips?
  11. There’s only one possible solution to get rid of the virus
  12. Insidehoops Hall of Fame
  13. I'm worried. Do people not understand how antibodies work?
  14. Will the coronavirus be forever? Has it permanently changed the world?
  15. I became a huge fan of baseball because of the Sosa vs. Maguirre Home Run duel in '98
  16. Thoughts on Mark Cuban 2024 POTUS?
  17. Uncut Gems movie is now on Netflix
  18. strongest hip hop movement of all time?
  19. is Ben Affleck hollywood's #1 playboy?
  20. List of banned posters we should bring back...
  21. Nigerians scammed Washington out of ‘hundreds of millions’ in unemployment benefits
  22. Was COVID overreaction the new "Iraq has WMDs"
  23. Bed bugs vs mosquitoes
  24. James Wood as the Joker in 1990's.
  25. MSNBC Reporter tries to call out guy for not wearing a mask in public
  26. Central Park Karen...
  27. Social distancing in Las Vegas
  28. Was Kaepernick right about about racial injustice in America?
  29. No bullshit... what is wrong with me that I can't just let people be wrong?
  30. Social Justice/Activism has become underrated these days
  31. SpaceX Launch today with Astronauts for the first time ever
  32. Disturbing video shows unarmed man begging before fatal police shooting
  33. Any T Mobile users experience this before?
  34. Who will be known as the president of 100 + thousand that died from corona
  35. Will Whites Riot Over Tony Timpa's Death?
  36. Where do you stand on The Political Compass?
  37. Russian Fox Experiment
  38. I don’t feel comfortable going out for a long time
  39. Anyone feel like you are talking to the same 6-8 people here?
  40. Were Nazis Right Wing Fascists or Left Wing Socialists? (POLL)
  41. How do you think Derek Chauvin feels now?
  42. CNN is a joke
  43. We need to emphasize college/education now more than ever
  44. Are you college-educated? [OFFICIAL InsideHoops Higher Learning List]
  45. Italy Serie A soccer league will restart its games June 20
  46. Remember when we said hello 2020.. 2019 was a bad year?
  47. Do you miss any old posters that no longer post?
  48. You got to love the hypocrisy of Libs
  49. Why did we focus so much on COVID instead of helping the black community?
  50. Inspired by social activism, I'm going on a POSTING STRIKE!!!!!
  51. Trump has brought back the 60s and all the bad times!
  52. What does BILLIONAIRE DR. DRE think of the USA?
  53. don't confuse riotting with resisting and rebellion
  54. What's the best picture mode for your LCD TV?
  55. White People, grow some balls
  56. Man killed after being dragged by FedEx truck during St. Louis riots
  57. Trump has destroyed the nation and it’s getting worse
  58. This is what white privilege looks like...
  59. Cop gets KNOCKED OUT after throwing protesters cell phone
  60. You think this behavior is OK? Man beat practically to death for defending store
  61. The NBA should just have an exhibition championship tournament
  62. Uprising ENDGAME - USA CIVIL WAR 2020
  63. highweight going viral on Twitter
  64. COVID-19 Unemployment bonus of $600 ends July 31...
  65. Kobe Bryant's autopsy report
  66. TMZ is truly unironically among the last real truthful media
  67. Right now the nation is trash
  68. President Donald Trump designated Antifa as a terrorist organization
  69. Social distancing sure came and went
  70. What's the probability Trump gets re-elected after all this chaos?
  71. Woman leaves new husband for her cousin on her wedding day
  72. funniest picture of the riots
  73. JR Smith beats a rioter's ass
  74. Police are beating down protestors everywhere proving protestors are right
  75. the reality of protest
  76. Whose alt is Walk on Water?
  77. CNN getting arrested live on air immensely boosted their case/profile
  78. Why do short chicks think anything under 6 feet tall is short?
  79. April 1st vs June 1st
  80. Cats are beautiful and kind
  81. Jon Jones punking some kids vandalizing
  82. Do you know anyone who doesn’t follow the news?
  83. sweaty Trump begs a young woman for a kiss on stage after giving a speech
  84. NY Times: Russia stoking up U.S. racial tensions ahead of the election
  85. Tucker Carlson was hot fire tonight
  86. If USA had continued coronavirus lockdown, these riots could have been prevented.
  87. Antifa Group Chanting George Soros, Where's our money????
  88. Martial Law time?
  89. This stupid MOFO steals an ATM machine, then try's to get on a transit bus with it.
  90. The Media wants to racially divide us
  91. The vandalism has spread to the Lincoln Memorial & WW2 memorial area (spray paint)
  92. Funny how people make fun of SF, LA and NY for being liberal
  93. Which posters do you think are out there looting right now?
  94. Trump with another hate tweet: “Lowlifes and losers”
  95. "Protestors" throw stuff at the people giving them thumbs up
  96. i see no changes...
  97. Low IQ people are the problem.
  98. The protests should scare people. It's going to give Trump 4 more years.
  99. I feel the lefts are elite and will win November
  100. My 4 point plan to destroying racism in America (policy) #StayWoke
  101. "of course i'm dangerous, i'm the police and can do terrible things with impunity"
  102. Too much cellphone brightness is bad for your eye
  103. Man, 24, tries to loot ATM by blowing it up... dies in ATM explosion :roll:
  104. What happened to corona going away in April?
  105. S. Philly looter gang tries to rob gun store - shot dead by store owner with gun
  106. Alwas be thankful to President Truman for giving independence to the Philippines
  107. Social media has supercharged grassroots organizing and activism -- progress is real
  108. Any chance Caroline Kennedy, and Joe Kennedy III run as vice or president someday?
  109. The end of small business in America
  110. I'm dating a chick from Taiwan
  111. Was i wrong for this?
  112. Why is the stock market so optimistic? 5 major reasons to support a correction
  113. The "Democrats & Republicans are the same" crowd always make me laugh
  114. Shameless.
  115. They got him.
  116. DoctorP is sleeping right now
  117. So you can't be a part of the movementif you...
  118. Coronavirus will spike in a few weeks
  119. What type of AC do you have in your house and or room?
  120. American Duel
  121. Vibram 5 fingers shoes are badass
  122. How do you avoid responding to someone trolling or trying to bait you?
  123. Pregnant elephant dies after eating a pineapple filled with crackers in India
  124. Run the Jewels 4 out now
  125. The last time America came together
  126. Rachel Cook appreciation
  127. When he starts listing itsmillertime, bladef, rrr3, theman...
  128. Why Did Twitter Remove Trumps Call For Unity Video??
  129. I'm stepping away from ISH for a bit to focus on my career
  130. past threads
  131. What kind of a Cop would highweight have been?
  132. You can lose your job
  133. NASDAQ sets all time high in stock market with unemployment still high & no vaccine
  134. Voting is Like Brushing Your Teeth
  135. NFL Condemns Racism, Roger Goodell “We were wrong”
  136. What's your favorite Vietnam War movies?
  137. Get mad highwhey
  138. Gregg Popovich's powerful message on race
  139. We are in historic times but no music to go along with it
  140. monkey riding a dog
  141. Connor McGregor retires from fighting
  142. Don't forget Yuri Bezmenov's interview
  143. Arrest made in David Dorn murder
  144. Hysterical Literature
  145. Michael Jordan > LeBron in terms of donating?
  146. @ImStillBallin
  147. Anyone know how to short real estate in Minneapolis? LMAOOOOOO
  148. Does this famous video have blackface?
  149. Now would be a PERFECT time to put together a reparations package for Afric-Americans
  150. Is MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech the greatest moment in American history?
  151. Jordan donating $100 mil to
  152. 18 Murders in 24 Hours: Chicago's Deadliest Weekend in 60 Years
  153. Motorcycle Thread
  154. Hartley Sawyer is axed from 'The Flash' after 'unacceptable' tweets come to light
  155. Trump needs to lose to Biden just for the shits and giggles that would ensue...
  156. Barry Bonds 73 home runs in the 2001 MLB Season.
  157. PSA for idiots: your brain generates an exceptional portion of your reality and...
  158. Who are the smartest posters on InsideHoops?
  159. Can you survive living in an island for 30 days??
  160. Do you find this girl attractive ?
  161. So Tik Tok is basically the retarded version of YouTube?
  162. Do we have any Irish on here?
  163. Ronaldinho had the GOAT peak
  164. 2020: The thread
  165. Hulk Hogan have a beef with AEW
  166. What pasta sauce do you use?
  167. With all this stuff going on, to some it’s like it doesn’t exist
  168. Simon Cowell Roast compilation
  169. Don't buy Bitcoin, it's a scam
  170. The Many Saints of Newark/The Sopranos ending
  171. Dave Chappelle new special out
  172. You About To Lose Your Job
  173. Nice things you've done for your girl; nice things to do for your girl during covid
  174. Hollywood whettos: I take responsibility
  175. New Yorkers unite to put a STOP to covid-19
  176. Dreamshake is Ballouts aka Kobe24.
  177. Gravy Make it Splash like Pippen
  178. 2 Random thoughts
  179. Kikaru Nakamura vs 9 year old Hatian Prodigy Tanitoluwa Adewumi in Puzzle Rush
  180. Nike and Adidas have different shoe sizing.
  181. Deal breaker? (long read)
  182. How many orders have you placed on Amazon so far this year?
  183. Why didn't Shogon Ramel pursues professional wrestling?
  184. Anyone having phone problems right now?
  185. JStern vs Mr Fonzworth 1v1 Chess
  186. All Stats Matter
  187. Do you think this is accurate? Posted in 2017, btw...
  188. Chewing gets beat and robbed by white for harassing 2 black teens walking down street
  189. Apparently I punched RRR3 and got away with it
  190. Bringing back reps and PM's would be awesome
  191. Would Arthur (Joker) turned out different if he were constantly fed compassion?
  192. Does anyone else get annoyed when people say this is "The End Times"?
  193. Anyone here playing Call of Duty Mobile?
  194. John Cena is starting to look like Jim Varney. Maybe he needs to star in ernest reboo
  195. Ansel Elgorf accused of sexually assaulting a 17 years old girl in 2014
  196. Check out my new jersey!
  197. R.I.P to the last king of new york.
  198. Trump in prime form tonight...
  199. Would you trade the Browns (2) for the railroads (4)?
  200. Where would you rather go?
  201. I don’t agree that Caucasian’s are not people of color
  202. Is the Michael Jordan the GOAT.............sandwich at Ike’s?
  203. ISHfam, post your quarantine self haircuts
  204. Is Amanda Bynes still smashable?
  205. Why does the NBA lack diversity?
  206. Angela Davis talking about how racism is used by the elite to divide the workers
  207. Yang wants Big Data to pay users for their data
  208. Is completely unacceptable to wear Nike and Adidas apparel at same time?
  209. Director Joel Schumacher passed away
  210. Michael Keaton to return as Batman
  211. #metoo strikes Justin Bieber
  212. Hikaru Nakamura vs Magnus Carlsen, 83 coughs, 13 minutes, the start of the Corona Era
  213. ROFL. ESPN, lib media & NASCAR's Bubba Wallace said a noose was left in his garage
  214. Insidehoops is one of the better forums on the net...
  215. Best Jason Statham Impression Ever
  216. Patrick "XXL" Chewing
  217. Terminator: Rise of the Racist Machines
  218. Is the term "mulatto" offensive?
  219. Western society is beyond cucked. LUL!!!
  220. This "Micro Aggression" is just gonna get worse and worse
  221. reminder: we're all pals just having a good laugh
  222. For the first time, the majority of people under 16 in America are nonwhite
  223. Hannity lobs a softball to Trump, he proceeds to give the WOAT answer, LMAO
  224. Im already getting hassled everywhere about not wearing a sheep muzzle.
  225. Margot Robbie to star in all-female 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie
  226. The Term Master Bedroom is too Offensive in Houston
  227. COVID-19 is just the start.
  228. Wow. This aint cool. Tough ass kids tho.
  229. Florida. Why are you so weird?
  230. Streets of London 1967
  231. All the things I learned about Uber in 2020 that I didnt know last year
  232. Stevie Wonder SLAMS Trump on racism
  233. If we care about lives, why not prohibit alcohol and smoking and require weight limit
  234. MN had a WWF wrestler as governor / CA had Arnold / US has Trump
  235. Anyone interested in a pornstar draft?
  236. Apple one-ups themselves again with Iphone 12
  237. Best Western Performance in the post-Western Cinematic Universe
  238. Swine Flu 2.0
  239. There is a large amount of white people that believe all black people
  240. Can we please just split the country in two?
  241. If you don’t spend your money it’s like not having it
  242. Isnt putting bounty on troops just good ol "financing opposing forces"?
  243. Historically, it is proven...
  244. Do you believe in evolution?
  245. Lauren Chen
  246. Vince Mcmahon network increased to $177 Millions during the pandemic.
  247. La Llorona finally caught on tape
  248. Bible Shit
  249. The Boys - Season #2
  250. What are you watching?